Treetops 12
Cool Clive and the Little Pest
Chapter 1
1. What is the name of the main character in the book?
2. Why is Clive’s little sister so upset?
3. What is the strange about the things Clive thinks about what his mum says to him?
4. What is the impossible thing his mum asked him to do?
Follow Up Task
*Think of a little pest you know or yourself as a little pest and write some of the ‘naughty things they/ or you get up to!!
Chapter 2 and 3
1. List some of the reasons Clive thinks Jade has been trouble; use bullet points.
2. What did Clive use as an excuse to get out of class?
3. What were some of the things Clive did to help his sister at school?
Follow Up Task
*Create a mindmap of the helpful things you have done to help others.
Chapter 4
1. What was under Jade’s hat?
2. Why had Jade brought the hamster home?
3. Why do you think Jade didn’t know it was wrong to bring the school hamster home?
4. Why do you feel sorry for Clive on page 23?
Follow Up Task
*Using ICT research your favourite pet and write some facts in your jotter.
Chapter 5
1. What noises frightened Clive when he went back to an empty school?
2. Who was making the first noises he heard?
3. Who did Clive hear talking in his school and what were they going to do?
Follow Up Task
*Draw a picture of Clive frightened in school when he hears the burglars. Use adjectives to describe how he must have felt and write them around your picture.
Chapter 6
1. What were some of the emotions (feelings) that Clive felt when he first discovered the burglars?
2. What idea did Clive have at first to get help?
3. Who did he find in school to help him?
4. Where did Clive and Mrs. Mopping find a telephone to call the police for help?
Follow Up Task
*Draw your favourite part of this book and write why it’s your favourite underneath.
Chapter 7
1. What onomatopoeic (noise) words does the writer use to describe the noises that the burglars were making?
2. List the special things that happened to Clive the next day at school? (use bullet points and make a list)
Follow Up Task
*With a partner try and write a rap of your own.