CBE Area III - Principal LearningSeries
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September25, 2013

8:30 –11:30am

Leading for Knowledge-Building Inclusive Learning Environments

Inquiry Focus:

How canleadership practices improve teaching practices, student engagement and student achievement?

Learning Outcomes:

  • Deepen understandingabouteffective teaching and learning for knowledge-building inclusive environments
  • Mobilize evidence-based practices for leading and learning
  • Develop processes for providing teachers with timely, specific and constructive feedback about teaching and learning

Time / Process / Expected Outcomes
8:30 / Large Group
  • Welcome
Table Group Discussion
Recount the story of your school’s learning last year
  • What key insights have you developed about leading for knowledge-building inclusive learning environments?
  • What have you done to leverage the instructional leadership capacities of others in your school (particularly yourAPs)?
/ Bring new people into the work with our stories
9:00 / Presentation/Discussion
Area III stories from last year
  • Review Robinson’s 5 dimensions of student-centered leadership
Working Document #1 – Reflective practitioners and engaged learners
  • View “Reflective practitioners and engaged learners” and discuss the following:
  • What evidence of intellectual engagement is presented through the work of these lead learners?
  • What supports or conditions did leaders put in place to enable this type of learning to occur?
  • What evidence could you point to that demonstrates your school is becoming an intellectually engaging learning environment for leaders, teachers and students?
/ Reinforce the relationship of leadership to teacher and student learning
10:00 / Break
10:15 / Working document #2 - Individual Critical Reflection
  • What have you discovered that’s been effective in helping to integrate new people into the learning community of your school?
  • How might you sustain and deepen the momentum of the innovations (i.e. teaching for engaged learning) that you’ve been leading in your school?
  • How have these innovations impacted the learning of your at risk, hallway and/or FNMI students?
  • What data or evidence could you provide in support of your claim?
/ Generate ideas about sustainability and evidence-based practices
10:25 / Working document #3 - Table Group Discussion and Idea Generation
Discuss your ideas with the others at your table and record key insightsfrom the group on the document provided. / Generate ideas about sustaining innovations to improve learning and evidence based practices
10:40 / Working document #4 - Large Group Synthesis
  • Present 1 or 2 key ideas for sustaining and deepening innovationsaimed atimproving student learning.
  • Generate ideas about evidence-based practices
/ Build collective knowledge restrengthening and sustaining effective teaching practices
11:00 / Working document #5 - Next Steps
  • Evidence of FNMI engagement
  • One of the indicators of inclusive learning environments can be gleaned from TTFM survey data. What does the survey indicate about the engagement of FNMI and/or at risk students in your school? Are you seeing an increased level of engagement? What other data/evidence could you bring forward to determine what school is like for these students?
CriticalReflections and Feedforward
  1. What have you learned today that you anxious to try out in your school?
  2. What else do you need to learn in order to lead this work in your school?
/ Gather data about engagement of FNMI and/or at risk students
11:30 / Adjourn


Galileo Educational Network, University of Calgary September 25, 2013