Part 2: Genre and Subgenre Movie Posters
Objective: Students will createONEmovie poster. Each poster will feature a movie from a different subgenre. They can be real movies or imagined, but each must include the following:
- The genre and subgenre should be at the top of the poster
- The title of the movie comes next
- Include anappropriate full color picture that shows the subgenre of the movie
- Explain why this movie belongs in the subgenre you’ve described.
- Write who your staring actors/actresses will be (actors/musicians or people you know)
Subgenres to use for this project (choose three): historical fiction, science fiction, realistic fiction,biography, autobiography, fairy tale, fable, tall tale, or informational writing.
- Genre and subgenre
- Title
if you cannot draw, you may use a picture from the internet, magazine, or newspaper. However, the picture must be relevant
4. Why the story belongs in the subgenre listed
5. At least two actors and/or actresses / Genre: Fiction Subgenre: Science Fiction
Aliens from Outer Space!
“Aliens from Outer Space” is science fiction. I know this because the story has aliens and advanced technology.
Mr. Morton as Max Powers
Lil Wayne as the Martian
Knowledge: Is the information on your poster correct?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Does not understand genre and subgenre Made a few mistakes Made a couple mistakes Made a mistake Perfect
Requirements: Did you complete everything that was required?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Did not meet requirements Missing a few things Missing a couple things Missing something Complete
Quality: Do your posters look presentable? Did you color or neatly sketch your drawings?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Posters are very low quality Posters looks messy or rushed Nice work Beautiful
Effort: Did you try your best? Does your project show your effort?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Incomplete Very sloppy or rushed More effort needed Well done
Part 3: Text to WorldGenre Poster
Objective: Students will find a movie or TV show poster and provide a picture. The movie or TV poster should show a type of genre. The project must include the following:
1. A picture of the advertised poster from the movie or show.
2. A clear paragraph answering the questions below.(8-10 Sentences using stoplight writing structure)
Subgenres to use for this project (choose three): historical fiction, science fiction, realistic fiction, biography, autobiography, fairy tale, fable, tall tale, mythExample:
1. Title of Movie/Show2. Year Released
3. What is the genre and subgenre?
4. An explanation of how you know.
5. How do the images help validate the genre? /
Knowledge: Is the information on your poster correct?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Does not understand genre and subgenre Made a few mistakes Made a couple mistakes Made a mistake Perfect
Requirements: Did you complete everything that was required?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Did not meet requirements Missing a few things Missing a couple things Missing something Complete
Quality: Do your posters look presentable? Did you color or neatly sketch your drawings?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Posters are very low quality Posters looks messy or rushed Nice work Beautiful
Effort: Did you try your best? Does your project show your effort?
0 ------1 ------2 ------3 ------4 ------5
Incomplete Very sloppy or rushed More effort needed Well done