MG 042-18.2.1. ххх- 2016 / Red. № ____ from ______/ Page.7 from8
Document SMQ 3 level / MG / MG 042-18.2.1. ххх- 2016
Methodical guideline on IWS
on the discipline
“Innovation management” / Edition № from ______
to perform independent work of the student (SIW) on the discipline
“Innovation management”

Code – specialty name: 5B051000 “State and local management”



Market relations have radically changed the approach to education. In academic colleges plan includes a number of new disciplines that form the management of highly qualified professionals capable of working in a new socio-economic environment. An important role in such training takes innovation management.


Author: Temirgaliyeva A.S. senior teacher of the Management chair.

______«___» ______20___.

Methodical guidelines to perform independent work of the student (SIW) on the discipline "Innovation management" for students specialty 5B051000 "State and local management".


2.1 Chair meeting «Management».

Record from «______» ______20___, № ______.

Department chair "Management" ______Koichubayev A. S.

2.2 Faculty Educational and Methodological Board meeting of economy and right.

Record from «____» ______20___ , № _____.

Chairman of UMB FEP ______Gazizova N.S.


1. Introduction

2. The list of the independent work of the student

3. Guidelines for the implementation of the SIW

4. List of recommended literature

1. Introduction

Independent work of the student (SIW) - Work on a specific list of those designated for independent study provided instructional literature and recommendations, which is controlled in the form of tests, examinations, colloquiums, papers, essays and reports.

Independent work of the student is an important component of the educational process aimed at improving the quality, depth and strength of the resulting knowledge in the study of specific subjects of the curriculum, the formation of a student needs for self-education, self-development and self-improvement, including, and in the following professional activities.

Organization of independent work of the student involves establishing its relationship with different forms of organization of educational process, namely:

- Clear definition of the place of independent work of students in the study of specific topics of discipline;

- Orientation of lectures and workshops on the independent work of students;

- Choice of the form, type and method of organization of independent work of the student;

- Development of guidelines for the implementation of tasks of independent work of students;

- A combination of independent work of students with different forms of employment.

Students should be familiar with the rules of the organization of independent work and the relevant rules and requirements. During the self-study learner acts as an active participant in the learning process and acquire skills free of critical and creative thinking, the ability to argue and defend their position.

Types of independent work of students, their labor input in hours, the form and timing of control are regulated in the syllabus for each subject.

Examples of forms and types of SIW:

1) Abstract - a written description of the problem with a mandatory review of the literature or analytical description of the content of scientific works, books.

2) The essay - written statement of their own opinions on the issues in a variety of genres, criticism, journalism, etc.

3) Report - extended written or oral report, based on the totality of previously published research, research and development activities or developments in the relevant branch of scientific knowledge, of great importance to science theory and practical application, is a generalized description of the results of the survey, experimentation and development, a wide range of well-known specialists in the field of scientific knowledge.

The choice of form and type of independent work of students in each discipline is conducted in accordance with the specifics of the study discipline, its goals and objectives, degree of difficulty and relevance, level of training the student, labor-intensive discipline.

The elements of independent work of students of technology are: planning, organizing self-study, evaluation and monitoring performance, analysis and improvement of the SIW.

Teacher provides:

- The development of teaching materials on the organization of the SIW and recommendations from the literature;

- The development of requirements for the performance of tasks, deadlines and forms of control / reporting and evaluation criteria for each task SIW;

- Differentiation of independent work of students, as well as by type of job and degree of difficulty.

The main task of the teacher in the organization of independent work of students are:

- Promote the formation of students' skills of independent study, research and practice;

- Promote the development and deepening of the professional scientific and practical interests of students;

- Contribute to the formation of professionally significant qualities, knowledge and skills of the future expert;

- Create the conditions for the harmonious development of the creative personality of students.

Setting SIW should:

- Be made in person or be a student self-made part of the collective work;

- To provide a complete design (finished stage of development), which are disclosed and analyzed actual problems on a particular topic and its individual aspects (topical problems of the study discipline and the appropriate scope of practice);

- Demonstrate sufficient competence in the author presents issues;

- Have the educational, scientific and / or practical focus and relevance;

- Contain certain elements of novelty (if research work).

2. The list of the independent work of the student

Table 1 – Subject of SIW

Name of the subject / Carrying out form / Structure
Development of the theory of innovatics and its modern concepts / essay / The analysis of the main characteristics of the Kazakhstan economy and the reasons of its lagging from economy of foreign countries.
Formation and development of innovative activities of RK / essay / To conduct a comparative analysis of prospects for the development of innovations in Kazakhstan's economy.
Formation of innovative strategy and policy of the company / essay / Analysis of a well-known company and determination of the type of its innovation strategy. Justification conclusions.
Innovative policy of the state / essay / To carry out the comparative analysis of prospects of development of new technological way in economy of Kazakhstan.

3. Guidelines for the implementation of the SIW

According to the themes below SRO write essays.

SIW number 1. Development of the theory of innovatics and its modern concepts

Objective: The analysis of the main characteristics of the Kazakhstan economy and the reasons of its lagging from economy of foreign countries.

SIW number 2. Formation and development of innovative activities of RK

Objective: To conduct a comparative analysis of prospects for the development of innovations in Kazakhstan's economy.

SIW number 3. Formation of innovative strategy and policy of the company

Objective: Analysis of a well-known company and determination of the type of its innovation strategy.

SIW number 4. Innovative policy of the state

Objective: To carry out the comparative analysis of prospects of development of new technological way in economy of Kazakhstan.

The subject should not initiate a statement of the definitions of concepts, its purpose - to encourage reflection. The theme offers the teacher, the subject may be offered and the student, but must always be agreed with the teacher. The purpose of the essay is to develop the skills of independent creative thinking and a written statement of his own thoughts. Writing essays is extremely useful, as it allows the author learn how to clearly and correctly formulate the thought structure information, analyze, isolate causal relationships, to illustrate the concept of examples substantiate their findings. Style essay different imagery, and aphoristic conversational setting on intonation and vocabulary.

The essay should contain:

- Clear statement of the essence of the problem;

- Independently conducted analysis of the problem;

- Conclusions, summarizing the author's position on the problem posed.

Construction of an essay - is the answer to the question or the opening theme, Based on the classic proof system. Depending on the the specifics of the discipline form essays can significantly differentiate.

This could be the analysis of statistical data on the problem under study, analysis materials from the media, the analysis of the proposed objectives with deployed views, selection of in-depth analysis and examples illustrate the problem, etc.

The structure of the essay.

Title page.

Introduction - the essence and the rationale for the choice of the topic. It is important to formulate a question that you are going to find the answer. When working on the introduction can help answer the following questions: "Do I have to give a definition of terms, sounded the topic essay?", "Why is a topic that I open is important at this time?", "What are the concepts will be involved in my reasoning on theme? "," Can I divide the topic into several smaller sub-topics? ".

The main part - the theoretical foundations of selected issues and the presentation of the main issue. This part involves the development of reasoning and analysis, and justification for them, based on the available data, other arguments and positions on this issue. This is the main content of the essay and it is a major difficulty. Therefore, important are subtitles, on which structuring arguments made. Where necessary, for graphics can use a complete analysis, charts and tables. Depending on the question posed analysis is performed on the basis of following categories: cause-effect, general, special, form-content, part- whole, consistency-variability.

Conclusion - synthesis and reasoned conclusions on the subject. Summarizes and again introduces an explanation reinforces the meaning and value contained in the main part. Methods recommended for drawing up the report: repetition, illustration, quote, an impressive statement.

To the volume requirements and registration of volume of essays essay should be, as a rule, not less than 5 and not more than 10 pages.

4. List of recommended literature

4.1 Basic literature

4.1.1 Абдыгаппарова С. Б. Инновационный потенциал Казахстана: механизмы активизации.- Алматы, Экономика, 2010г. 158 с.

4.1.2 Абдыгаппарова С.Б. Инновационный менеджмент: Алматы, Экономика, 2013.-164 с.

4.1.3 Балабанов И.Т. Инновационный менеджмент. - СПб: Питер, 2011.-304 с.

4.1.4 Фатхутдинов Р.А. Инновационный менеджмент. – Спб., 2013г. – Питер, Издание 4-е.

4.1.5 Achilladelis, B. and N. Antonakis (2014) ‘The dynamics of technological innovation: the case of the pharmaceutical industry’, Research Policy, 30, 535-588

4.1.6 Adams, R., J. Bessant, R. Phelps (2012) Innovation management measurements: A review. International Journal of Management Reviews Volume 8 Issue 1 pp. 21–47

4.1.7 Rothwell, R., (1994) Towards the Fifth-generation Innovation Process, International Marketing Review, Vol. 11 No. 1, 2015, pp. 7-31

4.1.8 Tushman, M.L. And C. O’Reilly III (2015) Winning Through Innovation, Harvard Business School Press pp 57-77

4.2 Additional literature

4.2.1 Albury, D. (2015). Fostering Innovation in Public Services. Public Money & Management, 25 (1): 51-56.

4.2.2 Andrews, J.P., H.L. Sirkin, K. Haanaes, D.C. Micheal (2013) Senior Management Survey on Innovation, Boston Consultancy Group.

4.2.3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship. UK: Pan Business Management Alan Dahl, R., I. Shapiro, J. A. Cheibub, (2003)

4.2.4 The Democracy Sourcebook, MIT Press. Evitt, (2013) Modelling the innovation process: A multi-case comparison. Master Thesis Unitec New Zealand Francis, D. And J. Bessant

4.2.5 ‘Targeting innovation and implications for capability development’, Technovation, 25(3), 171-183.

4.2.6 The Economics of Industrial Innovation, 2nd edn. Frances Pinter, London revolution, Oxford University Press Hamel, G., and C. Prahalad. Competing for the Future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2014

4.2.7 Innovation management; a literature review of innovation process models and their implications - 15 - Kaplan, R., Norton, D. (2012)

4.2.8 The Balanced Scorecard - Measures that drive performance. Harvard Business Review, 70. Leonard-Barton, D. (2012) core capabilities and core rigidities: a paradox in managing new product development.

4.2.9 Srategic Management Journal, Summer Special Issue 13: 111-126 Moore M H (2015)

4.2.10 Creating public value Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press Rothwell, R., Freeman, C., Horsley, A., Jervis, V.T.P., Robertson, A.B. and Townsend, J., (2014), “SAPPHO Updated: Project SAPPHO Phase II”, Research Policy, Vol. 3 No. 3, pp. 258-91.

4.2.11 Tushman, M.L., P. Anderson (2014) Managing Strategic Innovation and Change, A collection of readings, Oxford University Press Utterback, J. Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2014