CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.2Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account
The Great Gatsby
Car Bio Activity
You are to focus on the same character you were assigned for the indirect characterization activity. Go back through the chapters of the novel and note what colors are associated with them the most and WHY. Once you have researched your character thoroughly, your task is to create a car that they would drive, symbolic of their actions, thoughts, etc….
Exterior Color and Overall Design- What does the character want others to see? Do they want to appear rich? Happy? This color should represent your characters outward appearance in some way (use your COLOR SYMBOLISM sheet as a reference).
- A quote should be listed to the outside of the car that illustrates your choice for the color of their car as well as the design.
Interior Color and Design- Who is the character truly at their core? (not what they want others to see). Are they envious? Unhappy? This color should represent that feeling or perhaps something they want to hide (again, use your COLOR SYMBOLISM sheet as a reference). Also, consider the interior material (leather?).
- A quote should be listed to the inside of the car that illustrates your choice for the color of their car as well as the design.
Wheels-Are they shiny and new or dull and dusty? What do the wheels look like and how do the wheels represent what the character stands for morally?
- A quote should be listed near the wheels of the car that illustrates your choices.
Windows/Windshield-Are they clean and shiny or dusty and hard to see into? This choice should represent the characters interactions with other characters- are they open and easy to read or closed off and hard to figure out? The windows/windshield should represent this choice in some way.
- A quote should be listed to the outside of the car that illustrates your choice for the windows and windshield.
Bumper-Is your character careless or careful? Is the bumper nice and shiny and new or scratched and dented? This choice should be reflective of their BEHAVIOR in the novel.
- A quote should be listed to the outside of the car that illustrates your choice for the color of their car as well as the design.