Z13 and Tab22
Sometimes, while using Aleph GUI or web OPAC, we see ashort version of the bibliographic record rather than the full bib record.
When do we see the abbreviated version?
- In the Web user loan list
- In the Web basket
- Web "New records" filter (PRB 3501)
- Cataloging F3 / Authority Brief list
- Bib info in the Course Reserve Documents list
- Certain SQL statistics scripts (and user-written SQL scripts)
Note: The Web OPAC Brief list does NOT use z13 (It takes the fields listed in the www_tab_short.eng from the bib records themselves)
How does the system know which bibliographic fields to display in the short version?
The fields that will display are defined in tab22 (XXX01, data_tab, or: UTIL G/1/22).All these fields together make up a Z13 record. Here is an example of a short-doc record (Z13):
01 z13_short_doc \
02 z13_rec_key \
03 doc_number ...... 000000007
02 z13_year ...... 0000
02 z13_open_date ...... 20010204
02 z13_update_date ...... 20040915
02 z13_call_no_key ......
02 z13_call_no_code ...... 0500
02 z13_call_no ...... PR2831
02 z13_author_code ...... 10010
02 z13_author ...... Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.
02 z13_title_code ...... 24510
02 z13_title ...... Romeo and Juliet / literary consultant, Jo
02 z13_imprint_code ...... 2600
02 z13_imprint ...... New York : Mayflower Books, [1978]
02 z13_isbn_issn_code ...... 020
02 z13_isbn_issn ...... 083177469X
02 z13_user_defined_1_code ...24510
02 z13_user_defined_1 ...... Romeo and Juliet / literary consultant, Jo
02 z13_user_defined_2_code ...
02 z13_user_defined_2 ...... Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.. Romeo a
02 z13_user_defined_3_code ...SYS
02 z13_user_defined_3 ...... 000000007
02 z13_user_defined_4_code ...
02 z13_user_defined_4 ......
02 z13_user_defined_5_code ...
02 z13_user_defined_5 ......
Tab22 contains up to 6 system-defined fields (year, call number, call number key, author, title, imprint and ISBN/ISSN) and up to 5 user-defined fields.
The tab22 table of the library’s tab directory defines which fields will be included in the Z13 record. The table is also used to determine how these fields are created. The Short Bibliographic Record is built automatically by the system, according to the definitions of this table.
Here is an example of a tab22 table:
! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
YEAR 1 260## d
CALL-NO 1 050## a 090## a LOC## h LOC## l LOC## j
AUTHOR 1 1#### 7#### 910##
TITLE 1 245## 240## a
IMPRINT 1 260## 250##
ISBN-ISSN 1 020## 022##
USER-DEF-1 1 245##
USER-DEF-2 2 002
USER-DEF-4 2 301
- COL 1: Z13 code. Valid values are: year, call-no, call-no-k, author, imprint, isbn-issn, user-def-
1,user-def-2, user-def-3, user-def-4, and user-def-5;
- COL 2: Function code:
1=data taken bib record's tag + subfield + position
2=data taken from the bib, using edit_paragraph;
- COL 3: Field tag + indicators or Paragraph number;
If col.2 is set to 1, enter Field Tag.
If col.2 is set to 2, enter Paragraph number from the edit_paragraph table.;
- COL 4: Subfield;
- COL 5:Starting position: defines the position from which to take data from a fixed field. For
example, if column 1 is YEAR 1, the year might be taken from a fixedfield. In this case,
you will define theposition in the fixed field from which to start, taking 4 positions, countingfrom base 01. If the fixed field has a subfieldcode, add 3 to the starting position in order totake it into account. e.g. 0008 to define the 8th position of the 008 field in MARC21, 0013 to define the 9th position of the 100 field in UNIMARC;
Let’s analyze the second line (high-lighted):
- It’s a system-defined field
- Column 2 has 1 in it, which means that we tell the system to take the call number info from a field that will be mentioned in column 3. If col. 2 has 2 in it, it would mean that the field info should be taken from edit_paragraph (will be explained later).
- The call number info should be taken from field 050 subfield a in the full bib record
- If there is no such field in the bib record, take the call number info from 090, sf a.
- If there is no such field in the bib record, take the call number info from the LOC field, sf h.
In the USER-DEF section of this table, the librarian can choose to add fields which were not mentioned in the system-defined section, for example a 700 field.
However, the librarian might want a whole group of fields to appear together in addition to the system-defined fields, and put them in ONE user-defined field.
In the example above of tab22, we can see that USER-DEF-2 has the code 002 in column 3. To see what this code represents, we need to go to the table edit_paragraph.eng in TST01, dt:
!1 2 3 4 5 6
000 DISP Missing
000 DISP Paragraph
!* system number
001 SYS## D [ ]
!* Author+Title
002 1#### D .^ A
002 245## D
Edit_paragraph tells us that code 002 includes two fields: any field that starts with 1, and the title field.
Question: why would the librarian want field 245 to appear twice in the shortversion of the bib record [245 appears twice now in tab22: once as a system-defined field and once in user-defined-2 line]?
Answer: the fields in the user-defined lines appear together as a group. In this case, the group would look like this: Jones, Tom: History of the world.
Note: every time you change tab22, you need to run util / e / 2 (stop update doc index) and then util / e / 1. The order doesn’t matter, meaning you can run ue_2, change table and then run ue_1 or change table and then run ue_2 and then ue_1.
NOTE: In 16.02, if fields are repeated in two different groups defined in tab22, the system will not display the second instance of that field.
Let’s look at tab22 again:
YEAR 1 260## d
CALL-NO 1 050## a 090## a LOC## h LOC## l LOC## j
AUTHOR 1 1#### 7#### 910##
TITLE 1 245## 240## a
IMPRINT 1 260## 250##
ISBN-ISSN 1 020## 022##
USER-DEF-1 2 002
USER-DEF-5 2 301
USER-DEF-1 has 002, which in edit_paragraph includes this:
!* Author+Title
002 1#### D .^ A
002 245## D
USER-DEF-4 has 301, which in edit_paragraph includes this:
!* BIB for acq arrival slip
301 1#### D ##
301 245## D ##
301 250## D ##
301 260## D ##
301 300## D ##
We see that both codes include fields 245 and 1##. Because these fields are repetitive, the system will mention 245 and 1## only in the first instance of a USER-DEFline, in this case: only for code 002 and not for code 301.
Let’s look at a z13 record:
01 z13_short_doc \
02 z13_rec_key \
03 doc_number ...... 002502589
02 z13_year ...... 0000
02 z13_open_date ...... 20050721
02 z13_update_date ...... 20050721
02 z13_call_no_key ......
02 z13_call_no_code ......
02 z13_call_no ......
02 z13_author_code ...... 1001
02 z13_author ...... Doe, Tim
02 z13_title_code ...... 24510
02 z13_title ...... History3.
02 z13_imprint_code ...... 260
02 z13_imprint ...... NYC : HLC, 2005.
02 z13_isbn_issn_code ......
02 z13_isbn_issn ......
02 z13_user_defined_1_code ...
02 z13_user_defined_1 ...... Doe, Tim. History3.
02 z13_user_defined_2_code ...
02 z13_user_defined_2 ......
02 z13_user_defined_3_code ...
02 z13_user_defined_3 ......
02 z13_user_defined_4_code ...SYS
02 z13_user_defined_4 ...... 002502589
02 z13_user_defined_5_code ...
02 z13_user_defined_5 ...... ## 3rd ed.## NYC : HLC, 2005.## 52 p. ;
As you can see above, user_defined_5 doesn’t include author/title.