The 463 members of the class of 2008 defined as June graduates and 12-term seniors, provide an interesting profile of off-campus studies at Carleton:
- 71% of the class of 2008 studied off-campus.
- 331individuals studied 390times off-campus during their 4 years or twelve terms.
- 368 students earned off-campus study credit outside the United States.
- Students participated in 140 different off-campus programs in 50 different countries.
The attached tables, combined with the annual report “2007-08 Participation in Off-Campus Studies, Academic Year,” offer a bifocal view of Carleton Off-Campus Studies. Several interesting highlights include:
- 85% of the 331students participated in one program, while 13% participated in two, and 2% studied off-campus three times.
- Participation by program length was 48% for one term in length (10 weeks), 41% for one semester (15 weeks), 10% for less than one term (usually summer or winter break programs), and 1% for academic year-long programs (9+ months).
- 52% of the members of the Class of 2008 who studied off-campus went on Carleton off-campus seminars taught by Carleton faculty for Carleton students. 4% of those who studied off-campus participated in consortium programs (ACM, AKP, HECUA, etc.), and 44% of the class enrolled in programs sponsored by other U.S. and foreign educational institutions.
- 58% of the class members studied off-campus as juniors. 24% studied off-campus as sophomores, and 18% studied off-campus as seniors.
- 59% of the participants were women and41% were men.
- 100% of these majors participated in off-campus studies:
GermanAsian Studies Classical StudiesSpanish Latin American Studies Francophone Studies Russian Cinema & Media Studies Women & Gender Studies
- Over 70% of these majors studied off-campus:
Art HistoryPolitical ScienceGeology
EconomicsEnglishInternational RelationsStudio Art Religion Sociology/Anthropology
This report covers students who earned Carleton credit on off-campus study programs.
Credit and non-credit internships, geology, biology and archeology field camps, and volunteer
experiences elsewhere provided additional off-campus study opportunities for the members of the class of 2008.
Helena Kaufman, Director and Adviser Naomi Ziegler, Assistant Director and Adviser
Leslie Vanderwood, Administrative Assistant
For more information: 507.222.4332 or
CarletonCollege Off-Campus Seminars:
205 students (52%) and25 programs (18%)
Program NameParticipants
- Carleton Bio Geo Science in Australia11
- Carleton Chinese Studies in Tianjin7
- Carleton Coastal Ecology & Environmental Studies in Australia3
- Carleton Economics in Cambridge26
- Carleton English & Theater in London18
- Carleton Francophone Studies in Mali10
- Carleton French Studies in Paris12
- Carleton Geology in Italy7
- Carleton Irish Literature in Ireland8
- Carleton Middle East Mosaics7
- Carleton New Media in NYC and Europe16
- Carleton Political Economy in Beijing12
- Carleton Political Science in WashingtonD.C.3
- Carleton Russian in Moscow5
- Carleton Social & Cultural Field Research in Guatemala4
- Carleton Spanish in Madrid17
- Carleton Spanish in Mexico, Morelia1
- Carleton Spanish in Mexico, Puebla10
- Carleton Studio Art in Australia/New Zealand8
- Carleton Dance in Jamaica: The African Thread – Winter Break4
- Carleton Jazz History in NYC – Winter Break1
- Carleton Latin American Studies Field Research in Brazil – Winter Break9
- Carleton Photography in Hawaii– Winter Break1
- Carleton Tropical Ecology in Costa Rica – Winter Break3
- Carleton Vienna 1900: Dream and Reality2
Carleton Consortia Programs:
14 students (4%) and8programs (6%)
Associated Colleges of the Midwest Programs: Participants:
- ACM Chicago Semester in the Arts2
- ACM India Studies in Pune1
- ACM Japan Studies in Waseda3
- ACM Urban Studies in Chicago2
Other Consortia programs: Participants:
- Associated Kyoto Program2
- HECUA Internship in Ecuador1
- HECUA Scandinavian Urban Studies, Oslo, Norway1
- ISLEProgram in Sri Lanka2
Other Programs:
171Students (44%) and 107 programs (76%)
Senior Class 2008
- About Norway in Norway1
- Accademia Italiana thru CEA1
- AHA Int’l in Valdivia, Chile1
- AIFS Salzburg, Austria1
- AmericanUniversityCairo1
- Antioch African Arts, Mali1
- ArcadiaOrtega Y Gasset, Spain1
- ArcadiaUniversity in Greece5
- Augsburg Development Social Change, Cen Am2
- Augsburg Gender Social Change Meso Am1
- AugsburgNamibia Nation Building1
- Augsburg Crossing Borders, Mexico1
- Border Studies U.S. / Mexico3
- Budapest Semester in Mathematics at Eötvos U 6
- Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science 1
- CET in Harbin, China – summer1
- CET in Beijing1
- CET in Beijing – summer1
- CET Vietnam1
- CIEE Accra, Ghana1
- CIEE Dominican Republic1
- CIEE Prague – summer1
- CIEE Seville, Spain2
- DIS Danish Institute for Study Abroad26
- Eco Quest New Zealand1
- ECOSA Institute in Arizona1
- IES Arles, France – summer1
- IES Barcelona, Spain2
- IES Berlin, Germany3
- IES Buenos Aires, Argentina1
- IES Granada1
- IES Madrid, Spain2
- IES Paris, France2
- International Honors Program Cities XXI1
- Kansai Gaidai, Osaka, Japan1
- Korea U Int’l Summer Campus1
- LondonSchool of Economics1
- Lorenzo De’medici Institute, Florence, Italy1
- NYU in Florence2
- OTS South Africa thru Duke1
- Round River Ecuador Highlands2
- Round River Namibia3
- Round RiverTakuRiver Conservation, Canada2
- SEA Education Association – summer1
- SEA Education Association8
- Seoul National U Summer1
- Siena Liberal Arts, Italy1
- SIT Bolivia - summer1
- SIT Bolivia1
- SIT Brazil1
- SIT Brazil Amazon Studies1
- SIT Central Europe in Germany2
- SIT Chile1
- SIT Chile Summer Research1
- SIT China: YunnanProvince1
- SIT Czech Arts & Social Change1
- SIT France Integrated New Europe1
- SIT Ghana: African Diaspora2
- SIT India1
- SIT Jordan1
- SIT Kenya: Coastal Studies1
- SIT Kenya: Development, Health, & Society1
- SIT Madagascar: Ecology & Conservation2
- SITMali1
- SIT Mongolia1
- SIT Montserrat – summer1
- SIT Morocco – summer1
- SIT Morocco2
- SIT Peru: Literature, Art, Culture1
- SIT South Africa: Cape Town1
- SIT South AfricaDurban1
- SIT Southern Cone: Economic Development1
- SIT Spain1
- SIT Switzerland – summer1
- SIT Switzerland2
- SIT Tibetan Studies, Nepal1
- SIT Vietnam: Culture & Development1
- SUNYUniversity of Ghana1
- Swedish Program, StockholmU.2
- Syracuse U, Hong KongCity U1
- U Argentine Program thru Butler IFSA1
- U Bristol thru Butler IFSA1
- U Charles Prague AIFS1
- U College Cork, Ireland thru Arcadia CEA1
- U College London thru Arcadia CEA1
- U Ewha Korea Summer1
- U Georgia in Cortona, Italy1
- U Glasgow thru Arcadia CEA1
- U Guadalajara, Mexico Direct1
- U Haifa Intense Hebrew1
- U Hebrew Middle East Study – summer1
- U James Cook Australia thru Butler IFSA1
- U London SOAS Direct1
- U London SOAS thru Butler1
- U Melbournethru Arcadia CEA1
- U Nacional Autonoma Mexico1
- U Nacional De Cuyo Argentina2
- U Oxford thru Arcadia CEA1
- U Queensland, Australia thru AustraLearn1
- U St. Andrews thru Butler IFSA1
- U Sussex – summer1
- U ValparaisoChile thru Butler IFSA3
- U Victoria, New Zealand thru Arcadia CEA1
- U Wollongong thru AustraLearn1
- UNA Costa Rica thru Butler IFSA1
- USAC Chengdu Chinese Studies1
- Yonsei University, Korea1
Class of 20001
Participation by Region
/ # / %Africa / 31 / 8
Asia / 43 / 11
Australia & Oceania / 28 / 7
Europe / 178 / 46
Latin America / 59 / 15
Middle East / 3 / 1
North America (Canada and USA) / 24 / 6
Multiple Locations (Carleton New Media program in the U.S. and Europe; Carleton Middle East Mosaics in Africa, Middle East/Asia, Europe) / 24 / 6
390 / 100
Participation by Country
/ # /Participation by Country
/ #- United Kingdom
- Republic of Korea
- Australia
- Austria
- Denmark
- CzechRepublic
- Spain
- Ecuador
- China
- Morocco
- Multiple Locations*
- South Africa
- Switzerland
- France
- Bolivia
- Mexico
- Canada
- Italy
- India
- Mali
- Israel
- Brazil
- Kenya
- Ireland
- Madagascar
- Hungary
- New Zealand
- Chile
- Norway
- Guatemala
- Sri Lanka
- Japan
- Sweden
- Argentina
- Vietnam
- Germany
- Dominican Republic
- Greece
- Egypt
- Russia
- Jordan
- Costa Rica
- Mongolia
- Ghana
- Montserrat
- Jamaica
- Nepal
- Namibia
- Peru
*Multiple Locations:
Carleton Middle East Mosaics: Egypt, Morocco, Turkey
International Honors Program: Cities XXI: Argentina, China, India
Less than 1 term / 39 / 10
One term / 187 / 48
Two terms / 1 / >1
One semester / 160 / 41
Academic year / 3 / 1
390 / 100
Participation by Program Sponsor / # / %
CarletonCollege / 205 / 52
Consortia programs / 14 / 4
Other programs / 171 / 44
390 / 100
Participation by Class Year / # / %
Sophomore year (05-06) / 92 / 24
Junior year (06-07) / 227 / 58
Senior year (07-08) / 71 / 18
390 / 100
Student Participation on Programs / # / %
One program / 280 / 85
Two Programs / 43 / 13
Three programs / 8 / 2
331 / 100
Students by Gender / # / %
Women / 195 / 59
Men / 136 / 41
331 / 100
Participation by Major
(incl. double majors but not special majors)# / % of majors inClass 2008
American Studies 610 / 55
Art History 481 / 80
Asian Studies12 / 100
Biology 36 / 62
Chemistry 128 / 52
Cinema & Media Studies4 / 100
Classical Languages 3 / 100
Computer Science 766 / 50
Economics 352424 / 78
English 2926262 / 81
Francophone Studies2 / 100
Geology 1616 / 76
German12 / 100
History 2827 / 67
International Relations421515 / 86
Latin American Studies4 / 100
Mathematics 914 / 56
Music166 / 20
Philosophy 58 / 42
Physics 772 / 44
Political Science 1222 / 75
Psychology 2418 / 62
Religion 711 / 78
Russian 33 / 100
Sociology/Anthropology 15 / 71
Spanish3 / 100
Studio Art 1421 / 82
Theater1 / 50
Women and Gender Studies1 / 100
Senior Class 2008