'This is a crisis right now': Survey finds more violence in Ontario schools
Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association to use data to demand Ministry of Education make changes
CBC NewsPosted: Jun 28, 2017 5:17 AM ET
Nine out of10English Catholic teachers in the province have experienced or witnessed violence orharassment in schools.
That's according toa recent survey of 3,500 teachersfrom the Ontario English Catholic Teachers Association (OECTA).
According to the results, 85 per cent of teachers polled say classroom violence is increasing.
- Violence against elementary teachers in Ontario public schools on the rise, union says
- There's more violence in schools and the province needs to act: teachers' union
A violent incident is defined as a situation that occurs on school premises during school hours or during a school-run program or event.
OECTAwas consistently hearing concerns from its unitpresidents about the increase inincidents, and the escalation of the type of violence says president Anne Hawkins.
"There was no hard data on this."
She saysthebest way to show the ministry how serious thisissue is and the negative impact it is having on teachers and studentsis using hard data.
"We knew it was a problem," says Hawkins,"But to actually see the raw statistics;some of theanecdotal stuff and some of the verbatim statements were reallyquite disturbingthe number of people who had multiple instancesof violenceperpetrated against them orthreats."
'More prevalent'says Sudbury teacher
The survey results reflectthe experience of teachers in Sudbury, Ont., saysChantal Rancourt,union rep for Catholic elementary teachers in the city.
"[Violence in schools]is becoming more and more prevalent. It seems to be a bit more mainstream, and it's a much bigger problem than what seems to be the knowledge of the average person."
Rancourtadds that violence is not always effectively dealt with.
"I think there are some good policies. It's a matter of if the policies are all being followed carefully," says Rancourt.
She says school boards need to be more proactive to protect teachers and students.
They also need to further develop resources to address violent incidents saysDanCharbonneau, the union representative for Catholic secondary school teachers in Sudbury.
"I think more work needs to be done in terms of providing professional resources, in terms of identifying behaviour, escalating behaviour, and in terms of how to deal with it," saysCharbonneau.
Mechanisms in place says Sudbury Catholic board
However, the Sudbury and District Catholic School Board says violent incidents within its schools have decreased over the years.
The board has mechanisms in place to prevent these incidents, director of education Joanne Bénardtold CBC news in an emailed statement.
"One hundred percent of our schools also have a bullying prevention plan and code of conduct in place which has been communicated to all staff, students and parents and is made available online."
Inconsistent reporting of violent instances
Hawkins says the inconsistency of reporting of violent instances isproblematic since some teachers are encouraged by their administrators not to report.
"We know that what is being reported to the ministry in many instances is not accurate."
The survey results showjust one in 10teachers who experience a violent incident filled out a report.
Hawkins says administratorsfeel reluctantto take down ateacher's report of a violent incident and forward iton to the ministry because they think it willreflect poorly on their school.
She wants to see more consistent and reliable reporting procedures in place.
"It's only if we get accurate reporting that we can actually make sure that the supports that need to be inplace for students actually get there," says Hawkins.
OECTAwillcontinue to analyze data over the summer months thenpresent the findings to the Ministry of Education.
Hawkins wants to see the ministry make changes immediately.
"This is not something you can take your time to implement," says Hawkins.
"This is a crisis, right now. These students are in crisis. They need supports, They need help, as do their families."