Subject / Summer Work 2018
Business / Read/watch or listen to a relevant news article. You will consider how it links with the course and use the grid sheet emailed or given in class to summarise your findings.
History / Complete the time line activities (which have been handed out in lessons) for the Health through Time and America topics. These should be brought to your first History lesson in September.
Chemistry /
  • During September you will be having a Paper 1 test that will cover the following topics: Atomic structure and periodic table, Bonding, structure & the properties of matter, Quantitative chemistry, Chemical changes (metals only) and Electrolysis, Energy changes.
  • Over the summer, you will need to revise these topics, and bring evidence of your revision to your first Chemistry lesson in September. Please revisit your end of yr10 exam to identify areas that you need to focus on & use your revision guide and access the resources available on the Chemistry Sharepoint website (Au symbol) at
  • We now have the zigzag learning grids for Chemistry & we recommend that you complete them for these topics to help you to revise. Have a lovely summer 

English / Work has been emailed by the English department to prepare you for the mock in September.
Geography / Complete the Paper 3 – Geographical Explorations – which has been handed out in lessons. This should be brought to your first Geography lesson in September.
Maths / See email from Mr Sayers sent 11th July. This work should be completed in the last couple of weeks of the holidays. You should complete either the 2 higher papers or the 2 foundation papers depending on your current tier. Please bring them for the first lesson back which is on the Thursday!
RS P&E / Please complete the ‘Relationships’ digital workbook in full detail; you will have an end of unit test on its content when we return in September. The workbook will have been emailed to you by your teacher.
Sport Studies / Please see email from Mr Bawden/Mr Somerton
German / Please complete grammar consolidation booklets up to point specified by your teacher. Complete answers for next set of speaking questions on home and local area.
Here are a range of tasks which must be completed and submitted by the dates below. They will all act as preparation for the mock examination.
You have all been given extensive feedback and targets for your learner set brief compositions. Please read the feedback very carefully, address the areas to improve and work very hard to develop and complete the compositions for the next submission date. Be extremely ambitious, you all have the potential to produce excellent compositions.
Your task is to select and prepare a solo performance piece on your instrument, practise it very thoroughly and polish it for an assessment during the second week of term. Choose a piece that challenges you and shows a range of skills. Be ambitious.
Revise both Areas of Study 1 and 2 in detail. (Concerto through time and Rhythms of the world). You need to be able to recognise the different styles, instruments, key features and particularly how to recognise the Baroque, Classical and Romantic periods; the Indian, African, Greek, Palestinian, Israeli, Calypso and Samba-use the study/revision guide, videos and the Spotify playlists. The term will begin with exam style listening questions.
Make your own revision charts for each area of study and submit them by September 8th.
FOCUS ON SOUND-this is an incredible resource-revise and complete tests on “OCR GCSE from 2018” questions but also modulation, harmony, rhythm, instruments and any aspects of musical theory that you are unsure of. Complete at least 10 tests.
Remember, the more work you can do over the summer, will benefit you greatly for Year 11.
Biology / Complete A3 revision sheet on Maths and Practical Skills which has been handed out by your teacher. There has also been an electronic copy emailed to you if you have lost this. You will find support on this in the back of your textbook. You will also have a Paper 1 test when we return in September. Please consider the topics that you struggled with in the end of year mock and revise these.
Physics / In September, you will sit a one hour test which will cover all of the Paper 1 topics (energy, circuit electricity, household electricity, radioactivity and heating). This test will be the same for Combined and Triple award, so it will not cover the additional triple award topics covered so far (static electricity, pressure, nuclear physics). Over the summer, you need to revise these topics, and bring evidence of your revision to your first Physics lesson in September. There are lots of resources available on the Physics Sharepoint website at . We recommend that you complete the ZigZag revision resources for these topics to help you to revise. Remember that you must learn the equations!
Computing / Read through the text book recently handed out ready for September. You should ensure you are practicing your coding skills ready for your controlled assessment that you will start as soon as you return. Read and make notes on section 2 in the specification, you did section 1 over Easter.
Drama / Re-read DNA by Dennis Kelly, online version can be found here - file:///K:/Departments/Drama/GCSE%20Drama/Component%203/DNA%20scanned%20text.pdf
Read over your previous answers from past exam papers and familiarise yourself with how the questions are worded and have a go at answering some of the questions.
BBC Bitesize revision – Practitioners, devising, drama elements, theatre design etc. to prepare yourselves for devising in September.
Art / Art Summer check list
Set Wednesday 4th July
Artist 1
1.Double page of research:
-Analysis of works.
-Your opinion of their work and how it links to what you are doing.
2.Double page response to the artist’s work e.g. your own drawings/paintings in their style.
Artist 2
1.Double page of research:
-Analysis of works.
-Your opinion of their work and how it links to what you are doing.
2.Double page response to the artist’s work e.g. your own drawings/paintings in their style.
Try to take lots of photographs that relate to your project. This may involve going out and taking photos of landscapes and scenery or setting up your own photos using people and props etc. Bring them in as a digital format and we will print after the holidays.
The above is due in on Thursday the 6th of September (our first lesson back after the holidays). Have a fab Summer, and email me if you have any questions.
DT / Complete 3 pages of design ideas for your contextual challenge