SDSD General Membership Meeting

Home ofLauren & Paul Scott

4621 Orchard Ave., San Diego, CA 92107

March 13, 2010

The Marchchapter meeting was called to order at 2:42 byPresident, Tony Wood. There were28 members present, meeting the quorum of 24.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes of February meeting wereread by Patricia Burke. Patricia DiSessa moved to accept minutes as read, seconded by Kay Ryan; motion carried.

President’s Report: President Tony Woodcomplimented everyone on a very nice Coronation. Al Folkman came to the rescue and fixed music for the performers. Tony will email Mark Emanuelli and inform him that San Diego will handle Friday night at the SFV convention.

Vice President/Membership Report: Patricia DiSessa reported 124 members consisting of 75 ladies and 49 men, which include 6 Life members and 3 Honorary members. The quorum for this meeting (20% of membershipof local residents) is 24. She has Bakersfield Board of Directors packets. The membership directory does have a proprietary statement, in response to Vern Miranda’s question. Ines Plikshe questioned how many chapters need help to host a convention. The largest chapter is Bakersfield and several would need help, including Golden Gate, SFV, LA, and Palomar.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Kay Ryanreported on January and February financials. Rose Madrid questioned why we need so much in savings. What is our goal? These are “rainy day” funds. The bus trips to Fresno and Visalia were subsidized by the chapter and we may subsidize a bus again for Fresno Convention in 2011. According to the charter, all funds go to the mother chapter in LA when the chapter is disbanded. Chapters are expected to maintain 25 members or more. Dave Saul repeated the need for a cushion of funds, and we can more easily get club approval to spend funds for necessary items. We could have lost Champion when someone tried to buy the studio. We may need funds for a deposit some day. Vern stressed that we need a balanced budget to cover all costs or we could deplete all our funds. Iris Steele noted that we are due for renewed Difibulator lessons.

Dance Class Chair Report: Chuck DiSessa reported that Shawn Torgerson is doing well with Bolero at 5pm and West Coast Swing at 6pm. He was pleased to see 7 couples perform in a formation for the Coronation. Judy Miranda mentioned that we will need people to perform for Mary Murphy’s Showcase.

Board Member Delegate Report: Delegate Ann Meador will report after the Board of Directors’ meeting in Bakersfield.

Dance Rules Report: Mark Chapman reported that he will send a form to Gordon Lloyd for him to sanction dance competitions at Golden Gate Convention. Mark will need a substitute to attend Convention meetings.

Social Chair Report: Patricia DiSessa reported for the Social Chairs. For the April social, Iris Steele and Nancy Ross will help at the door. Al Folkman will DJ and there will be light refreshments. Vickie Durham is program coordinator for special socials, and Larry Plummer will be working the kitchen. There were 114 reservations for Coronation, 2 no-shows and 37 for Brunch. George Plikshe is not feeling well and will be weak and tired for the next 2 weeks. He really appreciated his card. Nina Duffy is also not fully recovered. Barbara Wood sent 2 cards. Patricia DiSessa also requested that we send cards to Rosalie Wolf, Golden Gate, who is hospitalized with pneumonia.

Music Report: Rose Madrid reported that the music went well for Coronation. Jack will DJ for the May social. Since we have been using Champion’s microphone, and we prefer to buy our own, Mike Di Filippo will look into a microphone for us.

Movie Night Report: Carmine Bua reportedthe next movie night will be at Alberta Valentini’s on April 30th with “Best of River Dance”. No red wine is allowed on the carpet. If we like it, we can have it there on a regular basis. Carmine has 3 movies left on dancing and found more in the catalogue.

Queen’s Report: Judy Miranda, Coronation chair, reported 117 guaranteed reservations. The ballroom was beautiful after 5 people helped to decorate on Friday. She had high complements for the arch, designed and constructed by Ken Graham. At Queen Terry Ghianni’s request, Rosemary Ward sang for 2 of the dances. Everyone enjoyed the formation class performance. Judy sold 4 DVDs for $5.00 each. Larry ran the video and will receive a complementary copy. She provided photos to Brenda Gettig for publication in Smooth Talk. One more video card for the camera would be very helpful at a cost of $50-$60 per card. Judy moved to buy a 2nd video card, not to exceed $75. It was seconded by Margaret Willette and passed unanimously.

Old Business – There were discussions on Convention and Movie Night.

New Business –

Since we need to reaffirm honorary members each year, Al moved to retain Mary Murphy, Carrie Kloss and Larry Plummer as Honorary members. It was seconded by Kay Ryan and approved unanimously. Convention packets will be available at Board of Directors’. Cost will be $169 per person with Gavel Club and Crown Circle at $35 each. Hotel rate is $117 + tax. According to Herb Chow, the hotel can only accommodate 220 persons attending Golden Gate Convention ballroom, so reserve early. For comparison, we had 273 at our convention plus 25 at coronation.

Thank you to Lauren for hosting the March meeting. Margaret Willette talked to Vi about meeting at Champion and wanted to stimulate other ideas. Vi did approach Tony but this was tried before and did not work because of other lessons and practices taking place. Meeting in the small ballroom would require a carpet to protect the floor from the chairs. Lauren Scott reported that Yolanda would provide a room for meeting and we could bring in food. Carmine will contact Yolanda. Since Jonathan Lee’s dance party is the same night starting at 8pm, we could stay to dance as a thank you. Lauren will reserve the room for April 10th. Barbara Wood suggested that the meeting start at 3:30pm, followed by the potluck and then the dance.

Jacky Yu’s question on pro vs. non-pro was tabled until after Board of Directors’ meet.

Al volunteered to coordinate those driving to Bakersfield with those needing rides.

Announcement: Next meeting is April 10th at 3:30pm, at Yolanda’s Infinity Dance Sport Center, 4426 Convoy St., 92111 near Balboa Avenue.

Vern moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave Saul, and meeting was adjourned at 3:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia Burke, Secretary