Health and Safety News and Updates March 2016
Health and Safety Arrangements
A new Health and Safety Arrangements section has been created on our website in place of the previous Management of Health and Safety Code of Practice. Whilst it contains much of the information that the code of practice contained, a few additions have been made and the link to the H&S Policy is clearer through the revised headings.
The H&S Policy sets out what we intend to do manage health and safety and who is responsible; and the new Health and Safety Arrangements page sets out how we will do it.
A few additions have still to be made, so keep checking the site as a reminder of our safety practices and to keep up to date with the changes.
Speed Limits on Campus
A recent increase in the number of near miss incidents around campus has prompted this reminder that there are speed limits in place around campus to keep both pedestrians and drivers safe.
The speed limits are:
- Inner campus 5mph
- Car parks 10mph
- Front of Maxwell Hall/Building 5mph
- University Road 10mph
Keeping to the speed limits will avoid someone getting injured and damage to vehicles or property.
If you see a near miss, or observe someone driving unsafely on campus, you can use the near miss report form to inform us.
Driving for Work Purposes
You may recall that last year the DVLA withdrew the requirement for drivers to hold a paper counterpart to their driving licence. As a result, the Management and Use of Vehicles Policy was updated and the approach to managing drivers using their own vehicle for work purposes was revised.
As a reminder:Where employees use their own vehicles for work purposes, they are required hold a current, valid driving licence, business class insurance and an MOT certificate, if applicable.
If an employee claims for the journey they undertake they are required to sign confirmation of the above on the finance claims approval form. If no claim is intended, they are still required to be in possession of the required documentation.
This information is included in the Management and Use of Vehicles policy.
Revised Management of Contractors Code of Practice
Following the appointment of a specialist Health and Safety Coordinator in Estates and Property Services early in 2015, a comprehensive review of the approach to managing contractors has been undertaken. This has resulted in a new Management of Contractors Code of Practice, supporting documentation and an excellent new contractor induction video. The new documentation is available on the Safety Documents page.