Colindale Primary School

Job Description – Special Educational Needs Support Teacher

Line Manager: Assistant Head with responsibility for Inclusion

This job description outlines the specific responsibilities related to the above and is in addition to the generic Class Teacher job description as outlined in the School Teachers Pay and Conditions document.

Core Purpose

  • To support the learning of pupils with a range of special educational needs and increase their progress through a range of interventions
  • To carry out one to one or group reading interventions
  • To teach literacy and/or numeracy to the lower ability children in Year 5 and 6.


To provide an effective, stimulating and well organised learning environment and be an enthusiastic teacher, whose practice demonstrates their ability to help children achieve considerable success with their learning.

To partake fully in the life of the school and work with the whole staff to devise and implement agreed policies in line with the National Curriculum and national initiatives, including literacy and numeracy, and work towards their achievement. This will include:

  • To thoroughly plan, prepare and evaluate the needs of pupils with a wide range of ability;
  • To meet the varied needs of SEN pupils through the appropriate provision of intervention strategies, where necessary;
  • To be proficient and conscientious in all forms of assessment and record keeping
  • To record progress as required by the SENCO or other professionals and to write reports on the children’s progress
  • To evaluate the needs of pupils with a wide range of ability which may include administering standardised tests. The teacher will be involved in adding to and interpreting data processed on our computer data base;
  • To be aware of pupils’ progress, attainment and targets with an ability to communicate this with parents, staff and any relevant agency as required;
  • To prepare and submit teaching plans as required by the Head Teacher;
  • To organise and manage the learning environment to ensure effective learning within a calm, safe, aesthetic and purposeful space which engages children’s interest and extends their learning;
  • To ensure that children’s work is well presented in a stimulating and attractive way;
  • To ensure that all equipment is organised and accessible to the children;
  • To teach actively to promote the school’s positive approach to behaviour management and personal, social and health education;
  • To take account of the child’s culture, including their moral and spiritual needs and ensuring this is reflected within the learning environment and through the curriculum;
  • To demonstrate a positive commitment towards the close involvement of parents in their children’s learning and the life of the school, and to aid the transition from home to school;
  • To fully participate in professional discussions, debate and relevant in-service training;
  • To keep abreast with initiatives and developments within education;
  • To demonstrate a commitment towards promoting and safeguarding the welfare of children;

March 2015

Person Specification - Special Educational Needs Support Teacher

The successful candidate will:

  • have appropriate professional development experience;
  • have experience within Primary age range;
  • have an understanding and knowledge of good teaching and learning for children with SEN;
  • have a commitment to the education of the whole child and the involvement of children in the management of their own learning and behaviour;
  • be patient, persevering and positive
  • understand the need for confidentiality, discretion and respect towards children and parents
  • be a creative thinker able to support colleagues in delivering an inclusive and creative curriculum
  • provide evidence of the ability to institute sound procedures to ensure good behaviour and discipline with the co-operation of staff, parents and the local community;
  • ensure good provision for pupils’ academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural education;
  • have good management and organisational skills, including assessment, record keeping and curriculum planning;
  • plan for and contribute to multi professional planning meetings;
  • be able to make a contribution to school improvement.
  • evidence of a Reading Recovery,SpLD and SALT teaching qualification(desirable)

Personal Qualities

  • A strong commitment to the aims, objectives and ethos of the school;
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills;
  • A sense of humour and the ability to remain calm and optimistic whilst working under pressure;
  • A proven ability to work successfully as part of a team;
  • The ability to develop positive working relationships with parents, children, governors and the wider school community;
  • Flexibility with an ability to exercise independent judgement and work on your own initiative to meet agreed targets;
  • A commitment to equality of opportunity both in the delivery of the curriculum and the management of staff, with an understanding of the effective operation of equal opportunities policies;
  • A commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

March 2015