Mouvement pour les Droits et le Respect des Générations Futures

Forests And Pesticides Report

Summary Pesticides issues in forests management in France 1

Quantity of pesticides used 2

Alternatives implemented in France 3

Further information 3

Contacts 3

Links (in french) 4

Annexes 5

Pesticides issues in forests management in France

At different times through their long life, trees of our forests would undergo various attacks that weaken them, that may modify wood quality and its market value, and even lead these trees to a decline phase or directly to death. Several factors cause problems that weaken French forests. Usually, extraordinary climate phenomena, such as major droughts, extremely cold temperatures or storms, are distinguished from process involving biological agents.

Pests have a major influence on forests’ health, particularly during their overgrowth phases. These pests are mostly beetles , various species of defoliators of broad-leaved trees, and some piercing and sucking Insects. Among fungi, most problematic agents are the root pathogens : their detection is difficult and either their forestry control techniques are constraining or they do not exist.

Jean-Luc FLOT (Head of Forests’ Health Department - Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries) give us the following information on the different pests control issues where pesticide treatments may be involved:

- Fungicides : no treatment is currently applied (the single treatment used in the past ten years focused on Poplar, to fight against rust attacks on Beaupré and Boelare cultivars)

- Insecticides: applications concentrate on:

i ) some stinging caterpillars defoliating (armyworm of pine and oak) or some caterpillars causing problems to the public during their overgrowth phases (bombyx disparate). Until 2002, treatments resulting from forestry and public health matters, were spread on 20 000 hectares per year. These treatments were mostly made with Bacillus thurigiensis based specialties, and by aerial applications. Due to regulation progress on aerial applications and pollinators protection, there is no more treatment resulting from forestry matter. Treatments applied only result from public health concerns and are framed by operations ordered by the Prefect. These operations are limited to some forest areas, and mostly forest edges and para-forest areas (parks, sport and leisure areas, camp sites, swimming pools....)

ii ) the Hylobius, pest of forestry coniferous seedlings (during their 2 first seasons of végétation after planting). Treatment may be applied:

by soaking of seedlings before planting,

by localized spraying (regarding plants density, spraying is usually done with a spray lance, mostly a knapsack sprayer)

if appropriate registered specialties exist, by putting an insecticide (granules) in the hole where the seedling is planted.

iii) on site trunks treatment to control coniferous trees scolytes. Treatment is applied with a lance.

- Herbicides: treatments may be applied for regeneration of forest stands (about 1 or 2 treatments during the first years of the forest stands) when conditions (ferns, brambles or grasses invasion) compel to use these techniques to solve a tie-up situation. On this subject, a recently published book in French: Utilisation des herbicides en forêt et gestion durable - Editions Quae summarizes these techniques.

Marine DODET, Ing. Rec. Head of the MGVF research unit, indicates that there are three cases in which herbicides can be used. Enclosed to this document, is the list of products registered in France with details on uses, active substances, maximum authorized doses and their main effects (updated on September 1st 2009). Ms DODET points out that her team has no statistical data on the surfaces treated and the quantity spread.

More details on a ten-year old indicator of French forests health can be found on:

Quantity of pesticides used

In France, there is no accurate statistical data on the use of pesticides in forests (neither on surfaces treated nor on the quantity spread). According to Jean-Luc FLOT (MAAP), quantities used remain low. Damien MARAGE, lecturer at Ecologie forestière, AgroParisTech – ENGREF, specifies that, in 2000, 4 600 hectares would have been sprayed over, that is quite low in comparison to the 1 699 000 hectares of French forêt domaniale (forest that belongs to the State). M. MARAGE is concerned that, in the frame of the pan-european process of sustainable forest management (, no indicator has been set for the measurement of the quantity of pesticides used in the French and European forest ecosystems.

Alternatives implemented in France

Jean-Luc FLOT tells us that the MAAP support initiatives to set alternatives techniques to the use of pesticides, particularly:

- for the control of armyworm (chenilles processionnaires in French) and moth disparate : research and development works are in progress on mass trapping , pheromone confusion and biological auxiliary agents (INRA Avignon)

Jean-Claude MARTIN is member of the French team (Unité Expérimentale Forestière Méditerranéenne, Site Agroparc, Domaine Saint Paul, 84914 AVIGNON) that works on these pests control. This research unit works exclusively on armyworm of pine and moth, two major pests encountered in France. According to M. MARTIN, since 1992, chemical insecticides are not used anymore in forests. Tests have been stopped. Control of caterpillars defoliating in forests is implemented with alternative techniques, the use of BtK, the use of helicopter for microbiological treatments, the trapping of caterpillars , butterflies, the installation of breeding cages for tits...

Further information on:

processionnaires :

bombyx disparate :

Damien MARAGE adds that regarding insects’ control, biological control techniques are experienced for some populations of coleoptera scolytinae, such as Dendroctonus micans


- for the control of competing vegetation : alternative farming techniques to the use of herbicides are set up.

On this point, Marine DODET specifies that her young research team MGVF (Mission Gestion de la Végétation en Forêt) has for main objective the study and development of alternative techniques to the use of herbicides in forest (see annex). In particular, they study the interest of mechanical techniques using soft equipments and the Cover Crops techniques.

Further information

Marine DODET adds that the COST E47 program (COST Action - European Co-operation in Science and Technology), was completed in May 2009. Its output is a synthesis on current practices and future requirements in forest vegetation management in Europe. This synthesis is available in pdf format at:

Damien MARAGE participated in a GIP ECOFOR report that summarizes the use of fertilization and pesticides treatments. This report is available at:


Jean-Luc FLOT

Chef du département de la santé des forêts

Ministère de l'alimentation,de l'agriculture et de la pêche

Direction générale de l'alimentation

Sous-Direction de la qualité et de la protection des végétaux

251 rue de Vaugirard

75732 Paris cedex 15

Tel : +33 (0)1 49 55 51 95

Fax : +33 (0)1 49 55 59 49

Tel portable : +33 (0)6 70 72 68 92


Marine DODET, Ing. Rec.

Responsable Mission Gestion de la Végétation en Forêt

Laboratoire d'Etude des Ressources Forêt-Bois, UMR 1092

INRA - F 54280 Champenoux


tel: +33 (0)3 83 39 40 44 fax: +33 (0)3 83 39 40 34


Maitre de conférences

Ecologie forestière

AgroParisTech - ENGREF

14 rue Girardet, CS 14216, F-54042 Nancy Cedex

Département SIAFEE, Unité Forêt, Arbre, Milieux naturels (FAM)

Laboratoire d'Etude des Ressources Forêt-Bois (LERFoB)

Tel. (33) (0) 3 83 39 68 81 - Fax (33) (0) 3 83 39 68 78

Mailto :

Jean-Claude MARTIN

UE 0348 Unité Expérimentale Forestière Méditerranéenne

Site Agroparc

Domaine Saint Paul

84914 AVIGNON cedex 9

Tél : 33 (0)4 32 72 29 11

port : 33(0)6 73 38 45 30

Sec : 33(0)4 32 72 29 00


Links (in french)


MDRGF 32 rue de paradis, 75010 Paris


usage des herbicides autorisés en forêt en France

Septembre 2009 : Herbicides homologués pour les nouveaux usages en forêt

après transfert sur le nouveau catalogue défini au Comité d'homologation du 3 février 2006 + nouvelles homologations 2007, 2008 et 2009

Ce tableau renseigne sur les autorisations de mise sur le marché ; il ne doit pas être considéré comme un outil de prescription.

Les usages pépinières ou sapin de Noël sont exclus de ce tableau (catégorie d'usage différentes)

L'homologation est indiquée par la dose ou la concentration maximale autorisée.

MATIERE ACTIVE / pénétration / migration / inhibition / SPECIALITE COMMERCIALE / A C T A / 2 0 0 9 / DETENTEUR HOMOLOGATION / Numéro homologation / Teneur : solide en %, liquide en g/L / Formu-lation / Classements toxicologique et écotoxicologique / Phrases de risques / NOUVEAU CATALOGUE FORÊT / usage principal
Forêt Désherbage Débroussaillage Avant mise en cult. / Forêt Dégagement / Forêt Dévitalisation arbres sur pied et souches
004 01 013 / 004 01 001 / 004 01 014
2,4-D + Dichlorprop-p / PrF / MS / IRA / BUSHLESS-P / Oui / NUFARM SA / 20 30 332 / 240 g/L + 120 g/L / EC / Xn, AQUA / R22, R50, R53 / 1,5 L/hL / 1,5 L/hL / débroussaillant foliaire ; traitement dirigé en dégagement
C P DEBROUSSAILLANT / Non / NUFARM SA / 20 30 332 / 240 g/L + 120 g/L / EC / Xn, AQUA / R22, R50, R53 / 1,5 L/hL / 1,5 L/hL
DEBROUSSAILLANT 2DP / Oui / NUFARM SA / 20 30 332 / 240 g/L + 120 g/L / EC / Xn, AQUA / R22, R50, R53 / 1,5 L/hL / 1,5 L/hL
DHERBAX PRO / Oui / NUFARM SA / 240 g/L + 120 g/L / EC / Xn, AQUA / R22, R50, R53 / 1,5 L/hL / 1,5 L/hL
NOVERMONE DEB. 2DP / Non / NUFARM SA / 20 30 332 / 240 g/L + 120 g/L / EC / Xn, AQUA / R22, R50, R53 / 1,5 L/hL / 1,5 L/hL
OXYPLAN 360 / Oui / NUFARM SA / 20 30 332 / 240 g/L + 120 g/L / EC / Xn, AQUA / R22, R50, R53 / 1,5 L/hL / 1,5 L/hL
PHYTRAZINE-P / Non / NUFARM SA / 20 30 332 / 240 g/L + 120 g/L / EC / Xn, AQUA / R22, R50, R53 / 1,5 L/hL / 1,5 L/hL
Asulame / PRF / MS / IDC / FOUGEROX / Oui / BAYER ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE SAS / 89 00 229 / 400 g/L / SL / SC / SC / 10 L/ha / 10 L/ha / foliaire ; pour le contrôle des fougères
Clopyralid / PrF / MS / IRA / AGROLID / Non / CERA CHEM S.A.R.L. / 20 70 162 / 100 g/L / SL / SC / SC / 1,25 L/ha / 1,25 L/ha / foliaire ; pour le contrôle des chardons
LONTREL 100 / Oui / DOW AGROSCIENCES S.A.S / 79 00 753 / 100 g/L / SL / SC / SC / Retrait à la demande de la firme / 1,25 L/ha
Dichlobenil / PR / MC / IPC / 60 kg/ha ; délai distribution : 30/09/2009 ; délai d'utilisation : 18/03/2010 / racinaire, persistant ; pour le contrôle des dicotylédones
HERBINET / Non / EUROFYTO SA / 20 30 144 / 6,75% / GR / SC / SC
KEIRIN / Non / HEXA-GONES / 20 70 097 / 6,75% / GR / SC / SC
PORETTA / Non / EUROFYTO SA / 20 30 374 / 6,75% / GR / SC / SC
UNISOL / Oui / UNIROYAL CHEMICAL / 20 20 444 / 6,75% / GR / SC / SC
Fluazifop-p-butyl / PF / MS / ISL / FUSILADE FORET / Oui / SYNGENTA AGRO SAS / 20 70 190 / 125 g/L / EC / Xn / R63 / 2 L/ha / foliaire, sélectif de toutes les essences forestières ; pour le contrôle des graminées
FUSILADE X2 / Oui / SYNGENTA AGRO SAS / 84 00 491 / 250 g/L / EC / Xn / R63 / annuelles : 1,25 L/ha ; bi-annuelles et pérennes : 2,5 L/ha
graminées annuelles
: 9 L/ha, ZNT : 5m ;
JETAGRI / Non / PARISIENNE DE PRODUITS CHIMIQUES / 93 00 146 / 120 g/L / SL / Xi, N, AQUA / R36, R51, R53 / dicotylédones annuelles et bisanuelles et
adventices vivaces :
glyphosate / 18 L/ha, ZNT : 20m
(sel d'isopropylami ne) / PF / MS / ISAA / NOMIX HG 14 / Non / NOMIX ENVIRO LTD / 88 00 648 / 142 g/L / AL / Xi / R36 / 15 L/ha
ROUNDUP FLEX / Non / MONSANTO / 94 00 410 / 360 g/L / SL / SC / SC / annuelles : 3 L/ha ; bisannuelles : 6 L/ha ; pérennes : 12 / 33%
L/ha / foliaire, non sélectif, à large spectre d'efficacité ;
TCHAO PLUS EV / Oui / MONSANTO / 94 00 410 / 360 g/L / SL / SC / SC / Demande d'abandon par la société / Demande d'abandon par la société
EXPRIM / Non / SYNGENTA AGRO SAS / 20 00 202 / 360 g/L / SC / SC / R53 / annuelles : 3 L/ha ; bisannuelles et pérennes: 6 L/ha / annuelles : 3 L/ha ; bisannuelles et pérennes: 6 L/ha / traitement dirigé en dégagement