/ APSOptionsSchool
2017-2018 Curriculum/Price List
Revised 03/01/2017 /
Please note that you are not required to buy your Consumables/Materials from Options. We provide them as a convenience and pass along our costs to you.
*Some consumables are necessary for the curriculum to work at home.
*Teacher Editions are useful when providing answers or solutions, however some TEs are written for a classroom teaching situation and can be difficult to decode and apply to individual home school teaching.
*Most curriculum comes with a Student Text and a Teacher Edition. Consumables must be paid for at the time you pick them up. Checks are to be made payable to APS Options and no refunds can be issued for consumables. I CAN ONLY TAKE CASH(EXACT CHANGE) OR CHECKS FOR CONSUMABLES
Abbreviations Key:
Teachers Edition (TE): Accompanying guide for Teacher use.
Student Text (ST): non-consumable for student use
Student Workbook (Wkbk): generally a consumable for student use, made available for purchase if desired
TITLE: / GRADE LEVEL: / COMMENTS: / Consummables
Available / PRICE
Open Court
Imagine It!
available for grades 2-6 / 2-6 / A literature rich reading and language arts program that instills passion in children for lifelong learning and a love of reading. Includes all Language Arts needs INCLUDING spelling for grades 2-6.
Includes 6 TE volumes, ST, phonics desk strip, Lesson Assessments, Skills practice wkbk set. Click "here" for information on grades 2-6: This program has free resources that can be found at: / Workbook Set
Levels 2-6th / 25.00
Sing, Spell, Read, Write
By Pearson Learning / K-2 / Uses phonics songs, interactive charts, and games to teach the alphabetic principle, phonemic awareness, sound/letter correspondence, short vowel sounds, and blending - in a fun and meaningful way. Covers all aspects of language arts for K-2. Click "here" for more info (good product description on Amazon.com as well)
For Grades K-1—specify “K” or 1st grade. Blue box will say K/1 Combo Kit(both sets of readers included) but we dispense only one year of consumables at a time.
Grade 2/3: Kit includes 2 sets of 17 readers, 2 CD set, Grand Tour 1&2 wkbks.
Trophy Series: Continuing after Level 3 Readers are completed, series includes Teacher’s Edition and two wkbks. Availability is limited. / Workbooks
All Levels
Set of 2 / 25.00
Daily Grams
by Easy Grammar Systems / 3-7
Level / Guided Review Aiding Mastery Skills texts have been designed as a 5-10 minute daily review to be used at the beginning of every day. Students use concepts learned in capitalization, punctuation, and other areas on a daily basis. This process promotes mastery learning.This is a review text for grammar concepts already covered.
/ Student Wkbk / 10.00
Easy Grammar
by Easy Grammar Systems / 3-6
8-12 / Easy Grammar is a teaching text and includes Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Plus. EG Plus is non-grade level ideal for 7th grade but used also through high school and into college. Concepts are taught within sequential grammar units, beginning with prepositions. Using this approach, sentences are stripped to basics, enabling students to understand subject and verb and to build concepts throughout each text. Easy Grammar Ultimate is for grades 8-12th. All are presented in a daily-lesson format. Easy Grammar Info, / Student Wkbk / 12.00
MCP “Plaid” Phonics
(Phonics/Word Study) by Modern Curriculum Press / K-6 / MCP “Plaid” Phonics incorporates best practices for teaching essential phonemic awareness and phonics skills with unmatched flexibility! It is more comprehensive, offering more flexibility, practice, and support to meet all your students' needs. TE available, Student wkbks available for purchase. MCP "Plaid" Phonics info Order by Level or Grade: K, A-1st, B-2nd, C-3rd, D-4th, E-5th, F-6th / Student Wkbk / 9.00
Saxon Phonics
by Saxon Publishers / K-2 / Saxon Phonics prepares students to be successful, independent readers and spellers. Saxon phonics is appropriate for all children, including those with learning difficulties. Lessons are scripted to make teaching easy. Click for moreinfo at Saxon / Student Wkbks / 45.00
Spelling Power
by Castlemoyle Books
NOTE: Activity card set is also on CD - you will receive one or the other / K-12 / A multi sensory, multi level, individualized spelling program designed to help your student master spelling skills in just 15 minutes a day. Ask for Activity card set(either in Box or on CD) when you make your book order. The task cards provide more ideas to teach various learning styles.
TE and ST in one, no consumable needed or available. Instructional DVD will be sent with the curriculum, unless you tell us not to send it. / No
Sequential Spelling
Levels 1-7( not grade level) / Sequential Spellingis based on the classic Orton-Gillingham approach of multi-sensory instruction.Rather than teaching lists of thematic words, Sequential Spelling teachesSpellingword families (e.g. consonant + eg family....Leg, Peg, Beg).This enables the child to learn inductivity the sameway they learnedto speakand walk. There is more info here: / 8.00
Vocabulary From Classical Roots
By Educators Publishing Service
6-12th grade / 6-11 / Vocabulary from Classical Rootshelps students unlock the meanings of literally thousands of words, and gives them the skills to do so throughout their lives. Uses Greek/Latin words and their derivatives to teach vocabulary. TE includes a 5-day a week lesson plan. Click here for more info
Order by Level or Grade: 6- 6th,A-7th, B- 8th, C-9th, D-10th, E-11- 12th / Student Wkbk / 10.00
Vocabulary Workshop
by Sadlier-Oxford / LevelD(9th) – H (12th) / Vocabulary development – focuses on words themselves, their meanings (both literal and figural), their ranges of application, and their relationships with other words. Great cumulative review throughout. This item will be discontinued as I run out of consumables.
Only levels D-H are available. / Student Wkbk / 8.00
Writing Strands
by National Writing Institute
NOTE: Levels are not by Grade / Levels
K – 12
grade / Written by Dave Marks - for homeschoolers! Uses a step-by-step, structured format to help students master composition techniques, a process which prepares them for college-level writing. Through its 7 levels, the seriesorganizes writing into 4 strands: creative, argumentative, report & research, and expository writing. LEVELS ARE NOT BY GRADE - clickChoosing a level for proper selection and order by Level, NOT by grade. / No
The Complete Writer
Peace Hill Press
Susan Wise Bauer
Writing with Ease
Writing with Skill
Level 1 & 2 / 1-5
9-12 / This alternative plan for teaching writing combines the best elements of old-fashioned writing instruction with innovative new educational methods—and explains why so many writing programs fail. Writing With Ease builds a sturdy foundation of basic skills for grades 1–4 (or levels 1–4 for the older student who needs more work). Writing with Skill combines time-tested classical techniques--the imitation and analysis of great writers--with original composition exercises in history, science, biography, and literature.The Complete Writer / Writing w/ Ease
Student Wkbk
Writing with Skill
Student Wkbk / 23.00
Workbook is a checked out item
Combination Titles - Writing & Grammar or Writing & Reading:
First Language Lessons
Peace Hill Press
By Jessie Wise
Writing & Grammar / 1 – 5 / First Language Lessons is a scripted guide that uses the classical techniques of memorization, copywork, dictation, and narration to develop your child's language ability in the formative elementary years of study. Level 1 (1st-2nd) Level 2 (2nd) Level 3 (2nd – 4th) Level 4 (4th-5th)
First Language Lessons / Student Wkbk
Level 3-4 only / 12.00
Elements of Literature- by Holt, Rinehart, & Winston
Writing & Reading / 6-12 / Readings from a variety of authors and genres-poems, short stories, essays, memoirs, biographical sketches, and interviews. Excellent writing exercises w/ea. Lesson. Used at some Options sites in English classes. TE available in limited quantities. No consumable needed.This link shows the 2009 ed, Options carries the 2003 ed., but this will give you an idea of the curriculum itself - Click here for Info / No
Write Source
by Great Books Foundation
2009 Ed.
Writing & Grammar / 1-6th / Write Source is a comprehensive writing program with integrated six traits instruction, detailed coverage of key writing forms, point-of-use grammar connections, formative assessments, and strategies for writing across the curriculum incorporated into every unit. / Skills Book / 9.00


Book Shark Kits
Bookshark 2012
Lang Arts
Socials Studies
Science / levels 1-8 (materials are more age than grade level) / This program includes most everything for a multi subject crossover education in Lang Arts/Reading, Social Studies and Science. It is a literature based program that can be used with multi-age children. The only Lang Arts subject not included is Spelling. It does include daily lesson plans for an entire year. See the list of books in each kit at
There is a limit of one kit per family per year. / We do not carry the Consumables, but they can be purchased from
It is strongly recommended that students be given a math placement test if you are using a math curriculum that is new.
by Teaching Textbooks
Computer/CD Curriculum / Grade 3-
To Pre-Calculus / CD driven curriculum – Teach yourself MATHin 3 Easy Steps!
STEP1. Watch the Lesson STEP 2. Do the Problems STEP 3. Watch a tutor explain the ones you missed.
Click "here"for a DEMO and more info. Click here forPlacement Tests
(Regarding CD set – if one CD is lost, the entire set must be replaced. Cost range from $99.00 - $150.00) / No Consumables
by Scott Foresman Addison-Wesley / 1-6 / SF shares the vision of the NCTM (Nat’l Council of Teachers of Mathematics) standards. Click "here" for more info. Includes: Active learning for strong concept development.
Grades 1 - 2
No workbook for Grades 3 - 6 / 20.00 on closeout
Saxon Math
by Saxon Publishers
for K-3
* This course has
hands on teaching aides referred to as “Manipulatives” / K-3 / This program is designed so that four lessons are taught each week with the fifth day of the week used for review (if necessary). *If a manipulatives set is desired, specifically request it on the Book Order form—(view sample tub at Book Fair) ---- Note: Titles are Math K, Math 1, Math 2, Math 3
Math K – does not have wkbks— student worksheet Masters are in back of TE for parent to copy
Math 1,2,3 – student wkbks include: Part 1&2, wkbks, and fact cards
K: Meeting Booksare available upon request only / Student Wkbks
Grade 1 - 3 / 34.00
Saxon Math
by Saxon Publishers
for 4-12
Note: We DO NOT carry DIVE DVDs) / 4-12 / The only major math program that systematically distributes instruction, practice and assessment throughout the academic year as opposed to concentrating or massing the instruction, practice, and assessment of related concepts into a short period of time. Saxon’s unique approach to math instruction ensures that students gain and retain essential math skills. (80% review to 20% new material per lesson) There is not a TE published. Answer key & Test booklets supplied as non-consumables. Click here forPLACEMENT TEST / No Consumables
Singapore Math
by Federal Publications
NOTE: no math manipulatives available with this curriculum / K-6 / Textbooks lead the student from the vocabulary of counting, shape, and position, through word/story problems to the beginnings of Algebra Geometry. Includes exercises in the text to supply model explanations of new topics as they come up. Each new topic becomes enriched by new connections with other parts of mathematics/applications of greater difficulty. Features of Singapore Math:
for more info and placement test / For each level:
Student Wkbk A
Student Wkbk B / 10.00
Foundations for Personal Finance / 6-8
9-12 / Foundations in Personal Finance: High School/Middle School Editionwill change the financial future of your studentsand set them on a path to win with money, allowing you to change the way yourstudents look at money forever. They will be empowered, equipped and entertained while building confidence in their own financial decision-making. The HS level includes DVDS and teacher’s resource dvd. / Student Wkbk MS
Student Wkbk HS / 12.00
by Glencoe, 2004 ed. / 9-12 / High School level biology. TE and ST available - - -Click here for more info / Laboratory
Manual / Check out only
Chemistryby Addison-Wesley, 2000 / 10-12 / The nations #1 chemistry program, providing more students with a core foundation in chemistry than any other program available. Comprehensive content coverage and an inviting, student friendly approach makes this program the favorite of teachers and students across the country. / No Consumables
Discover Science
by Scott Foresman 2006
Complete Science content coverage- / K-6 / Teaches skills needed to understand how science works. Content is organized into four major units & several content strands. Each unit and strand is developed continuously throughout the program.
Units:Life, Physical, Earth, Human Body. Limited numbers of TE available in ea. – 1st come, 1st served.
Click here for more info on Discover Science
WorkbookTE: Student wkbk + Answer key.(ONLY need Wkbk or Wkbk TE, not both)
Activity Book & TE: Student wkbk,emphasizes scientific method. / Workbook
Workbook TE
Activity Book
Activity Book TE / 5./
Glencoe Science -
Glencoe/McGraw Hill 2003 / Level Green Blue / A flexible program that allows you to decide the pace at which you cover the content and which topics to present, based on the needs of the student.Click Glencoe Science then click Integrated levels, Red, Green or Blue, 2003 Ed. Order Level Green, or Blue. Levels are interchangeable can be used for any grade 6-8. IN 2018 ANOTHER LEVEL WILL BE DISCONTINUED / No Consumables
InterActive Science
By Pearson NEW
2011 / 6th-8th / This is series of workbook based Science subjects for grade 6-8th. It will be replacing the Glencoe Green, Red and Blue levels. The first year we will stock these topics: Science and Technology, Earth’s Structure, Astronomy and Space Science, Water and Atmosphere, Scientific Inquiry and Technology and The Diversity of Life. Look here for more info: / 17.00
Physical Science:
by Prentice Hall/ Pearson 2011(NEW EDITION) / 9-12 / A physical science course that gives fundamental principles a fresh new twist and engages students on a level they understand and enjoy. A veryactive approach to learning that inspires and motivates the next generation of students. Limited TEs available / Lab Manual / Check
Out only
by Saxon / 11-12 / Saxon Physics is taught at an introductory level and is unique because the entire program is based on introducing a topic to a student and then allowing them to build upon that concept as they learn new ones. Topics are never dropped but are instead increased in complexity and practiced every day, providing the time required for concepts to become totally familiar. / No Consumables
Earth Science
by Prentice Hall/Pearson
2011 (NEW edition) / 9-12 / Students will go on a journey of observation, explanation, and participation in the study of Earth's processes. An accessible writing style, original artwork by Dennis Tasa, and powerful technology create a fresh new program that leads you on a path to discovery. / No Consumables
Select Science
By RonJon Publishing
Homeschool Edition / 6-8 / These books provide an exciting, different, challenging, unique, and fun approach to science. They are designed in a modular format (modules are much like chapters or sections in traditional textbooks). Each module focuses on a major topic and contains major sections: Information, Activity, Discussion, and Homework. Select Earth Science-Grade 6, Select Life Science-Grade 7, Select Physical Science-Grade 8 / Student
Text / Check out only
ScienceSaurusby Great Source / Houghton Mifflin / 4-5
6-8 / The ScienceSaurus® handbook is an essential science companionfor students in grades 4/5 and 6/8.This comprehensive referencecovers all the major strands of science including: Life science; Earth science; Physical science; Natural resources and environmental studies; and science, technology, and society. Student-friendly and packed with useful information, / No Consumables
LEVEL: / COMMENTS: / Consumables
American Government
by Great Source / 9-12 / American Government puts an enormous emphasis on activities to make it interesting so that the student will end up with a better sense of what governing means.
TE, ST and workbook available—all non-consumable / No Consumables
Colorado Crossroads of the West-Pruett Publishing / 4-5 / This book focuses on the everyday life of the people who have lived in Colorado, but also emphasizes the importance of region and place in history. ST only / No Consumables
History of US
by OxfordUniversity Press / 6-12 / An 11 Volume series that tells the story of America from Prehistory to the present.
RE: High School -To make a complete High School curriculum: REQUEST: Student books, TE and 11 Volume set. / No Consumables
Mapping the World by Heart
by Tom SnyderProductions / 5-12 / Presents world geography in manageable chunks. Students learn to draw and label locational geography of countries, land, and water. Teaching video comes with notebook—non-consumable. SET of MAPS available for purchase.—must request on book order form. more info on Mapping the World, / Set of 25 maps / 15.00
Social Studies
by MacMillan /McGraw Hill, 2005 / 1-6 / This program pays tribute to the noble values of our country while teaching the importance of freedom and patriotism. Includes maps, charts, graphs, photos, and illustrations to help students learn and organize social studies content. more info on MacMillan/McGraw Social Studies
1st grade – People & Places 4th grade – Our Countries Regions
2nd grade – We Live Together 5th grade – Our Nation
3rd grade – Our Communities 6th grade – Our World / Student Wkbk available for grades 3-6th only / 8.00
Story of the World
Peace Hill Press 2006
Susan Wise Bauer / 1– 8 / This four-volume set covers the sweep of human history from ancient times until the present. Africa, China, Europe, the Americas- it chronicles what happened all around the world in long-ago times. This read-aloud series is designed for parents to share with elementary up through Middle School students. Vol. 1 – Ancient History (1st-5th) Vol. 2 – Middle Ages (1st-6th) Vol. 3 – Early Modern Times (3rd-8th ) Vol. 4 – The Modern Age (3rd-8th )