1. Earthquake body waves are made up of what two waves?
  1. What depth do most earthquakes occur?
  1. What is an earthquake?

4. What type of damage can an earthquake cause? List several.

  1. What causes a tsunami?
  1. What is the boundary between the crust and mantle called?
  1. What is the difference between the epicenter and hypocenter?
  1. What is the major fault in California called?
  1. What is the order of the waves caused by an earthquake?
  1. Which of these waves causes the most destruction?
  1. What is the boundary between the mantle and core called?
  1. Are earthquakes able to be accurately predicted?
  1. Where do most earthquakes occur (generally speaking location)?
  1. What is a seismogram?
  1. What is a seismograph?
  1. What state in the USA has the most earthquakes?
  1. Where is the safest place during an earthquake?
  1. There are less deaths from earthquakes “today” than 30 years ago; why is this?
  1. What is a fault?
  1. What is the largest magnitude of a North American earthquake?
  1. What two states have the most earthquakes in the USA?
  1. What is the “point” called of an earthquake origination?
  1. What ocean has the most active earthquake “belt”?
  1. List the 3 different types of faults.
  1. What is the range of the P-wave shadow?
  1. Which earthquake wave can NOT travel through liquid?
  1. What causes an earthquake?
  1. What is the process of locating an earthquakes origin called?
  1. The Richter scales measures what?
  1. Besides magnitude of an earthquake; what else determines amount of damage?
  1. What are the 3 “depths” of earthquakes called?
  1. What is the point directly below the epicenter called?
  1. True or false; there are zones when a earthquake occurs where NO waves are recorded?
  1. What scale measures INTENSITY of an earthquake?
  1. What scale measures magnitude?
  1. Rapid loss of support in soil as a result of shaking is called?
  1. Primary waves move ______?______to the overall direction of wave motion.
  1. Secondary waves move ______?_____ to the overall direction of wave motion.
  1. What was the main indicator of a central core in the earth?
  1. Which waves does a seismograph record?
  1. What is the purpose of a tuned mass damper?
  1. To locate the epicenter you need at least how many recording stations?
  1. Earthquakes that occur on the moon are called?
  1. What earthquake wave can NOT transmit through the center of the earth?
  2. Why/how are most lives lost during an earthquake?

46. Government agencies could help prepare for an earthquake by _____.

• / a. educating people
• / b. building seismic-safe structures
• / c. making existing structures seismic-safe
• / d. all of the above

47. Most earthquakes happen _____.

• / a. without warning
• / b. in areas where earthquakes have occurred in the past
• / c. along plate boundaries
• / d. all of the above

48. List and define 5 earthquake vocabulary words.