Wilson Early College Academy

Counselor Connection

February 2017

What’s Happening?

WECA wishes you a blessed February. This month, there is a Teacher Workday on Friday, February 10. Students that took the Practice ACT will have the opportunity to review their scores on Saturday, February 18. These scores will help students become more prepared and better test takers for the ACT at the end of the month. All Juniors will take the FREE ACT on Tuesday, February 28. If you ever have any questions, please call the school at 246-1418.

For the Love of Community

WECA has partnered with the Wilson Police Department and Chick-fil-A of Wilson to stock the food pantry at the Police Department. All non-perishable items are welcome! The food drive will last until February 14. Help us LOVE our community!

ACT Administration for Juniors

All WECA juniors will have the opportunity to take a national ACT test on February 28. This test is FREE and given DURING the school day. It is paramount for all Juniors to be at school and on time this day. This test score may be used for any college applications during the Senior year.

Check out my Prezi with some Tips to help improve your ACT score!!

Google Classroom – Senior Seminar

All graduating Seniors should join the WECA Senior Seminar on Google Classroom. To join, you must use your Wilson County Schools Gmail account. Your email is Password is your full Powerschool Number Example:

Password: 123456

The Senior Seminar code is totyt8d

For each assignment you complete, you will earn points. The students with the most points, activity and involvement at the end of the school year will be eligible to apply for the Google classroom Senior Seminar Scholarship. All assignments will directly align with your college application process. You will receive reminders about the SAT/ACT deadlines, writing college essays, submitting college applications on time and participating in FAFSA Day, College Application Week and the College Fair just to name a few things. This is meant to be fun and interactive to make sure you have access to the most current college information available.

Hugh O’Brien Youth Leadership (HOBY)

HOBY State Leadersihp Semianrs are premier leadership programs seeking sophomores to: develop their leadership skills, become effective and ethical leaders and students who want to make a positive impact. Sophomores who are interested in partcipating in a 3-4 day leadership training should see Mrs. Skinner for more information. There is a fee of $195 for this leadership training. The fee is used to cover the cost of room and board as well as all meals.

College Applications…Regular Decision

Finishing a college application can be scary. You are putting yourself on a piece of paper for someone who doesn’t know you to judge whether or not you are a good candidate for their school. How do you make sure your application is your best? Complete it, but don’t RUSH! Use proper grammar, including beginning a sentence with a capital letter (this includes your name, street address etc…yes…I’ve seen it all!) Let someone read your application to check for mistakes. A second set of eyes really can help. Read your personal statement and essays out loud. Do they sound interesting or like a person you want to get to know better? Let your counselor, teacher or parent read your essays. Make sure no matter what…you MEET THE DEADLINES!!!! You can even submit early  You’ve got this!

Still Looking for Applications? Check out Common App!

Navigating the different websites for college application can be frustrating. Should you apply as a transfer? What if you don’t know the exact major you want to commit to for the rest of your life? It’s ok!!! Come see your counselor. We can work through these together.
SAT Information

* Given at Fike

SAT packets are available in Mrs. Skinner’s office. It is recommended that you have completed Algebra II/Math III before registering for the SAT. Students must meet certain requirements for fee waivers

Test Date / Registration Deadline
March 11 / February 10
May 6* / April 7
June 3 / May 9
Test Date / Registration Deadline
February 11 / January 13
April 8* / March 3
June 10 / May 5

* Given at WCC

**All Juniors will take the ACT in March at school.

Scholarships Free Money!

Golden Leaf Scholars Program

The UNC-General Administration has received a grant from the Golden Leaf Foundation to fund a scholarship program for students who will attend any of the 16 UNC campuses during the 2010-11 school year. Up to 580 scholarships valued at $3000 each will be awarded to current high school seniors. Candidates should demonstrate financial need. Visit: Applications are due by March 1.

State Employees Credit Union Scholarship

This is a $10,000 award, all Seniors are eligible. Preference is given to students whose parents are employed by the state. Students must also plan on attending one of the 16 state supported universities. Criteria for selection include: leadership, excellence of character, integrity, and an unweighted GPA of 2.5 or higher. The deadline for this application is April 7th. For applications and more information, see Mrs. Skinner

Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship

The Gamma Beta Omega Chapter offers educational awards each year to students from Wilson. The awards are granted to students based on need, GPA, class rank and SAT score. Applications are available with Mrs. Skinner Applications must be returned by Feb 17.

BartonCollege Scholarships

Did you know that Barton offers several scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $10,000 yearly for all students? If you are interesting in going to Barton, know that there is most likely a scholarship that matches your academic potential and SAT/ACT score. Barton also offers scholarships for athletes. Be sure to apply early to receive the largest financial package.

Pee Wee and Myrtle Owens Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who are interested in a career as a Teacher. The scholarship is worth up to $28,000 in the University of North Carolina system or at BartonCollege. Students are also eligible to do the college transfer program at Wilson Tech. Students must have a 3.0 un-weighted GPA. For applications and additional information, see Mrs. Skinner. Application deadline is March 29.

NC Bar Association

Scholarship Program for Children of NC Law Enforcement Officers

This program seeks to honor students who are children of LEO who were killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. Scholarships are awarded from $155-$4500. Applications may be found online at are due by April 3, 2017.

UNC-G Merit Awards Program

UNCG is proud to provide information for this year’s scholarship resources. UNCG is looking for current high school seniors with a minimum 1800 SAT or 27 ACT and a 3.5 GPA. The annual award amounts range for $2500 to FULL TUITION, fees, room and board and are renewable for 4 years.Awards require on campus interviews. There are over 20 scholarships available. For application information and deadlines, please visit the UNCG Financial Aid website at or call 336-334-5702.

Vantage Point Mental Health Scholarship

Vantage Point is offering a $1000 scholarship to a selected student who believes in the advancement of academic and mental health. The student will submit a 1,000 word (max) essay as to why they believe they should receive this scholarship. Applications are submitted online at :

Students and Parents

If you are interested in directly receiving the Counselor Connection, please send an e-mail to Mrs. Skinner: or stop by her office with your e-mail address. If you would like to be removed from the Counselor Connection list, please send Mrs. Skinner an e-mail with the word REMOVE in the subject heading. Also, make sure you stop by the counseling center door and read the bulletin boards as they are updated weekly with new scholarship and other important information.