Schedule of the Network Course at UCLA
July 15-July 19, 2013
Monday July 15, 2013, South Bay Room in the Covel Commons Complex
Topic: Weighted gene coexpression network analysis and Cytoscape
8:15-8:45am Registration
8:45-9:30am (Horvath, Papp) Welcome. Introduction of course participants
9:30am-10am (Langfelder) Review of hierarchical clustering, dynamic branch cutting
10am-10:15 Morning break
10:15-noon (Horvath) Weighted gene co-expression network analysis
noon-1:30pm Lunch
1:30pm-2pm (Langfelder)Blockwise consensus network analysis
2:15-3:30 (Horvath) pm Module preservation statistics
3:30-3:45pm Afternoon break
3:45pm-5pm (G Bader) Network visualization with Cytoscape
Tuesday July 16, 2013New location: Grand Horizon Room in Covel Commons
9am-10am Jeremy Miller: How WGCNA can be used to compare and contrast two networks
10:10:15 Morning break, coffee
10:15am-11:15am Mike Hawrylycz: Overview of data and software from the Allen Brain Institute
11:15-12:15 JeremyMiller: Gene co-expression networks in the mouse, monkey, and human brain
12:15-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-3pm Gary Bader: Protein sequence and network analyis of cancer mutations
3pm-3:15pm Afternoon break
3:15pm-4:20pmBrian Yandell, Mark Keller: Causal tests and protein motifs applied todiabetes
4:20-4:30pm Mini break
4:30pm-5:30pm Steve Horvath:WGCNA R software tutorial
5:30pm-6:30pm Reception, Networking
Wed July 17, South Bay Room in the Covel Commons Complex
9-9:45am (J. Miller) Methods for network visualization and gene enrichment analysis (40 minutes)
9:45am-10am Morning break
10-11am (S. Horvath) Differential network analysis
11:15 -noon (B Yandell): Gene Mapping for Correlated Traits
Noon-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-2:15pm (BYandell): Permutation Hotspot Tests
2:30-3pm (B Yandell): R software demonstration
3pm-3:15pm Afternoon break
3:15-4:20pm (E C Neto) Causal graphical models in systems genetics
4:20pm-4:30pm. Mini break
4:30pm-5pm (E C Neto) R software demonstration
Thursday July 18, South Bay Room in the Covel Commons Complex
9-10am (B Zhang) Multiscale network analysis
10am-10:15am. Morning break
10:15am-11 (B Zhang) Key driver analysis
11am-noon (Horvath) Structural equation models and the network edge orienting software
Noon-1:15pm Lunch
1:15-2pm(B Zhang): Research talk. Multiscale Gene Network Remodeling in Alzheimer's Disease ( 45 minutes)
2:15-2:45pm (B Zhang): Software demonstration (30 minutes)
3:15pm-8pm Course outing. Visiting Santa Monica Pier and 3rd Street Promenade
3:15pm Chartered Bus pick‐up at Covel Commons
5:30-7:30pm Dinner
7:30pm Chartered Bus pick‐up at Santa Monica Pier for return to Covel Commons
Friday July 19, South Bay Room in the Covel Commons Complex
9am-10am (J Zhu): Introduction of Bayesian Network (1 hour)
10-10:15am Morning break
10:15-11:15 (J Zhu): Bayesian Network as a framework for integrating diverse data (1 hour)
11:15am-noon (Horvath) Mutual information networks and model based indices
Noon-1:30pm Lunch, Graduation award ceremony.
1:30-2:15pm (J Zhu): Research Talk. Integrative Network analysis of cancer data (1 hour)
2:15pm-2:30pm Afternoon Break
2:30pm-2:45pm (Horvath) Age effects on DNA methylation modules.
2:45pm-3pm (Horvath) When is hub gene selection better than standard meta analysis?
3pm-4pm (Horvath) Random Generalized Linear Model Predictor.