PSY 370: Environmental Psychology
Practice Test #1
- On the Environmental Response Inventory, which two disposition or personality characteristics are most related to one another:
- Antiquarianism and Pastoralism
- Urbanism and Need for privacy
- Stimulus Seeking and Environmental Adaptation
- Antiquarianism and Need for Privacy
- Sonnenfield’s Environmental Personality Inventory includes:
- Person Specialists, Thing Specialists, Generalists
- Sensitivity, Mobility, Control, Risk Taking
- Person-Thing orientations
- Person and environment holism
- In Roger Baker’s Behavior Settings theory, the environment includes:
- Rules for behavior; phsycal surroundings
- Natural surroundings; physical surroundings
- The actual setting; the perceived setting
- Actions; reactions
- Arousal theory states that:
- Too much stimulation can change behavior
- Too little stimulation can change behavior
- Each individual adapts uniquely to environmental stimulation
- Too much or too little arousal can change behavior
- Ambient stressors are:
- Long lasting but out of awareness
- Long lasting and in awareness
- Short duration and in awareness
- Short duration but out of awareness
- Which of the following is not a major concern with self report measurements in environmental psychology?
- Misrepresentation
- Honesty
- Memory
- Controlability
- Environmental perception differs from traditional perception in that environmental perception emphasizes:
- Complexity in scenes
- Properties of individual stimuli
- Motion
- Stationary objects
- Gibson’s Affordance Theory suggests that certain arrangements of “cues” give/afford the perceiver:
- A perfectly valid perception of cues
- Direct and immediate perception
- Elementary building blocks of perception
- Faulty information
- Lynch’s concept of ______refers to the ease with which a setting may be recognized and organized.
- Paths
- Cognitive maps
- Legibility
- Achievement
- Research shows that when people are learning the layout of a building on their own, they tend to:
- Move toward a location that allows the best surveillance of the building as a whole
- Read signs less
- Avoid that building
- Life people who live or work in that building less
- Research on environmental concern indicates that:
- Men are generally more concerned than women
- Women are more concerned than men and do more about it
- Women are more concerned than men but do less about it
- Women are more knowledgeable about environmental issues
- Which of the following are NOT one of the three primary emotional responses to the environment originally proposed by Mehrabian and Russell?
- Fear
- Dominance
- Pleasure
- Arousal
- According to the Environmental Personality Inventory, environmental sensitivity describes a person’s:
- Perceptions of amount and complexity of environmental impact on people
- Ability to notice environmental problems
- Sensitivity to the magnitude of environmental problems
- Awareness of the magnitude of environmental control on people
- In terms of political orientation, those that are more conservative have been found to show:
- More environmental concern
- Less environmental concern
- More proactive behaviors
- More concern and more proactive behaviors
- Generally, one sided arguments work to change a person’s environmental attitudes when they:
- Already agree with your position
- Have a strong position of their own on the issue
- Don’t care
- Disagree with you
- Explain, using examples, the three aspects of the Environmentalism Scale (Banerjee & McKeage) used to measure environmental attitudes.
- You have been hired by a company to help solve their problem of employees wasting paper. Using the Operant Behavior theory, explain how you would address this problem (use specific examples).
PSY370: Environmental Psychology
Practice Test Answers
- A
- B
- A
- D
- A
- D
- A
- B
- C
- A
- C
- A
- A
- B
- A
- Explain, using examples, the three aspects of the Environmentalism Scale (Banerjee & McKeage) used to measure environmental attitudes.
Internal Environmentalism
Personal beliefs about env
Person – env relationships
External Environmentalism
Issues outside self
e.g. consumer goods, legislation, economics
Substantive Environmentalism
Severity of problem
e.g. greenhouse, deforestation, pollution
used to measure attitudes .
- You have been hired by a company to help solve their problem of employees wasting paper. Using the Operant Behavior theory, explain how you would address this problem (use specific examples).
Positive Punishment – add something to decrease behavior
Fine those that use too much paper
Negative Punishment – remove something desirable to decrease behavior
Remove copying privileges for excessive use
Positive Reinforcement – give something pleasurable to increase behavior
Give a bonus to that use least paper
Praise - recognition
Negative Reinforcement – take away something negative to increase behavior
Remove sanctions or threats of punishment when they recycle