CALL NUMBER:41-44781-449

CLASS TIME:MWF 8:00 – 8:50MWF 9:05 – 9:55

TR 8:00 – 9:15TR 9:30 – 10:45


INSTRUCTOR:Phil Bergonio


OFFICE:BOYD 325A, (706) 542-3074

OFFICE HOURS:MW 10:00 – 11:30, TRF 11:00 – 12:30



TEXTBOOK: Swokowski/Cole, Precalculus; Functions and Graphs, UGA Custom Pub, 12th Edition, Cengage. ISBN 978-1-133-22867-7 or 1-133-22867-4 (you are welcome to use an 11th edition)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to prepare a student for calculus. It is the culmination of the study of function prior to calculus. The complete content list can be found on the web at See the appended list of suggested homework problems to see the sections of Swokowski/Cole we will cover.

REQUIREMENTS: There is a prerequisite of placement into Math 1113. PROMPT, COMPLETE ATTENDANCE is expected at all classes. Professional courtesy toward your instructor and your classmates is expected. Tests may be made up in the event of University of Georgia athletics (arrangements in advance only) or documented illness.

ABSENCES: As per department policies, you are allowed three unexcused absences. At the fourth unexcused absence, you may be dropped from the course with a WP or a WF (at my discretion).

GRADING POLICY: There will be five tests and one cumulative final. Web quizzes will be assigned periodically. The grading scale and the lettering system breaks down as follows:

Tests 12% x 5 = 60% A : (92, 100) C+: (77, 78)

Weekly In Class Labs 7%A-: (89, 91) C : (72, 76)

Web Quizzes 8%B+: (87, 88) C-: (69, 71)

Final Exam 25%*B : (82, 86) D : (60, 68)

Total 100%B-: (79, 81) F : (0, 59)

*If your final exam is higher than your lowest test (Test 1-5) score, then the lowest test score will be replaced with the final exam score. All students must take the final exam.

IN CLASS LABS: In class labs are days in which we will go to Boyd 220 to work on computer problems. Your attendance is required for these days. These are open book, open notes, and you will be working in groups. Failure to attend these days will result in a grade of zero, regardless of what grade your group gets.

WEBQUIZZES: There will be 11 online Web Quizzes. They will be assigned in pairs, and will be due the night before each of your exams.

TESTS: Five tests are scheduled and there will be 11 online quizzes. All tests are taken on computer in either Boyd GSRC Room 324 or Room 220. Please see the academic calendar below for the test dates. Make-up tests will be given only in the case of unavoidable absences (usually illness) with written documentation. It is the responsibility of the student to contact me as soon as possible and definitely before the next attended class meeting to make appropriate arrangements for making up any missed test. In order to make-up the final exam, documentation must be provided.

TECHNOLOGY: The TI-83/84 model calculators are strongly recommended. They will be allowed on some quizzes. At exams, a calculator will be available on the computer.

All of our assignments will be on You need to familiarize yourself with the software outside of class. Immediate registration is required in order to be able to stay current with the class material. Your class codes is as follows:

8:00 Class:uga 5288 9899

9:00 Class:uga 6240 5225

The other website listed on the front page is my personal website, hosted by the Math Department. This website will have pertinent course information, such as a copy of this syllabus as well as a class calendar which lists the worksheets we do on a daily basis.

WITHDRAWAL POLICY: As mandated by the University, the last day to withdraw is March 21. If you wish to withdraw from the class prior to this deadline, you need to contact me to clarify whether you will be receiving a WP or a WF. Any withdrawals past October 18 will be an automatic WF.

LEARNING DISABILITIES: Please speak to me privately if this pertains to you. Make sure you supply the necessary paperwork from the Disabilities Resource Center.

ACADEMIC HONESTY: All students are responsible for maintaining the highest standards of honesty and integrity in every phase of their academic careers. The penalties for academic dishonesty are severe and ignorance is not an acceptable defense. Students should pay particular attention to sections 5 and 7 of the academic honesty statement at


Jan 07First Day of Classes Test 1Jan 28, 29

Jan 07 - 10Add/Drop Test 2Feb 12, 13

Jan 11Extra day to add Test 3Mar 04, 05

Jan 21MLK Holiday Test 4Mar 28, 29

Mar 11 – 15Spring Break Test 5Apr 16, 17

Mar 21WP Deadline

Apr 29Last Day of Class

NOTE: This syllabus may be subject to change, as the instructor deems necessary.