Pre-Algebra – CP Level: 6th – 8th

Prerequisite: None

Teacher: Brenda Schatz Contact:

- BS Mathematics Education, University of Central Florida (1992)

- Current Florida Professional Educator’s Teaching Certificate with dual certification:

5th -9th Middle Grades Mathematics

6th-12th Secondary Level Mathematics

- Taught Math, P.E., Home Ec in public and private schools for 7 years in HI and FL

- High School Guidance Counselor for 2 years in Florida

- Taught Math at North Brevard Homeschool Association Co-op, Titusville, Florida for 6 years

- Private Math tutor for 10 years

- Taught at Upstate Homeschool CoOp, Taylors, SC for 4 years

- Married to my best friend, Dwayne, and blessed with 5 children

- Actively involved in our church through Sunday School and the children’s department

Text: Prentice Hall Pre-Algebra ISBN 0130686085

Materials Needed:


*Graphing Paper, Notebook, and Ruler

*Student Text and Workbook, as mentioned above

Course Description: Solid preparation for algebra and geometry Integers and algebraic concepts. Throughout the course, algebraic concepts are connected to arithmetic skills to build on what students know. Geometry concepts are integrated when appropriate to foster connections. The calculator will provide an occasional enhancement of the Algebra

In Order for a Student to be Successful in This Class, they should come to classprepared to work: textbook and other supplies in hand, homework completed and checked, and ready to participate in class discussion when the bell rings. Homework will be assigned daily – expect your student to spend approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour each day. They will be given weekly quizzes andchapter tests to take at home, in order to evaluate their progress. A mid-term and final will be administered, in class, at the end of the first and second semesters. In addition, I will periodically check their math notebooks for organization and completeness.

Evaluation: The class participation portion of the grade will be reduced each time a student is tardy to class or does not have the required materials. Other factors affecting the class participation grade include, but are not limited to, not actively participating in group activities; disruptions to class; improper treatment of co-op, church, or others’ property; inappropriate language or comments. Weekly practice problems, from the book, will be posted on the website. These will not be graded, but any questions will be answered during the next class period.

Check for weekly schedule changes, tests or


Grading Scale: I will follow the South Carolina Uniform Grading Policy.

A = 93 - 100 B = 85 - 92 C = 77 - 84 D = 70 -76 F = 0 - 69

Grading Policy: Class Participation – Averages to 1 Test Grade (100 pts)

Notebook Check – 1 Test Grade (100 pts)

Quizzes – Average to 1 Test Grade (100 pts)

Tests- 100 pts.each (Will be given after each chapter)

Semester Final - 150 pts. (Worth 1 ½ test grades)

Testing Policy: Quizzes will go home to be given under parent supervision. The student may

reference previous homework, notes, and book to take the quiz. Students are NOT to consult

with any friends, parents, siblings, etc., when taking the quiz. All chapter tests will be

administered at the student’s home, under parent supervision. Tests are to be taken without

any reference materials – no notes, homework, book, or assistance from anyone. Each test will

be sent home in an envelope, which needs to be sealed and signed by a parent once it has been

completed. Only the semester finals will be administered by the instructor at coop, during the

last class meeting of each semester.

Late Policy: Quizzes must be turned in on the date due, at the beginning of class. If not, the

student will receive 1 letter grade off for each day it is late until it is turned in. Tests that are

not turned in on time will receive a 0%. Arrangements can be discussed if a parent contacts me

about sickness or family emergencies.