Lance Jay Roberts
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife
20 NR, Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Curriculum vitae
Michigan State University, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Department of Forestry, Ecology-Evolutionary Biology-and Behavior Program, August 2002-present
Expected graduation date: August 2007
Doctoral research using satellite imagery to monitor forest resources and bird habitat
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Environmental Science, August 1999-August 2001
Master of Science awarded August 2001. Thesis: Habitat and Landscape Associations of Bird Populations in the Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin, USA
Marquette University, August 1993-May 1997
Bachelor of Science in Biology and Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology awarded in May 1997
Zollner, P. A., L. J. Roberts, E. J. Gustafson, H. S. He and V. Radeloff. 2006 (Submitted). Influence of Forest Planning Alternatives on Landscape Pattern and Ecosystem Processes in Northern Wisconsin, USA. Forest Science.
Gustafson, E. J., L. J. Roberts and L. A. Leefers. 2005 (In press). Linking linear programming and spatial simulation models to predict landscape effects of forest management alternatives. Journal of Environmental Management.
Leefers, L. A., L. J. Roberts and E. J. Gustafson. 2005. Spatial Sensitivity Analysis: An Application of HARVEST to a Spectrum Alternative. In: Bevers, Michael; Barrett, Tara M., tech. comps. 2005. System analysis in forest resources: proceedings of the 2003 symposium. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-656. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 366 p.
Howe, R. W. and L. J. Roberts. 2005. Sixteen years of habitat-based bird monitoring in the Nicolet National Forest. In: C. John Ralph and Terrell D. Rich, editors. 2005. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002. Gen. Tech Rep. PSW-GTR-191. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Conference presentations
Refining Landscape Wildlife-Habitat Models With Fine-scale Forest Inventory Data. March 30, 2006. International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference, San Diego, CA. (paper)
Assessment of Wildlife Habitat Models in the Michigan Gap Analysis Project. December 12, 2005. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI. (paper)
Forest Inventories From Satellite Imagery With the k-Nearest Neighbor Estimator. March 14, 2005. International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference, Syracuse, New York. (paper)
Comparing different methods of spatial analysis on Florida rosemary (Ceratiola ericoides) populations. March 31, 2004. International Association for Landscape Ecology Conference, Las Vegas, NV. (poster)
Landscape Analysis of Forest Bird Populations in Northern Wisconsin. March 23, 2002. Third International Partners in Flight Conference, Asilomar, CA. (poster)
Landscape Analysis of Forest Bird Populations in Northern Wisconsin. August 9, 2001. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. (poster)
Habitat and Landscape Associations of Forest Birds in the Nicolet National Forest, Wisconsin, USA: Landscape analysis vs. site habitat analysis: Which variables are better predictors? June 10, 2001. International Association of Great Lakes Research Conference, Green Bay, WI. (paper)
NASA/MSU Professional Enhancement Award (2004), Dean’s Honor list, MSU Plant Science Graduate Fellowship (2002), The National Dean’s List (2001), UWGB Best Thesis Award nomination (2001), University of Iowa Graduate Research Fellowship (1997-1998), Marquette University Honor Scholarship (1993), Hortense Flanigan Scholarship (1993)
International Association for Landscape Ecology, Ecological Society of America, Audubon Society, Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, Wilson Ornithological Society, League of Conservation Voters, The Nature Conservancy, International Association for Great Lakes Research, International Partners in Flight, Midwest Bird Conservation Initiative