The 463 members of the class of 2008 defined as June graduates and 12-term seniors, provide an interesting profile of off-campus studies at Carleton:

  • 71% of the class of 2008 studied off-campus.
  • 331individuals studied 390times off-campus during their 4 years or twelve terms.
  • 368 students earned off-campus study credit outside the United States.
  • Students participated in 140 different off-campus programs in 50 different countries.

The attached tables, combined with the annual report “2007-08 Participation in Off-Campus Studies, Academic Year,” offer a bifocal view of Carleton Off-Campus Studies. Several interesting highlights include:

  • 85% of the 331students participated in one program, while 13% participated in two, and 2% studied off-campus three times.
  • Participation by program length was 48% for one term in length (10 weeks), 41% for one semester (15 weeks), 10% for less than one term (usually summer or winter break programs), and 1% for academic year-long programs (9+ months).
  • 52% of the members of the Class of 2008 who studied off-campus went on Carleton off-campus seminars taught by Carleton faculty for Carleton students. 4% of those who studied off-campus participated in consortium programs (ACM, AKP, HECUA, etc.), and 44% of the class enrolled in programs sponsored by other U.S. and foreign educational institutions.
  • 58% of the class members studied off-campus as juniors. 24% studied off-campus as sophomores, and 18% studied off-campus as seniors.
  • 59% of the participants were women and41% were men.
  • 100% of these majors participated in off-campus studies:

GermanAsian Studies Classical StudiesSpanish Latin American Studies Francophone Studies Russian Cinema & Media Studies Women & Gender Studies

  • Over 70% of these majors studied off-campus:

Art HistoryPolitical ScienceGeology

EconomicsEnglishInternational RelationsStudio Art Religion Sociology/Anthropology

This report covers students who earned Carleton credit on off-campus study programs.

Credit and non-credit internships, geology, biology and archeology field camps, and volunteer

experiences elsewhere provided additional off-campus study opportunities for the members of the class of 2008.

Helena Kaufman, Director and Adviser Naomi Ziegler, Assistant Director and Adviser

Leslie Vanderwood, Administrative Assistant

For more information:  507.222.4332 or 


CarletonCollege Off-Campus Seminars:

205 students (52%) and25 programs (18%)

Program NameParticipants

  1. Carleton Bio Geo Science in Australia11
  2. Carleton Chinese Studies in Tianjin7
  3. Carleton Coastal Ecology & Environmental Studies in Australia3
  4. Carleton Economics in Cambridge26
  5. Carleton English & Theater in London18
  6. Carleton Francophone Studies in Mali10
  7. Carleton French Studies in Paris12
  8. Carleton Geology in Italy7
  9. Carleton Irish Literature in Ireland8
  10. Carleton Middle East Mosaics7
  11. Carleton New Media in NYC and Europe16
  12. Carleton Political Economy in Beijing12
  13. Carleton Political Science in WashingtonD.C.3
  14. Carleton Russian in Moscow5
  15. Carleton Social & Cultural Field Research in Guatemala4
  16. Carleton Spanish in Madrid17
  17. Carleton Spanish in Mexico, Morelia1
  18. Carleton Spanish in Mexico, Puebla10
  19. Carleton Studio Art in Australia/New Zealand8
  20. Carleton Dance in Jamaica: The African Thread – Winter Break4
  21. Carleton Jazz History in NYC – Winter Break1
  22. Carleton Latin American Studies Field Research in Brazil – Winter Break9
  23. Carleton Photography in Hawaii– Winter Break1
  24. Carleton Tropical Ecology in Costa Rica – Winter Break3
  25. Carleton Vienna 1900: Dream and Reality2

Carleton Consortia Programs:

14 students (4%) and8programs (6%)

Associated Colleges of the Midwest Programs: Participants:
  1. ACM Chicago Semester in the Arts2
  2. ACM India Studies in Pune1
  3. ACM Japan Studies in Waseda3
  4. ACM Urban Studies in Chicago2

Other Consortia programs: Participants:

  1. Associated Kyoto Program2
  2. HECUA Internship in Ecuador1
  3. HECUA Scandinavian Urban Studies, Oslo, Norway1
  4. ISLEProgram in Sri Lanka2

Other Programs:

171Students (44%) and 107 programs (76%)

Senior Class 2008

  1. About Norway in Norway1
  2. Accademia Italiana thru CEA1
  3. AHA Int’l in Valdivia, Chile1
  4. AIFS Salzburg, Austria1
  5. AmericanUniversityCairo1
  6. Antioch African Arts, Mali1
  7. ArcadiaOrtega Y Gasset, Spain1
  8. ArcadiaUniversity in Greece5
  9. Augsburg Development Social Change, Cen Am2
  10. Augsburg Gender Social Change Meso Am1
  11. AugsburgNamibia Nation Building1
  12. Augsburg Crossing Borders, Mexico1
  13. Border Studies U.S. / Mexico3
  14. Budapest Semester in Mathematics at Eötvos U 6
  15. Budapest Semester in Cognitive Science 1
  16. CET in Harbin, China – summer1
  17. CET in Beijing1
  18. CET in Beijing – summer1
  19. CET Vietnam1
  20. CIEE Accra, Ghana1
  21. CIEE Dominican Republic1
  22. CIEE Prague – summer1
  23. CIEE Seville, Spain2
  24. DIS Danish Institute for Study Abroad26
  25. Eco Quest New Zealand1
  26. ECOSA Institute in Arizona1
  27. IES Arles, France – summer1
  28. IES Barcelona, Spain2
  29. IES Berlin, Germany3
  30. IES Buenos Aires, Argentina1
  31. IES Granada1
  32. IES Madrid, Spain2
  33. IES Paris, France2
  34. International Honors Program Cities XXI1
  35. Kansai Gaidai, Osaka, Japan1
  36. Korea U Int’l Summer Campus1
  37. LondonSchool of Economics1
  38. Lorenzo De’medici Institute, Florence, Italy1
  39. NYU in Florence2
  40. OTS South Africa thru Duke1
  41. Round River Ecuador Highlands2
  42. Round River Namibia3
  43. Round RiverTakuRiver Conservation, Canada2
  44. SEA Education Association – summer1
  45. SEA Education Association8
  46. Seoul National U Summer1
  47. Siena Liberal Arts, Italy1
  48. SIT Bolivia - summer1
  49. SIT Bolivia1
  50. SIT Brazil1
  51. SIT Brazil Amazon Studies1
  52. SIT Central Europe in Germany2
  53. SIT Chile1
  54. SIT Chile Summer Research1
  55. SIT China: YunnanProvince1
  56. SIT Czech Arts & Social Change1
  57. SIT France Integrated New Europe1
  58. SIT Ghana: African Diaspora2
  59. SIT India1
  60. SIT Jordan1
  61. SIT Kenya: Coastal Studies1
  62. SIT Kenya: Development, Health, & Society1
  63. SIT Madagascar: Ecology & Conservation2
  64. SITMali1
  65. SIT Mongolia1
  66. SIT Montserrat – summer1
  67. SIT Morocco – summer1
  68. SIT Morocco2
  69. SIT Peru: Literature, Art, Culture1
  70. SIT South Africa: Cape Town1
  71. SIT South AfricaDurban1
  72. SIT Southern Cone: Economic Development1
  73. SIT Spain1
  74. SIT Switzerland – summer1
  75. SIT Switzerland2
  76. SIT Tibetan Studies, Nepal1
  77. SIT Vietnam: Culture & Development1
  78. SUNYUniversity of Ghana1
  79. Swedish Program, StockholmU.2
  80. Syracuse U, Hong KongCity U1
  81. U Argentine Program thru Butler IFSA1
  82. U Bristol thru Butler IFSA1
  83. U Charles Prague AIFS1
  84. U College Cork, Ireland thru Arcadia CEA1
  85. U College London thru Arcadia CEA1
  86. U Ewha Korea Summer1
  87. U Georgia in Cortona, Italy1
  88. U Glasgow thru Arcadia CEA1
  89. U Guadalajara, Mexico Direct1
  90. U Haifa Intense Hebrew1
  91. U Hebrew Middle East Study – summer1
  92. U James Cook Australia thru Butler IFSA1
  93. U London SOAS Direct1
  94. U London SOAS thru Butler1
  95. U Melbournethru Arcadia CEA1
  96. U Nacional Autonoma Mexico1
  97. U Nacional De Cuyo Argentina2
  98. U Oxford thru Arcadia CEA1
  99. U Queensland, Australia thru AustraLearn1
  100. U St. Andrews thru Butler IFSA1
  101. U Sussex – summer1
  102. U ValparaisoChile thru Butler IFSA3
  103. U Victoria, New Zealand thru Arcadia CEA1
  104. U Wollongong thru AustraLearn1
  105. UNA Costa Rica thru Butler IFSA1
  106. USAC Chengdu Chinese Studies1
  107. Yonsei University, Korea1

Class of 20001

Participation by Region

/ # / %
Africa / 31 / 8
Asia / 43 / 11
Australia & Oceania / 28 / 7
Europe / 178 / 46
Latin America / 59 / 15
Middle East / 3 / 1
North America (Canada and USA) / 24 / 6
Multiple Locations (Carleton New Media program in the U.S. and Europe; Carleton Middle East Mosaics in Africa, Middle East/Asia, Europe) / 24 / 6
390 / 100

Participation by Country

/ # /
Participation by Country
/ #
  1. United Kingdom
/ 53 /
  1. Republic of Korea
/ 4
  1. Australia
/ 26 /
  1. Austria
/ 3
  1. Denmark
/ 26 /
  1. CzechRepublic
/ 3
  1. Spain
/ 26 /
  1. Ecuador
/ 3
  1. China
/ 25 /
  1. Morocco
/ 3
  1. Multiple Locations*
/ 24 /
  1. South Africa
/ 3
  1. USA
/ 22 /
  1. Switzerland
/ 3
  1. France
/ 16 /
  1. Bolivia
/ 2
  1. Mexico
/ 15 /
  1. Canada
/ 2
  1. Italy
/ 13 /
  1. India
/ 2
  1. Mali
/ 12 /
  1. Israel
/ 2
  1. Brazil
/ 11 /
  1. Kenya
/ 2
  1. Ireland
/ 9 /
  1. Madagascar
/ 2
  1. Hungary
/ 7 /
  1. New Zealand
/ 2
  1. Chile
/ 6 /
  1. Norway
/ 2
  1. Guatemala
/ 6 /
  1. Sri Lanka
/ 2
  1. Japan
/ 6 /
  1. Sweden
/ 2
  1. Argentina
/ 5 /
  1. Vietnam
/ 2
  1. Germany
/ 5 /
  1. Dominican Republic
/ 1
  1. Greece
/ 5 /
  1. Egypt
/ 1
  1. Russia
/ 5 /
  1. Jordan
/ 1
  1. Costa Rica
/ 4 /
  1. Mongolia
/ 1
  1. Ghana
/ 4 /
  1. Montserrat
/ 1
  1. Jamaica
/ 4 /
  1. Nepal
/ 1
  1. Namibia
/ 4 /
  1. Peru
/ 1

*Multiple Locations:

Carleton Middle East Mosaics: Egypt, Morocco, Turkey

International Honors Program: Cities XXI: Argentina, China, India

Participation by Program Length / # / %
Less than 1 term / 39 / 10
One term / 187 / 48
Two terms / 1 / >1
One semester / 160 / 41
Academic year / 3 / 1
390 / 100
Participation by Program Sponsor / # / %
CarletonCollege / 205 / 52
Consortia programs / 14 / 4
Other programs / 171 / 44
390 / 100
Participation by Class Year / # / %
Sophomore year (05-06) / 92 / 24
Junior year (06-07) / 227 / 58
Senior year (07-08) / 71 / 18
390 / 100
Student Participation on Programs / # / %
One program / 280 / 85
Two Programs / 43 / 13
Three programs / 8 / 2
331 / 100
Students by Gender / # / %
Women / 195 / 59
Men / 136 / 41
331 / 100
Participation by Major
(incl. double majors but not special majors)# / % of majors in
Class 2008
American Studies 610 / 55
Art History 481 / 80
Asian Studies12 / 100
Biology 36 / 62
Chemistry 128 / 52
Cinema & Media Studies4 / 100
Classical Languages 3 / 100
Computer Science 766 / 50
Economics 352424 / 78
English 2926262 / 81
Francophone Studies2 / 100
Geology 1616 / 76
German12 / 100
History 2827 / 67
International Relations421515 / 86
Latin American Studies4 / 100
Mathematics 914 / 56
Music166 / 20
Philosophy 58 / 42
Physics 772 / 44
Political Science 1222 / 75
Psychology 2418 / 62
Religion 711 / 78
Russian 33 / 100
Sociology/Anthropology 15 / 71
Spanish3 / 100
Studio Art 1421 / 82
Theater1 / 50
Women and Gender Studies1 / 100

Senior Class 2008