Board of Commissioners
August 18, 2014 Meeting Minutes1
MEETING MINUTES OF August 18, 2014
The regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Colebrookdale Township was held on the above date at the Township Building. President Todd Gamler called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM with all present joining in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The following Commissioners were present: Todd Gamler (President),William Spade (Vice-President), Barry Baus and Daniel Ritter.Also present were Township Manager Cindy Conrad, Township CEO/Zoning Officer Allen Stauffer, Treasurer/Tax Collection Joan Herb, Solicitor Jeffrey Karver, Police Corporal Amy Babb and Engineer Mary Lou Lowrie. Commissioner Linwood Bartman was absent.
Resident Nancy Doudna, 201 Water Street addressed the Commissioners and noted the clean-up at 203 Water Street has started though trash is still piled against her house wall. CEO Stauffer assured her the legal proceedings have begun with the District Court. The neighbor will have 30 days to reply. President Gamler asked CEO Stauffer to notify Ms. Doudna when a court date is set.
The August 4, 2014 Board of Commissioners Meeting minutes were presented to the Board for their review and approval. On amotion by CommissionerSpade, seconded by CommissionerBaus, the August 4, 2014 Board of Commissioners meeting minutes were approved. Commissioner Ritter abstained as he was not present at the meeting. Motion carried.
Treasurer Herb submitted the Balance Sheets and Trial Balances for July 2014. There were no questions from the Board. President Gamler acknowledged submission of the Customer Balance Summary and Deposit Detail Report then read a list of the payment of bills from the following Township funds for approval:
General Fund Expense 8/4/14 – 8/18/14$66,051.90
Payroll Fund Expense 8/15/14$43,982.39
Recycling Fund Expenses 8/18/14$ 1,000.00
(Highmark Blue Shield Payments) 7/21/14 – 8/15/14 ($ 101.91)
On a motion by Commissioner Spadeand seconded by Commissioner Ritterpermission was given for the payment of submitted bills. Motion carried. President Gamler acknowledged submission of the Profit & Loss Budget vs. Actual General Fund statement. The statement was available to the public for review.
Corporal Babb, Officer-in-charge, read the memo submitted to the Board by Chief Viola prior to his vacation. The Commissioners were informed that range qualifications were completed, a public notice was advertised for the hiring of a Sergeant for the police force and office furniture was scheduled to be installed August 19, 2014.
Road Master Sands informed the Commissioners that the 695 tractor broke down, the housing cracked apart on the road on August 8, 2014. It was towed to Erb & Henry and an estimate to repair it was approximately 10K-15K. The tractor was 21 years old. The Commissioners discussed the 2013 budget and estimates for a new tractor. They concurred the tractor should not be repaired and asked the Road Master to obtain prices for a new tractor and to check if there is any trade-in value to the old one.
Mackin Engineering Company contacted the Road Master by email that new methods of determining the weight limit for the Ironstone Creek Bridge BRKEY 5300 on S. Ironstone Drive indicate that weight restrictions are no longer needed on that bridge. The Commissioners concurred with the Road Master that current weight restrictions should remain on that bridge.
Road Master Sands submitted the Berks County Co-Op 2014 Rock Salt Order Participation form. It is due to be submitted by August 22, 2014 to reserve salt and Road Master Sands asked approval to order 250 tons. There was a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Ritter to authorize the Road Master to submitted the agreement and order 250 tons of salts. Motion carried.
CEO Stauffer submitted for approval building permit applicationsfor:
- 442 Estate Drive – build a roof over existing 6’ x 22’ porch
- 65 Spring Garden Drive – install 17’ x 35’ in-ground pool
- 651 Englesville Road – demo 2 buildings; build 30’ x 40’ 2-story pole barn
- 108 S. Madison Street – build a 2nd level deck
SEO REPORT– There was nothing submitted at this time.
There was nothing submitted at this time.
Solicitor Karver submitted for adoption Ordinance No. 1-2014 MS4 Stormwater Management Ordinance,the standard form from PA DEP with no changes to the exclusion section. He explained this is a separate ordinance from the Swamp Creek Watershed Ordinance covering all land outside of the Swamp Creek Watershed. There was a MOTION BY COMMISSIONER SPADE, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BAUS TO ADOPT ORDINANCE NO. 1-2014 - MS4 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE. MOTION CARRIED.
Engineer Lowrie stated she had nothing to report at this time. There were no questions from the Commissioners.
COMMISSIONERS’ REPORT- Nothing was discussed at this time.
In addition to theDEP Outdoor Wood Fired Boilers Model Ordinance submitted at the previous meeting, Ordinances from Monroe County and Monroe Township as well as from Upper Pottsgrove Township were submitted for review. The Commissioner discussed various sections in the samples and the EPA standards. President Gamler asked to table the discussion and stay proactive with developing anOrdinance for Colebrookdale Township.
Manager Conrad submitted for approval a Radio Management Agreement from Brian Gottschall, Berks Radio System. The agreement allows for the Township to purchase software to program the police department radios at a greatly reduced cost than Motorola will charge. There was a motion by Commissioner Spade, seconded by Commissioner Ritter to authorize Manager Conrad to sign the Radio Management Agreement. Motion carried.
Manager Conrad submitted a notice from PA DEP of the recycling grant award of $15,896.00 for fiscal year 2012. The grant funds go toward the purchase of the chipper, sweeper, bins and the drop-off location lease fee as well as keeping the recycling fee costs down for the residents.
The Township received a letter from the office of Senator Mensch announcing future allocation of $232,720.00 in liquid fuel payments for fiscal year 2017-2018.
President Gamler acknowledged BAF&R Board of Director’s meeting minutes of July 17, 2014.
OLD BUSINESS- There was no old business to discuss at this time.
Frecon Annexation Minor Subdivision – Final – Southside of Water Street
May 29, 204 the Township received an application for an annexation plan.
- 6/19 PC accepted the plan for review
- 6/23 received BC review letter
- 7/15 received G & A first review letter
- 7/16 received G & A second review letter revised plans from applicant’sengineer
- 7/18 the PC submitted recommendation letter for approval
- 7/21 the BOC granted conditional final plan approval
-7/30 applicant submitted signed Resolution 7-2-14 Conditional Final Plan Approval
- 8/4the BOC executed Resolution #7-2-14 Conditional Final Plan Approval
- 8/7 received copy of Solicitor’s email explaining legal descriptions & costs
No action was taken by the Board of Commissioners at this time.
Estate of Olga Giesler – Final – Weisstown Road & N. Reading Avenue
May 9, 2014 the Township received an application and waiver request for a 2-lot subdivision plan (no buildings proposed).
- 5/15 CTPC accepted the plan for review; 5/16 letter sent to applicant notifying acceptance of plan and denial of waiver; 5/24 received BC review letter.
- 6/16 BOC granted conditional plan approval pending Planning Commission approval at their meeting 6/19
- 6/20 Planning Commission submitted letter recommending Conditional Final Plan approval
-7/7 Submitted for adoption was Resolution No. 6-2-14 Conditional Final Plan Approval however the Township has not received the legal descriptions and deeds. The Plan was tabled.
No new correspondence received; no action taken by the Board of Commissioners.
Boyertown Area High School – Land Development Plan
January 24, 2014 the Township received an application, LDP, Community andEnvironmental Impact Assessments for the High School at 120 North Monroe Street
July- 7/7 received email and agreement concerning a two-project proposal for the BASH plan. BOC approved, with conditions the agreement
- 7/7 BOC approved waiver of time for review to October 18, 2014 - 7/8 received from BC Conservation District NPDES Permit
- 7/21 BASD met with BOC – discussed position on traffic impact fee
- 7/24 received revised plans, SW report, engineer response letter and Turning Analysis Plan (forwarded to Fire Marshal)
- 7/28 Sent letter to David Szablowski with 2-project agreement signed by Boyertown and Colebrookdale
August- 8/13 received fully executed agreement from BASD to separate building improvement project from Monroe Street improvements
- 8/13 SDE submitted revised HOP plans, response letters to G&A and PennDOT, traffic impact study from Traffic Planning & Design for PennDOT submission and received SSM8-13-14 review letter to Boyertown Borough
No new correspondence received; no action taken by the Board of Commissioners.
Lea Minor Subdivision – Final – 138 S. Grims Mill Road
March 20, 2014 the Township received an application, 4-lot subdivision (no buildings proposed) plan and waiver request letter. May 5, 2014Commissioners granted Conditional Final Plan approval. No new correspondence received; no action taken by the Board.
Almost Home Children’s Center – Final Land Development Plan
December 17, 2013 the Township received a final LDP for 611 Montgomery Avenue.
This will be a replacement of a fire damaged and demolished accessory structure with a larger accessory structure. Accepted by the CTPC for review on December 19, 2013
January20, 2014 - Commissioners approved waiving LDP review contingent on posting a $1,000.00 escrow for stormwater inspections, an engineer review of the plan to ensure compliance with the stormwater management ordinance and the execution of a stormwater agreement
February- 1/24 - received response letter to G&A’s 1st review from Witman Engineers
- 2/18 – received escrow check building plans. Plans submittedto Keystone Municipal Services for review
- 2/28 – received second review letter from G & A (stormwater review only)
June- 6/26 - received Witman Engineers response letter to G & A February review letter plus stormwater plans and report and revised plan sets.
July- 7/14 – received review letter from BC Conservation District
- 7/22 – received response to G&A’s 2nd review, stormwater report and revised plans from Witman Engineers
- 7/23 – received 2nd review letter from BC Conservation District
August- 8/1 – received G & A third review letter
- 8/4 – Board discussed timeline for approval with applicant and need for waiver request submission
- 8/4 – received certified letter from applicant confirming timeline for approval
No action taken by the Board of Commissioners.
Fred Beans Ford - parking area expansion
- March 7, 2014 – received certified letter notice of GP-7 application to PA DEP
- May 12 received BC Conservation District review
No new correspondence received; no action taken by the Board of Commissioners.
Gateway Ticketing Systems LDP
October 8, 2012 Township received a sketch plan for discussion.
- 11/14/12- the PC accepted the Preliminary/Final Land Development Plan for review
- 12/17/12- the Commissioners granted waiver requests and Conditional Final Plan approval as recommended by the PC.
- 1/7/13 - Resolution No. 1-6-13 Conditional Final Plan Approval was signed by the Commissioners and letter sent to the applicant.
- 3/22/13 - the Township received from the BC Conservation District the NPDES E&SC plan approval and registered a DEP Chapter 105 General Permit
- 7/15/13 – Applicant submitted signed agreements for improvements, storm water, and traffic impact fee, escrow check for storm water and traffic impact fee first payment. Commissioners approved execution of the storm water and traffic impact fee agreements; granted conditional approval of improvements agreement upon posting of security; granted Final Land Development Plan Approval upon execution of the plan by the developer, recommendation from Colebrookdale Township Planning Commission and receipt of the Letter of Credit by the Township.
- 5/20/14 - received PA DEP Earth Disturbance Inspection Report dated May 15, 2014
- 8/4 received field inspection reports from G & A
Manager Conrad informed the Commissioners that she received an invitation to Gateway’s Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting on September 17, 2014. She noted that there are outstanding invoices; they need to post an escrow for annual stormwater inspections andthe Township will need a request for release of their letter of credit.
No action taken by the Boardof Commissioners.
NEW BUSINESS- Nothing submitted at this time.
All communication received since August 4, 2014wassubmitted to the Board of Commissioners. The correspondence was available for review by the public.
No one addressed the Board of Commissioners at this time.
President Gamler announced the Commissioners will meet in an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss a personnel matter and will not reconvene.
There being no other business to come before the Board, Commissioner Spade made a motion and it was seconded by Commissioner Ritterto adjourn the meeting at 8:30p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannie DiSante
Township Secretary