Update Report for Planning Committee (24.05.2017)
Committee Planning Manager: Dale Barker
16/04075/FULElizabeth House, Church Street, Stratford-Upon-AvonNo updates
17/00234/FUL131 Luddington Road, Stratford-upon-Avon
Luddington Village Design Statement is not an adopted document and therefore carries very limited weight.
17/00043/FULHeathfield Farm Stables, Cut Throat Lane, Hockley Heath
Cllr Atkinson is unavailable to attend the meeting but has provided the below additional representation:
‘The reduction in built volume is a very positive benefit to the Green Belt as well as the Arden Special Landscape Area but, perhaps more importantly, the application will remove what is an 'eyesore' from what will become an attractive setting. A personal site visit by a committee member will, I believe, confirm my opinion.
Other issues documented by the officer cover the overall benefits of the application which I think counter the objections raised to the extent I cannot see any valid reason to refuse the proposals, an attitude I recommend is supported by committee members.’ (15.05.17)
Additional conditions:
16. Tree protection measures
17. Provision for swallows within garages
17/00678/FULHaydon House, 3 - 7 Alcester Road, Studley
Description of Site and Surroundings
Should read to the south west there is a supermarket not east.
Representation Updates
Ward Member – Object (received via email 22.05.17)
- Too many takeaways
- Negative effect on the local economy
- Does not add to the day time economy
- Unbalanced village centre – lack of diversity
- Loss of businesses
- Lack of office type accommodation in village
- Policy CS.22, CS.23 and AS.8 supports refusal
One letter of support
- No interest from office or A2 user
- Part of building empty for nearly two years
- Flue unobtrusive will not overhang land outside of ownership
- 5 parking spaces for the applicant
- Will ensure right of way to Haydon Close is not prejudiced
- Bin storage location selected close to premises
- Predominantly commercial environment adjacent to the High Street
- Benefit to commercial community of Studley
- Pollution
- No benefit of ATM
15/03764/REMLand West Of Shottery, South Of Alcester Road & North Of Evesham Road, Shottery, Stratford-On-Avon
Reason for referral to Committee:
Objection from Ward Members (Councillors Moorse and Giles) and Stratford upon Avon Town Council
Formal consultation response received from WCC Highways:
No objection:
- The amended plans fully address the issues previously raised with regards to highway safety (22.05.2017)
Additional representations from Stratford upon Avon Town Council. Object for the same reasons as previously stated (11.05.2017 and 16.05.2017)
All landscape detail plans referred to on page 68 of the Agenda, are revision D, not C.
Addition to Summary of Relevant History
Reference Number / Proposal / Decision and Date
(duplicate application to 15/03764/REM) / Application for approval of reserved matters relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale (pursuant to outline planning permission 15/03785/VARY) for Phase 1 development of 200 dwellings (124 open market and 76 affordable) with associated open space, structural landscaping and highway infrastructure to include additional access onto Alcester Road and West Green Drive / Pending consideration
16/03801/FULOrchard Nurseries, Duck Lane, Welford-On-Avon
Weston-on-Avon Parish Council raise no objection to the proposal.
Two previous objectors have now communicated in support of the proposal.
17/00192/FUL Snitterfield Fruit Farm, Kings Lane, Snitterfield
Correction to Highways Matters – the speed limit on King’s Lane is 60mph.
The Examiner’s report to the Snitterfield Neighbourhood Development Plan is awaited following Examination. In the process, it therefore resides between Examination and Referendum. The NDP could be afforded ‘moderate’ weight at this stage, although the level of modification suggested by the Examiner is not known.
The Policies I consider particularly relevant to this application are:
ECON1 – Promoting New Employment Opportunities
BE10 – Conversion and Reuse of Buildings
IN4 – Learning and Education
ALW2 – Encouraging Safe Walking and Cycling
Having considered the NDP, I conclude that the officer recommendation remains unchanged.
Councillor Dave Riches (Portfolio Holder, Enterprise and Revenues), has written in support of the proposal:
‘From a commercial perspective I must support this application and ask that the committee approve it, despite its location in the Green Belt.
‘Innovative, local business is to be supported passionately, especially with so much support from the public, ward member and parish council.’
A petition has been submitted in support of the proposalwith 12 signatories.
The Applicant has submitted additional plans to address:
- Revised parking arrangements and alignment of new access road;
- Detailed landscaping proposals for the application site; and
- Provision of covered log store to provide for nesting birds as sought by the County Ecologist.
- Structural Conditions Report prepared by Latter Ramsay Consultants
- Letter of support for the proposals from the CEO of Shakespeare’s England
- Letter of support for the proposals from the Head of Snitterfield Primary School
- Letters from prospective tenants:
- Barrel & Bone;
- Barry the Butcher;
- Knead It (sent direct to Council);
- Piccola Mondo Coffee;
- Price Spices; and
- Stratford Distillery
- Aerial photographs (Google Earth 2006, 2008 & 2010)
- Employment Statement by applicants
‘The relevant policies of the adopted Core Strategy should be read as a whole. These policies support the application proposals, as do the policies in the NPPF.
‘The proposals would deliver substantial economic, social and environmental benefits, and are sustainable development.
‘Briefly, the economic benefits of the scheme include:
- Economic growth and investment
- Increased employment opportunities including jobs for local residents in the rural area
- Support for small businesses
- Protection and viable re-use of an existing employment site
- Contribution to the tourism and leisure sectors in the rural area
- Provision of accessible local services
- Additional high quality tourism and leisure facilities
- Provision of high quality environment and improved amenity for neighbouring residents
- Improvement of and enhanced accessible to Monarch’s Way
- Contribution to education and social well-being
- Re-use of previously developed land
- Improvement to the visual appearance of the site and existing buildings including the use of appropriate materials
- Comprehensive landscaping of the site, including removal of overhead electricity lines, which will maintain and enhance the environmental quality of the countryside
- Enhanced setting of the site and nearby heritage assets
- Improved provision for ecology and enhanced biodiversity
‘The re-use of the buildings for commercial and retail uses is appropriate development in the Green Belt under the provisions of Policy CS.10 and the NPPF. The scheme is further supported by Policy AS.10
‘The buildings are of substantial and permanent construction and have been on site for in excess of 10 years.
‘The buildings have been used for a mix of commercial and industrial purposes for in excess of 10 years. The site constitutes previously developed land.
‘The development, particularly as now amended would not harm the openness of the Green Belt and would not prejudice the purposes of including land in it.
‘The scale of the development is appropriate to the nature and character of the location.
‘The proposals are supported by the economic policy of the Core Strategy (Policy CS.22) as well as by the Council’s Corporate Strategy, its Business and Enterprise Strategy, and the CWLEP’s Strategic Economic Plan.
‘The proposed development accords with the retail and tourism policies of the Core Strategy (Policy CS.23 and 24). The site is in an accessible location and the scheme is in accordance with the CWLEP’s Destination Management Plan. It is fully supported by Shakespeare’s England.
‘As the scheme is appropriate development in the Green Belt and complies with other relevant policies in the Core Strategy and NPPF there is no requirement for the applicants to demonstrate ‘very special circumstances’ to justify the grant of permission. Nevertheless, the material considerations in this case individually and cumulatively amount to very special circumstances sufficient to outweigh harm by reason of inappropriateness and any other harm which might be caused by the development.’
Officer note
It is not clear to me that the buildings have acquired, through passage of time, lawful commercial and industrial uses to enable reliance on a fall-back position of permitted development rights to achieve much the same as is being proposed. However, in the event that the application is refused, the Applicant has the opportunity to explore this further through an application for a Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing or Proposed Development.
17/00296/FUL The Barn Studios, Preston Fields Lane, Clifford Chambers
Corrections to Committee Report. (P116) description of proposals, the proposed balcony would be on the western elevation and not the southern.
Additional ‘other documents’ (P116):
-Clifford Chambers and Milcote Housing Needs Survey (2009).
16/03494/FUL195 High Street, Henley-In-Arden
Relevant Core Strategy Policies (P128) should also include:
CS.4 (Water Environment and Flood Risk)
CS.6 (Natural Environment)
Additional ‘other documents’ (P129):
-Extending Your Home Planning Advice Note (2008)
-Car and Cycle Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (April 2007)
The Environment Agency consultation response requests a condition that the proposed development is undertaken in accordance with the submitted FRA (P130). This is also recommended in the flooding section of the report (P135). As the proposed coach house which was within Flood Zones 2/3 no longer forms part of the proposal and the main dwelling is within Flood Zone 1, this condition is not considered to be required.