Advanced English Contract Ms. Jacobs


Congratulations on your new adventure as gifted learners! These assignments will challenge you to learn on your own and to reflect on what you’ve learned.

In this assignment, you will be creating a learning center of your own making. Imagine we have one spare room at Marbury Middle and that each of you is given $1000 to spend to make this room extraordinary. Below are the websites from which you may shop. Try to spend your money at a variety of the stores listed below, rather than just one:

Smithsonian Store

Discovery Education Store

National Geographic Store

Science eStore

Science Store for the

The History Store

Barnes & Noble


The first part of this assignment will be to spend your $1000 and account – to the school – for how you spend this money; therefore, you will be creating a budget sheet. A budget sheet shows the money being taken in and how each dollar is spent. You are starting your budget book with $1000. You need to make sure that you don’t spend more than you have. You should, however, try to spend as much of the $1000 as possible. You will need to figure out the tax to add to your purchase. The tax, for the purpose of this lesson and for all your purchases, should be 8.5%, regardless of what the website states.

The second part of the assignment can be completed after you account for the $1000 dollars you spend. You will write a self-reflective essay, in which you will answer the follow questions:

1. How did you choose the items that you spent your $1000 on?

2. How easy was it for you to buy exactly what you wanted with $1000?

3. How expensive is it to create the classroom filled with cool learning tools?

4. Did the $1000 go quicker than you thought it would? Why or why not?

5. What did this research teach you about the value of money?

6. What did this research teach you about the value of an education?

7. Did you have difficulty computing the tax or creating the budget page? Why or why not?

8. What were the strengths of this assignment? What were the weaknesses?

9. If you could change one aspect of this assignment, what would it be and why?

10. What was the most valuable lesson you learned from this assignment?

You may type or hand-write the essay, but it does need to have a correct heading. Please submit the following – in this order – stapled together:

What needs to be turned in on Friday, September 24:

(on top) Signed contract

(middle) Completed budget page

(bottom) Self-reflective essay

Completion of this work will be evaluated based upon the accuracy and neatness of the budget page and the grammar and composition of the self-reflective essay. Grammar counts, so please get your parents to help you proofread your essay!

Failure to complete any part of the assignment will result in a grade less than an 75 C. Failure to complete the entire assignment will result in a grade of 0 F.

Late submissions will have one full letter grade deducted from the final grade.

I hereby understand the requirements and conditions of the G-assignment contract.


Student Signature Date