SWBAT evaluate different proposals to address the problem of poverty among the elderly during the Great Depression


8th Grade History


Directions: Read the quotation below and answer the questions that follow. Before you begin place a  above the date[jm1].

“The legislation which has been passed or in the process of enactment can properly be considered as part of a well-grounded plan.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Fireside Chat, May 7, 1933.

  1. In this “Fireside Chat” President Roosevelt is describing what “plan”?
  1. Alien & Sedition Acts
  2. New Deal
  3. Treaty of Versailles
  4. 19th Amendment
  1. Which statement best describes a guiding idea of the New Deal[jm2]?
  1. The government should stay out of the economy and allow the free market to fix the Great Depression
  2. Government programs focused on relief, recovery, and reform could help the U.S. out of the Great Depression
  3. Only by protecting businesses will the U.S. end the Great Depression
  4. The United States should involve itself in the foreign affairs of other countries

3. Explain the key differences between Roosevelt’s plan and Hoover’s plan and the effect those differences had on the election of 1932[jm3].



PENSION part of speech ______rewrite word: ______

Definition: a payment made regularly to a person after retirement

charge: + — o

Sentence: After serving in the NYPD for 40 years, my grandfather retired and lives in Florida on his pension.

Activity: Infer it

After working for the MTA for 40 years, Jannia traveled around the world writing her first novel and using her pension to support herself. What happened? ______

When Apple went bankrupt in 2060, Matthew found out that his pension disappeared along with the company. What happened?



Poverty During the Great Depression
Facing the Elderly
Rising Discontent from Political Radical Groups
Central Historical Question for Today, Tomorrow, and Friday: How revolutionary was the New Deal and the Social Security Act?


  1. How does Senator Long propose the U.S. address the problem of poverty among the elderly?


  1. Where will the money come from?



Source: Dr. Francis E. Townsend published his plan as a letter to the editor in a Long Beach, CA newspaper in 1933. His letter received a lot of support as he had identified a serious problem in the United States – poverty among the elderly.

  1. How does Dr. Townsend propose the U.S. address the problem of poverty among the elderly?


  1. Where will the money come from?



  1. Which proposal do you believe would be most effective in fighting the problem of poverty among the elderly and unemployment among younger people? Use specific evidence from the documents to support your answer.


  1. How is the banking crisis and the failures of many banks in the early 1930s related to the proposals of Long and Townsend? Use evidence from the documents to support your analysis.


______Wednesday, January 15, 2014 8th Grade History ______


Let’s write one great sentence about these proposals! I’ve started it for you.

While Huey Long and Townsend both had proposals designed to address problems facing the elderly during the Great Depression, ______


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[jm1]Check in with students who struggled on ET.

[jm2]TTM – what comes to mind when you see “free market”? How do you know that answer a is wrong?


Many Americans justified Westward Expansion based on this idea.

Who was President during World War I?

What was the purpose of the 19th Amendment?

She was an anarchist who was deported to Russia during the Palmer Raids

Primary author of the DOI

[jm4]Key questions:

  1. As historians, what’s the first thing we look at? What do we know about Long even before we read his speech?
  2. What economic system does “share-our-wealth” remind you of? Annotate with that connection.
  3. Why would someone propose limiting fortunes during the Great Depression?

[L5]Use CTG to start document. Students answer 1 & 2.

[L6]Students do independently. Wait for a check from me on 1 & 2 and then receive Reflection and Exit Ticket

[L7]Leave 3 minutes for student discussion and 1 minute for revision before Exit Ticket.