A Meeting of Dunholme Parish Council was held in the Jubilee Room, Dunholme Village Hall on 19th November 2014.
Present:Mrs J. Wright (Chairman),B. Lewis, Mrs H Nicholls, S Barrett, F Elkington. T Brumpton and M Burre
Clerk:Mrs L Richardson
Also present: 2 members of the public
14/11/01Chairman’s Remarks
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised people that a focus group of the Neighbourhood Plan had taken place which local organisations attended. Thanks were given to Cllr Barrett for representing the Parish Council at the Remembrance Day service.
14/11/02Apologies for absence
On a proposal from Cllr Elkington, seconded by Cllr Brumpton following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept apologies of absence from Cllr Prestwood and Sahwney.
14/11/03Declarations of Interest
Cllrs Mrs Wright, Lewis and Elkington declared an interest in agenda item 10 as members of the DDIBC.
14/11/04To approve notes of the previous meeting
This was deferred to a future meeting
14/11/05Report from representatives from outside bodies
No outside bodies attended the meeting.
14/11/06Clerks Action Plan
Monckton Way Resivoir Sign / Sign has been orderedSeveral chase up emails have been sent
(latest 18.11.2014)
Speed Reactive Signs / Application Form has been submitted
Footbridge on Market Rasen Road / Email and photos sent to WLDC for advise
and assistance
(latest 18.11.2014)
Leak on Lincoln Road, Opposite Spar / WLDC informed and have now taken over
the matter
Playpark Repairs / Accepted quotes from Continental Landscapes
(latest 6.11.2014 - Aim to start the work within
the next week, weather dependant)
14/11/07Financial Matters
a) To receive a report from the working group regarding the preliminary work on the Councils draft 2014/15 budget and take any necessary action and complete the estimated precept demand form.
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wright following a vote it was unanimously RESOLVED to request a precept of £28500.
b) To consider paying for the Clerk to attend the Practitioners Annual Conference.
On a proposal from Cllr Elkington, seconded by Cllr Brumpton following a vote it was unanimously RESOLVED to pay for the Clerk to attend the Annual Practitioners Conference.
c) To consider making a financial donation to St Chads PTA for the purchase of mulled wine and mince pies for the annual Christmas event
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Elkington following a vote it was unanimously RESOLVED to pay a financial donation of £50 to St Chads PTA for mince pies and mulled wine for the annual Christmas event. This was resolved under the LGA 1972, section 137.
d) To approve accounts for payment
On a proposal from Cllr Barrett, seconded by Cllr Brumpton, it was AGREEDby allto pay the following:-
63.20Dunholme Village HallSports pavilion electricity
245.00VeoliaVillage Maintenance
20.00The Royal British LegionRemembrance Day wreath
737.34Continental LandscapesGrass cutting
404.17Mrs L RichardsonClerks salary and expenses
108.62J. AtkinCaretaker salary
13.72Mrs J WrightReimbursement for refreshments (NP)
46.63TalkTalk BusinessTelephone and broadband charges
35.09TalkTalk BusinessTelephone and broadband charges
240.00Lincolnshire County CouncilSpeed sign licenses
13.72Mrs J WrightNP Meeting Refreshments
50.00St Chads PTAAnnual Christmas Event Refreshments
0.32HSBCBowls Hall Fund Interest
0.83HSBCMoney Manager Interest
Various booklets and leaflets
14/11/09Planning Matters:-
Applications Received:
131844 – 31 Ryland Road – Dropped kerb to allow vehicular access to the property
034523 – 26 Ashing Lane – Cut back tree to property boundary
Applications Granted:
131706 – 18 Ryland Road- Alterations to front elevation and extension to rear
(granted 04/11/2014)
14/11/10To discuss and take any necessary action regarding maintenance to the Bowls Club
No maintenance is currently required
14/11/11To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the Neighbourhood Plan
a) To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the 2nd focus group in December
A date of 15th December was given as a date to hold the next focus group meeting. Parish Councillors will contact the Clerk with their availability.
b)To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the sustainability scoping documentCouncillors will review the document and provide feedback to the Clerk for any changes they think are necessary.
c) To discuss and take any other action as needed
No other action is currently required
14/11/12To receive a report from the working group regarding the Clerks annual review, including a review of the salary band and take any necessary action.
Defer to a future meeting
14/11/13To receive a request from The Lancaster Community Development Project Ltd to use our logo as Sponsors of their Business Plan.
On a proposal from Cllr Brumpton, seconded by Cllr Mrs Wright following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that The Lancaster Project can use the Parish Councils logo as a sponsor of their Business Plan.
14/11/14To receive a letter from the Dunholme Village Hall committee regarding the lease of the building, and take any necessary action.
It was agreed by all to look at a model lease from the Community Council and defer to a future meeting once Councillors have reviewed the current lease.
14/11/15To receive a letter from DIG requesting the Parish Council to register the Old School Hall as a Community Asset and take any necessary action.
This was deferred to a future meeting.
14/11/16To receive a letter from the Active 8 LED walk organiser regarding village maintenance, and take any necessary action.
Footpath and Footways particularly Oak Wood and one mentioned in email – put in Dunholme News. Ask WLDC dog warden to patrol the village more.
Reply to e-mail, ongoing issue, put in Dunholme News, ask dog warden.
14/11/17To receive a letter from William Farr regarding the maintenance of the dyke near the school, and take any necessary action.
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wright, seconded by Cllr Barrett following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED to get the dyke cleared out by Veolia.
14/11/18To discuss and take any necessary action regarding the provision of green waste skips.
No provision to be made this year. The next skips will be March/April 2015.
14/11/19Village Maintenance
On a proposal from Cllr Mrs Wright, seconded by Cllr Elkington following a vote, it was unanimously RESOLVED that the following village maintenance is required:-
- It has been requested that a dedication bench be sited along the beck on the passway through to Holmes Lane. Councillors requested that a metal one be out there like near the church or one like from Ecofurn.
- It has been requested that the dog pooh bin be reinstated at the end of Ashing Lane – this is to be reviewed by WLDC in 2 months (6 months after the bin was removed)
- A letter is to be sent to Ralph Day to clear out the dyke at the side of Honeyholes Lane playing field.
- Quotes to be accepted from Veolia for additional village maintenance required to the village.
- Chase up Veolia regarding the work required to Oak Wood.
- Ask Highways to cut the hedging back at the Scothern Road/A46 and top the trees along A46, and also the A46 along the rear of Monckton Way.
21:00Cllr Brumpton left the meeting
- Ask the caretaker to clean the signs around the village, specifically the playing fields and pinfold.
- Send a letter to Western Power stating that paths and grass should be reinstated to the way they were first found.
14/11/20Other Urgent Matters
None were discussed
Signed by the Chairman ...... Wednesday 17th December