CHP Document binder
The University of Michigan Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) establishes a written program in accordance with the requirements of the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act (MIOSHA) Part 431 Hazardous Work in Laboratories Standard R 325-70100. The Plan is available for all employees to view on the EHS website.
U-M Chemical Hygiene Plan is located at:
This CHP Document Binder (Blue Binder) is a required supplement and contains additional laboratory operation policies, procedures, and responsibilities beyond those in the CHP for the following:
Laboratory Director (LD):
Lab Chemical Hygiene Officer(CHO, when other than theLD):
List building and room information for the above mentioned LD/research facility:
Rooms: Rooms:
Rooms: Rooms:
Table of Contents
Section 1 / Program InformationSection 2 / Chemical Inventory
Section 3 / Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Section 4 / Training Records
Section 5 / Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Section 6 / Additional Documentation
The CHP Document Binder (Blue Binder) and contents will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary by the LD/Laboratory CHO. Document this annual review below.
Reviewer / Date / Reviewer / DateSection 1 – Program Information
The CHP contains standard laboratory emergency information and instructions. In addition to this, each laboratory must develop emergency plans for hazards requiring additional protective measures not included in the CHP. These additional safety procedures will be kept in this section.
Enter your department's safety program key personnel below. Also refer to Section 9.0 Emergency Responseof the CHP for additional information.
In Case of Emergency: 911 (With a campus phone.)
U-M Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)Phone
EHSDirector...... (734) 647-2253
U-M Radiation Safety Officer...... (734) 764-6200
U-M Biological Safety Officer...... (734) 647-3133
U-M Chemical Hygiene Officer...... (734) 936-2130
U-M Hazardous Materials Manager...... (734) 763-4568
Laboratory Contact Information
LD: Work Phone #: Home/Cell Phone #:
Lab CHO: Work Phone #:
(When other than LD)
Home/Cell Phone #:
Lab Manager: ______Work Phone #:
Home/Cell Phone #:
Section 2 – Chemical Inventory
This section contains information on the Chemical List/Inventory, as described in CHP Section 5.4 Chemical List.
TheChemical List/Inventory can be accomplished by using either of the following options. Please select the system your laboratory uses:
□1. Using EHS’s web-based inventory tracking systemMI Safety Portal (
□2. Use of the Department of Chemistry’s (Vertére) Inventory system or the Lurie Nanofabrication inventory.
All labs, except those taking part in the Chemistry Department’s chemical tracking system or the Lurie Nanofabrication program, will be required to transition to the U-M MI Safety Portal. Chemical Lists already in Excel, Access, or other systems can be uploaded into the system by contacting EHS.
The Chemical List must be updated immediately when new chemicals arrive into the laboratory.
Section 3- Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Most SDS can be quickly found using theChemwatchGoldFFX SDS ( system on the EHS website. Each lab is responsible for obtaining and maintaining copies of SDS received with incoming shipments of hazardous chemicals and making sure they are readily accessible to laboratory employees. Place received SDS in this section. EHS can assist in obtaining SDS that may be difficult to find.
Section 4 – Training Records
Employee training is documented in four parts in this section of the binder.
Part 1Each person working in a laboratory must take the online course (BLS025w) noted in chapter 7 of the CHP. Each employee will sign the acknowledgement below or insert a copy of the training certificate in this section.
Part 2Each person will review the U-M CHP and this CHP Document Binder. They will also receive training on lab-specific procedures identified in the Part 2 acknowledgement and sign the following acknowledgement form.
Part 3Any additional laboratory-specific training is recorded on the documentation sheets in this section.
Part 4Training on specific SOP is documented on each SOP located in Section 5 of this document.
Part 1: Acknowledgement of EHS Lab Safety Training
Name / U-M ID No. / Signature / Date of TrainingPart 1: Acknowledgement of EHS Lab Safety Training
Name / U-M ID No. / Signature / Date of TrainingPart 2:Lab-Specific Training Acknowledgement –Sign below to acknowledge having reviewed or received training on the following information. Any questions relating to this material will be directed to the LD or other designated lab authority.
- U-M Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)
- Specific areas for food consumption
- Laboratory specific CHP Document Binder (Blue Binder)
- Working after hours
- Lab-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
- Chemical procurement, distribution, and storage
- Chemical List/Inventory
- Compressed gas cylinders
- Location of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Protective Apparel and Equipment
- Emergencies: Spills, Injury, Procedures
- Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Inspections
- Waste Handling: Labeling, Packaging, Pick-ups
- Maintenance of scientific equipment
- Fume hoods, biological safety cabinets or other local exhaust
- Environmental monitoring: PEL's and TLV's for chemicals
- Exposure Control Plan (If working with human blood or other potentially infectious materials)
- Biosafety Manual (If working with recombinant DNA or infectious agents)
- Radiological safety practices (If working with radioactive materials)
- Medical surveillance (Respirator, Heat Stress, Noise, Animal Handler, etc.)
Name / U-M ID No. / Signature / Date of TrainingPart 2:Lab-Specific Training Acknowledgement – Sign below to acknowledge having reviewed or received training on the following information. Any questions relating to this material will be directed to the PI or other designated lab authority.
- U-M Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP)
- Specific areas for food consumption
- Laboratory specific CHP Document Binder
- Working after hours
- Lab-specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
- Chemical procurement, distribution, and storage
- Chemical List/Inventory
- Compressed gas cylinders
- Location of Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Protective Apparel and Equipment
- Emergencies: Spills, Injury, Procedures
- Housekeeping, Maintenance, and Inspections
- Waste Handling: Labeling, Packaging, Pick-ups
- Maintenance of scientific equipment
- Fume hoods, biological safety cabinets or other local exhaust
- Environmental monitoring: PEL's and TLV's for chemicals
- Exposure Control Plan (If working with human blood or other potentially infectious materials)
- Biosafety Manual (If working with recombinant DNA or infectious agents)
- Radiological safety practices (If working with radioactive materials)
- Medical surveillance (Respirator, Heat Stress, Noise, Animal Handler, etc.)
Name / U-M ID No. / Signature / Date of TrainingPart 3: Additional Lab Specific Training– Record any safety training beyond that covered in the previous parts and within the SOP section.
Training Type / Employee Name / U-M ID No. / Initials / Trainer / Datei.e. Glove box use / John Doe / 55551212 / JD / Dr. Smith / 1-1-2011
Part 3: Additional Lab Specific Training – Record any safety training beyond that covered in the previous parts and within the SOP section.
Training Type / Employee Name / U-M ID No. / Initials / Trainer / Datei.e. Glove box use / John Doe / 55551212 / JD / Dr. Smith / 1-1-2011
Section 5 – Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
Each laboratory working with hazardous chemicals should include applicableSOP in this section. The CHP provides information and guidelines on best practices in laboratory health and safety. In addition, EHS has developed SOP for many specific chemicals and classes of chemicals used in the laboratory. An SOP must be developed for hazardous chemicals or proceduresnot included in EHS’s list of SOP.
Laboratory employees working with a particularly hazardous chemical or hazardous procedure must receive the applicable SOP training from their LD/Laboratory Supervisor.
When developing SOP for working with hazardous chemicals in your laboratory, follow these steps:
- Download and print applicable SOPfrom the EHS website. These SOP may be modified if necessary to reflect laboratory-specific information. Employees will be trained on applicable SOP by their LD/Laboratory Supervisor. Once training is complete, employees will certify training with a signature in Training of Personnel section of SOP.
- Develop an SOP for any hazardous chemical or procedure not included in EHS’s list of SOP. Use the EHS SOP templateto develop the SOP. Once SOP training has been given by the LD/Laboratory Supervisor, employees will certify with signature in Training of Personnel section of SOP.
- Please note that there are particular hazardous chemicals (found in CHP Section 2.9 Particularly Hazardous Substances), restricted chemicals (found in CHP Section 4.2 RestrictedChemicalsRequiringPriorApproval), and chemicals with a hazard ranking of 4 in any ChemWatch GoldFFX rating for Flammability, Toxicity, Body Contact, Reactivity or Chronic. When developing an SOP for the above chemicals, use the EHS SOP Template LD Approval.
Section 6 –Additional Documentation
The following items must be saved in this section:
- Laboratory Self-Inspections: Laboratory self-inspection records. Refer to Section 8.2 Lab Self-Inspections for more information. The inspection checklist is included below. Make copies of the checklist to complete annually and save completed checklists in this binder section. The form is also available on the web at:
- EHS Correspondence: Copies of correspondence to the LD/Laboratory Supervisorfrom EHS, safety-related memos within laboratory groups, requests for safety information, and other correspondence that may be important to safety management.
- EHS Inspection Information: EHS laboratory inspections and personal exposure monitoring information.
- Incident/Near-Miss Information: A copy of any submittedEHSLaboratory Incident and Near-Miss Reports. Incident and near miss report forms are located at: Other departmental incident forms (COE, Chemistry) will be accepted by EHS as long as it has all the elements of the EHSLaboratory Incident and Near-Miss Report form. Please note, aWork Connections Injury or Illness Report Form () must also be completed for all workplace injuries and illnesses.
/ Laboratory Safety Self-Inspection Checklist
Inspector:______Inspection Date:______
Administrative Issues
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Personnel working in the lab know the location of Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the chemicals in the lab
All workplace injuries or illnesses are reported to Work Connections. All injuries, illnesses, and near misses are reported to EHS and applicable departmental safety committee
Lab personnel are conducting & documenting (at least annual) inspections of the lab facilities
Lab personnel wear all required PPE
Lab personnel observe and follow lab SOPs
Bloodborne Pathogen (Administrative)
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Hypodermic needles, syringes, & other sharp instruments are used only when a safer technique is not feasible
The implementation of safer needle devices is evaluated
Hepatitis B vaccine status was documented
Needle stick injuries are properly reported
Spills or accidents Involving a potentially infectious agent/material are properly reported
An emergency spill response protocol specific for the biohazard agents used or stored in the lab is prepared, posted, & included in the lab’s Biosafety Manual
PPE remains in the laboratory after use
Exposure Control Plan (ECP) is reviewed annually
Bloodborne Pathogen (Controls)
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Paper towels & liquid soap are available at sink
Hand-washing facilities are readily available
Waterless antiseptic hand cleanser is available in areas that don’t have immediate access to hand washing facilities
Chairs are covered with a non-porous material
Biosafety cabinets (BSC) have 12” ceiling clearance & 6” clearance on both sides
Procedures with potential for creating infectious aerosols are conducted in a BSC
Biosafety cabinet is used to load or unload centrifuge tubes
Bloodborne Pathogen (Controls) - cont.
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Safety containment cups or sealed rotors with O-rings are available to centrifuge potentially infectious materials
Vacuum lines are protected by a disinfectant trap
Hands are washed after glove removals
Used needles are not recapped, sheared, bent or broken before proper disposal
Specimens of blood or other potentially infectious materials are placed in a secondary container during transport or shipping; containers are properly labeled
Individual containers, supplies & equipment used in the biological safety cabinet are wiped down with disinfectant prior to removal from the cabinet
Work surfaces are cleaned & decontaminated after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials.
Equipment used to store, contain or process biohazard materials is properly labeled with the biohazard symbol
Rooms used to store, contain or process biohazard materials are properly labeled with the biohazard symbol
Tissue culture room is posted for use of biohazard materials
Waste containers are labeled with biohazard sticker
Biological Waste
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Broken glassware is not handled directly by hand
Biohazardous waste is autoclaved in clear autoclave bags with red or orange biohazard symbol & printed-on indicator
A user log or sterilization cycle record is maintained on the autoclave
Cultures and/or stocks are properly disinfected with bleach before disposal down the drain
Monthly autoclave quality control testing is conducted
Autoclave bags are loosely closed
Biological Safety Cabinet Safety
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) is in good condition
No excessive chemical or equipment storage within BSC
BSC has been certified within the last year
No open flame is used within BSC
Lab Postings
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Appropriate Class 3B or Class 4 laser signage
Emergency Response Flipchart is readily available
Evacuation routes are posted and known to lab occupants
MI Safety and Health Protection On the Job poster is visible
SDS Locator Poster is visible
Universal Precautions poster is visible
Work-related injury procedure is posted
Door Sign
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Contact information is legible & up to date
EHS door sign is present
Appropriate symbols are present on the lab’s door sign
PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Acid gloves are present/worn when appropriate
Approved respirator is present/worn when appropriate
Disposable gloves are present/worn when appropriate
Disposable gloves are not kept for repeated use
Face shield is present/worn when appropriate
Fire resistant lab coat is present/worn when appropriate
Hearing protection is present/worn when appropriate
Lab coats are laundered at U-M, not taken home
Apparel completely covers the chest, back & shoulders & does not present a fire or entanglement concern
Footwear completely covers the entire foot
Lab coats are present/worn when appropriate
Laser eyewear is present/worn when appropriate
Legs are not exposed when working in the lab
Chemical protective apron is worn when appropriate
Safety glasses or goggles are present and worn
Safety shoes are present/worn when appropriate
Solvent or Thermal gloves are present/worn
Hair, jewelry, clothing is restrained while working with chemicals & equipment
PPE is not worn outside the lab
Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Status
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
CHP Documentation Binder is complete
Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are available
CHP Document Binder is reviewed annually and updated
Chemical List/Inventory
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
A list or inventory of the lab’s hazardous chemicals is readily available
Chemical list/inventory is reviewed at least annually
Chemical Safety
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Apparatus is secured to prevent spills, injuries or accidents
Cracked glassware is not used
Flammable chemicals are not near sources of ignition
Damaged hoses or tubing is not used
Tubes & hoses that could cause the loss of critical utilities or chemicals, and result in accidents, injuries, flooding, etc., are properly secured
Chemical Storage Cabinets
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
The integrity of the corrosive storage cabinet and shelves is not compromised
Flammable liquid storage cabinet (FLSC) is not damaged
Flammable liquids are stored in an approved FLSC
The FLSC bung caps are in place
The FLSC flame arrestor is in place at both vent openings
Chemical Storage
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Chemicals are stored in a secure location such as a cupboard, cabinet, or flammable materials storage cabinet; Containers are not stored on the floor
Hazardous Chemicals are properly stored when not in use
Large containers are not stored above shoulder level
Incompatible chemicals are not stored together
Corrosive chemicals are stored on a chemically resistant containment tray
Peroxide forming chemicals are dated upon receipt & upon opening per the Peroxide Forming Chemicals SOP
Chemical Storage – cont.
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
Chemicals are not stored in corridors
Pyrophoric chemicals are properly isolated from exposure to atmosphere per the Pyrophoric Materials SOP
No flammable liquids are allowed to be stored in refrigerators, cold rooms or freezers unless they are specifically designed, & placarded, for this purpose
Secondary containment is used for large containers (greater than or equal to 10 gallons) to contain spills
Chemical storage areas are visually identified
Hazardous chemicals & chemical waste are not stored beneath sinks
Chemical containers are compatible with the product
Chemical containers are suitable for the present use, i.e., chemicals not stored in beverage containers
Water reactive chemicals are properly isolated from exposure to water or any form of moisture
Inspected / Acceptable / Deficient / N/A / Comments
An unobstructed area of 36” (or 42” for 150-600V) is maintained in front of electrical panels
All electrical service cords are periodically checked for integrity. If cord insulation is frayed, cracked or missing, the corresponding piece of equipment is removed from service until the cord is properly repaired or replaced