Minutes of the Adjourned Meeting of the Celbridge Area Committee on Monday 23rd July at 10.30am in St. Mary’s, Naas
Present were:Cllr. G. Conway Cathaoirleach, K. Walsh & Deputy E. Stagg
Also present:S. Stokes Co. Secretary, D. O’Connor SEE, K. Kelly AO, M. Holligan, A. Aspell, H. Dowling, D. McNulty & M. Foley
CE01/0701 – Planning Files
99/1830 – Janus Securities
Annette Aspell said she hoped that this file would be ready for the consideration by the full Council the following Monday. Deputy Stagg said the Manager had given an undertaking that it would be on the agenda, even if it then had to be deferred.
01/800 – Martin & Frances Harding
Annette Aspell said that a decision was due on 18/8/01. A number of objections had been received but there was no planning report available yet. Deputy Stagg said the proposed two-storey extension will be out of character and will affect the neighbour’s garden and light. His comments were noted on the planning file.
CE02/0701 – Parking Plan for Celbridge
Damien McNulty produced a draft-parking plan for Celbridge town centre. It provided for a mix of one and two hour parking areas, residential parking and bus bays. The members asked that only two hour parking be provided.
CE05/0701 – Roads for Celbridge Development Plan
Gerry Halton presented a drawing showing the proposed roads in the new Celbridge Development Plan. The internal roads had been agreed the previous week with consultants Ove Arup. Gerry Halton referred to the plans by South Dublin County Council to build a new town centre at Adamstown and he said that traffic from that area might choose to use the Hazelhatch Road and come into Celbridge village. He suggested that the members propose an intercept road at Hazelhatch, around past St. Wolstans and on to the interchange.
The members agreed that the Draft Celbridge Development Plan be amended to include a new road in the vicinity of Matthews to Donovans, to preserve the trees at St. Wolstans and to realign the town boundary in line with the new road.
The members also agreed to include the aspiration that a river crossing be examined near the weir at St. John of Gods/Abbey Farm and to consider widening the road on St. John of Gods side.
Cllr. Conway referred to the projected population figure of 16,500 which she said was too low and Kevin Kelly said that would be looked at when the County Plan is being amended on foot of the revised Celbridge Plan. He also agreed with Deputy Stagg’s proposal for the area of conservation at Kilwogan Bog, that it would be looked at in the revision of the County plan.
Kevin Kelly distributed a revised text to the members and asked that they revert to him by the following day if there were any further changes. The members asked that Adamstown be included in the text relating to the preservation of the green belt.
CE06/0701 – Update on Kilwogan Bog
Cllr. Conway asked for a copy of the correspondence from Stephen Deegan which had issued to Deputy Stagg. She proposed that Mr. Dempsey be instructed to stop filling Kilwogan Bog as he was in breach of his permit conditions. Deputy Stagg agreed and proposed that a court injunction be sought to prevent further damage to the site and Cllr. Walsh seconded the proposal.
Michael Holligan said he believed that the operation had ceased the previous Wednesday and would not recommence until the issues of the bond, surface water and compliance with the permit were resolved. He said Mr. Dempsey had a permit for one year to fill four acres. The acreage was filled but the permit was still valid until 4/10/01.
The members argued that Mr. Dempsey had recommenced filling the site since Wednesday, that he was dumping rubble rather than soil and that he had exceeded the one metre height limit. Michael Holligan said he was allowed dump rubble on the haul road and that the engineer had looked at the height and it didn’t exceed the one metre level. The members also referred to their aspiration in the Development Plan that the area be designated for conservation and Michael Holligan said that Duchas maintained it was not within the proposed Heritage Area.
Referring to the members call for an injunction, the County Secretary said that the Manager would make a decision based on an engineer’s report and Michael Holligan undertook to arrange another inspection of the site as soon as possible.
Any Other Business
Dirt from lorries in Celbridge
Cllr. Walsh referred to lorries going through Celbridge with spoil from the interchange and spilling the dirt on the street. Gerry Halton said that if the lorries were overfilled and overweight, it was a matter for the Gardaí. He would ask the Project Manager John Norbally to look at the matter. Cllr. Walsh also said that a tractor and trailer were reversing down the slip at Castletown Gates to draw water from the river for work on the interchange but it was a dangerous practice, particularly as there is a crèche at the end of the lane. The County Secretary said he would contact Sisks and have it stopped.
Straffan Village Improvements
Shane O’Neill attended the meeting to discuss the revised proposals for Straffan. He circulated a revised set of drawings. He said he would like to have the Part X documents ready in July and advertise the public consultation process in August. The plans would be on display in the Community Hall. He agreed to meet the local residents at a public information meeting on or around the 6th September. The members said they could show the plans to interested parties in advance.
Revised road layout at St. Wolstans
Des O’Connor produced a drawing for the revised road layout at St. Wolstans which would cater for the primary school as well. Dept. of Education consultants Atkins McCarthy had been retained by the Council to prepare the drawings. The proposal was for the continuation of the existing road into St. Wolstans, to the primary school with a roundabout at the end for turning, the removal of the wall outside the footpath and the installation of a cycle path. Cllr. Conway said the school board wanted the wall to be rebuilt inside the path to act as a sound barrier but des O’Connor said he believed they intended to plant a hedge inside the wall and railings, which the school had already built inside the path. This point has to be clarified. He said it was intended to start work as soon as possible.
Following discussions between the members and Damien Mc Nulty, Engineer Road Design Section, the members agreed that draft parking bye-laws be prepared for display and that they should include the following items
(a)Tea Lane to be residents parking only, a single yellow line to be installed
(b)the main road in Castletown Estate should be residents parking only
(c)the members agreed a maximum of two hours parking on the main street
(d)the members agreed that there should be a parking fee of 25 euros per hour.
(e)It was agreed that loading bays would operate from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. on Main Street and after that they would be available for public parking.
Following discussion it was agreed unanimously to provide a site for a six bay halting site on two acres on the Hazelhatch Road at the Commons.
The members indicated strenuously that they required a response in relation to the provision of funding of the balance of £293,000 required to complete the Celbridge Town Renewals Works. They requested that the Manager would attend their next meeting on 31st July to answer this question.
Notice of Motion – Councillor Walsh
“Could the council examine the problems with the shores outside Crystal World, opposite the Mucky Duck. When it rains there is excessive flooding on the laneway leading to the footbridge, prohibiting pedestrians, particularly old people. Could the problem be that the present shore is unable to deal with the situation and that perhaps a new shore could be put in place to alleviate the problem. There is still great concern at the smell of sewerage in that area and the area around AIB and Irish Permanent. In this case the shores are also a problem with flooding.”
Seamus Stokes, Acting Assistant County Manager, read a report to the meeting indicating that the issue of shores and associated flooding is being dealt with by the Road Construction Section as part of the Celbridge Town Improvement Works. It was confirmed that a new gully will be installed shortly outside Crystal World opposite the Mucky Duck in Celbridge to counter surface water run off from the bridge. Once this gully has been installed the gullies and the newly constructed footpath including an aqua channel crossing the side entrance road to the Bridge House will be adequate to cope with normal surface water run offs. The gullies are feeding into an outfall pipe directly into the Liffey. This outfall pipe was blocked at two locations but has now been cleared. Permanent black top re-instatement will also be carried out at these locations. It was further confirmed that with regard to the concerns expressed about the smell of sewage in the vicinity of the A.I.B. and Irish Permanent, Sanitary Services Section would pressure jet the sewers in this area service same and correct the cause of the problem. The members requested that this work would be done during August before the schools return in September.
Notice of Motion – Deputy Stagg
“That the Council report to the Committee on the action being taken to end the illegal parking of caravans at Barberstown Cross, Straffan and that the Council now take action to adjust the heaps of clay placed on the roadside to prevent further illegal parking so that the hard shoulders of the road are not blocked and the sightline at the exits at the crossing are improved.”
Seamus Stokes, Acting Assistant County Manager, confirmed that legal proceedings between Kildare County Council and the travellers illegally parked at Barberstown are ongoing. On 3rd September the Council will be given a date by the Circuit Court in Naas with a view to full hearing on the proceedings. It has been delayed due to the fact that the plaintiff’s solicitor has not as yet agreed with the Council’s solicitors the extent of discovery on the case. A full discovery case has been prepared and forwarded to the Council’s solicitors. The Council is unable at present to request a clean up of the area as there are still travellers parked at the location, however, when the area has been fully vacated and construction work commences on the Barberstown to Windgate project the heap of clay will be properly shaped and landscaped as part of the project to ensure proper sight distance for motorists.
Notice of Motion – Deputy Stagg
“That rumble strips be placed on the Canal Bank Road, Ardclough on either side of the Old Church and nearby residences.”
Seamus Stokes, Acting Assistant County Manager, read a report to the meeting confirming that the road section have no objection to the rumble strips provided that local residents are in agreement. The motion was agreed by the members.
The meeting then concluded.
Minutes of Adjourned Celbridge Area Meeting of 23rd July 2001.