How Much Does it Cost to Raise a Baby?


Item / Cost / Item / Cost
Care for Mom/Baby
Pre-Natal Care
Pre-Natal Vitamins
Delivery Costs
Health/Safety Items
Baby groom kit - Hair brush,clippers, comb, scissors / Hooded towels
Digital Thermometer / Soap
Humidifier/Vaporizer / Lotion
Nasal Aspirator / Baby Oil
Medicine dropper / Petroleum Jelly
Syrup of Ipecac / Baby Powder
Toothbrush / Cotton Swabs
Baby Monitor / Diaper Rash Ointment
Safety Gate (1 Per stairway) / Spray Disinfectant
Drawer Latches / Mild Laundry Soap
Outlet Plug Covers / Bleach
Newborn Bathtub / Bathtub ring
Wash Cloths / Faucet protector
Nursery Items
Crib / Mobile
Crib Mattress / Crib Activity Center
Crib Sheets / Changing Table
Crib Blankets / Changing Table Pad
Crib Pad / Sleeping Wedge
Receiving Blankets
Diaper Items
Baby Wipes / Cloth Diapers
Large Diaper Bag / Diaper Pail
Daypack Diaper Bag / Diaper covers
Disposable Diapers
For Mom
Breast Pump / Nursing Bras
Washable Nursing Pads / Disposable nursing pads
Bottles and Formula
4 oz Bottles / Nipples
8 oz Bottles / Cloth Bibs
Bottle Inserts (Drop-Ins) / Plastic Bibs
Bottle brush / Formula
Other Items
Pacifiers / Rattles
Pacifier Holder / Toys
Infant Car Seat / Books
Toddler Car Seats / Onesies
Combo Front/Back Carrier / Hats and Booties
Infant Sling / Sleep and Play outfits
Stroller / Gowns
Play yard / Outfits
Swing / Socks
Doorway jumper / Coat
Warm Suits
Total of column / Total of column
GRAND TOTAL / $______

When you are done calculating the costs for the necessary items during the first few years, go to the online calculator and determine how much it costs for the following:

  1. How much it costs to raise 1 child as a single parent in Tacoma.
  1. How much for a couple to do the same?
  1. How much to raise two children three years apart?
  1. How much to raise a 2, 6, and 14 year old?
  1. How much to raise triplets that are 3 years old?
  1. How much to raise a 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, and 11 year old?
  1. Did you know that kids cost this much to raise? How will this influence your decision to have children in the future?
  1. Find 3 estimates of child care on the internet for infants and toddlers per month in the Tacoma area.

Infant (monthly cost)
Toddler (monthly cost)