CONTACT: Jan Husták, +420604346032
Bitcoinpaymentsanoption on Flatio. Youcanpayyour rent withthiscryptocurrency in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, and most importantly, Germany
Brno, September 20, 2017 – Flatio, a Brno-based start-up companyfocusing on arrangingaccommodationfor 1 to 6 months, has recentlyalloweditsclients to pay via thecryptocurrencycalledbitcoin. Itisexpectedthatthisservicewillbeusedmainly by digitalnomads, as well as someforeignmanagerslookingfor medium-term accommodation. The start-up companyfrom Brno has thusbecomeoneofthefewEuropeanrealestatecompaniesacceptingthisparticularkindofcurrency.
“Whenwebeganprovidingaccommodationservices in Berlin in September, itbecameapparentthatthereis a certaindemandforpayments to be made in bitcoin. Webelievethatbitcoinwillbecomesuccessfulalso in other major Europeancities, intowhichwewant to expand in thefuture,“ Radim Rezek, thefounder and CEO ofFlatio, says.
On Flatio, itispossible to payentirerentswithbitcoin, withtheexceptionofthe €19 reservationfee. Implementingbitcoinis a part ofthe long-term strategyofFlatio, whichaims to introducenewtechnologiesintotherealestate market. At thebeginningoftheyear, Flatiointroducedtheoptionofvirtual reality apartment tours, forwhichonly a pair ofcardboardglasses and a smartphone are required. “Ourgoalis to introducenew, practicaltypesof technology. Wedid not considerbitcoin as anoption in the past. However, Berlinchangedeverything. Weintend to bring in thelatesttechnologicaladvances and make rentingan apartment throughthe internet much easier. Whatwewouldlike to do nextis to incorporateartificialintelligenceoraugmented reality in therentingprocess,“ Rezek adds.
To processthepayments by bitcoin, Flatiouses a paymentgatewayprovided by GoPay. Thisensures a smoothtransaction. Theclientswillbechargedwithbitcoinsbased on thecurrentexchangerate. However, thelandlordswillbepaid in localcurrency, most often in the Czech CrownsorEuros.
Flatioisan expert on providingaccommodationfor a fewmonths and itsservices are suitableespeciallyforthosewhoneedtemporaryaccommodation, usuallyduringlonger business trips, educationalstays, Erasmus stays, orduringtheirown apartment renovations. Itsclientsalsoincludethosewhocome to visit theirfamilies and friendsforlongerperiodsoftime.
Flatio’smain idea is to connectrealestate business withthelatestadvances in technology, and by doing so, make theentirerentalprocesssignificantlyeasier. Thecompanyalsotries to avoidthedeep-rootedstereotypesofrealestateagencies: deposits, thenecessityofpersonal apartment visits, orpersonalcontractsignatures. Apartment tours are done in VR, contracts are signed online, and finally, paymentscanbe made online by card, too, thanks to a uniqueapplication. Flatiowantsitsservices to be as simple, fast, and as comfortable as possible, forbothpartiesinvolved. Itispossible to rent an apartment throughFlatiofromanywhere in theworld. In September 2017, Flatiostartedallowingitsclients to use bitcoinformakingpayments.
Thecompanyiscurrentlyactive in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Vienna, Bratislava, and Berlin. Itwasfounded by Radim Rezek, anentrepreneur, and itsinvestorsincludeEnern and INCOMMING Venturesinvestmentgroups.