Medications Relatively Safe to Take During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

You may take the following medications without calling us first. However, please contact us if the medications do not begin to help after a few days, or you seem to be getting worse.

Allergies: - Claritin (plain)

- Benadryl

- Zyrtec

Colds or sinus: - Sudafed throughout pregnancy

- Actifed after the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and breastfeeding is

well established

- Tylenol (1 or 2 tablets) can be taken for minor symptoms

(We suggest only one dose in the morning and one in the evening.)

Coughs: - Robitussin (Plain) as directed through the day

- Robitussin DM at night

- Mussinex

Sore Throats: - Chloraseptic Spray

- Throat Lozenges

- Plain Tylenol

Constipation: - Benefiber

- Citrucel

- Fibercon

- Plenty of water and fruits

Diarrhea: - Kaopectate, as directed

- Clear fluids for 24 hours, then BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast)

- Imodium AD (1-2 doses only) (If not resolved after second dose or 24 hours please call)

Gas: - GasX

- Phazyme

(NO Pepto-Bismol)

Insomnia: - Unisom, only one per week (Do NOT exceed 1 per week)

- Benadryl (Occasional use only)

- Tylenol PM (Occasional use only)

Heartburn: - Mylanta

- Tums

- Rolaids

- Alka Mints, as directed

- Zantac

- Pepcid

Hemorrhoids: -Preparation H



Nausea: - Mylanta, as directed

- Vitamin B6, 25mg to 50mg every 12 hours

- Dry toast, crackers, ginger ale, and/or small frequent meals of food

Tylenol can be taken for mild headaches and/or minor aches and pains.

DO NOT TAKE: Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, or Ibuprofen.

Be sure that if any other health care provider prescribes medication for you, that he or she

is aware that you are pregnant.

Revised September 2012