Abstract Submission Form for AsCA’13

1. Presenting Author: ______

Full registrant ____ Student registrant ____

2. Corresponding Author:___same as 1______

3. Institution/ Organization:______

4. Academic Unit:______

5. Abstract Area: MS-____ or MS-____

6. Presentation Type: Plenary / Keynote____

Invited ____

Oral only ____

Oral/ Poster ____

Poster only ____

7. Young ScientistsTravel Support ____

Rising Stars ____

Notes: If Presenting and Corresponding authors are different, please fill out both 1 and 2.

For Institution and Unit use those of Presenting Author:

e.g. - Institution: University of Tokyo; Unit: Department of Applied Science

Abstract area: please note the number of the most relevant Micro-symposia 1 -18; if none mark MS-19

Presentation Type please mark one of the choices with large X

To qualify for Young Scientist support see AsCA13 Webpage;

Submission for Early Career Travel Support, either current student or recent graduates (2010+) Travel support is more likely for applicants from countries with less financial resources. (tick Poster only).

"Rising Stars" requires the Young Scientist to give Oral presentation if selected to be recipient (tick Oral/Poster). Note Rising Stars open to all regions/ countries (e.g. includes early career scientists from Japan, Australia etc, who may apply for Rising Stars, but should not apply for Travel Support)

You may tick both Travel Support and Rising Stars, if you qualify for both (note must tick Oral/Poster)

Title of my abstract for AsCA’13meeting [14 points, Arial, bold]
PresentingAuthor1, Second AuthorKim2and Third AuthorLee1,2 [11 points, Times New Roman, Please underline the presenting author.]
1Department of Chemistry, College of Natural Sciences, SeoulNationalUniversity, Seoul 151-747, Korea. [11 points, italics, Times New Roman]
2Department of Biophysics and Chemical Biology, College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul 151-747, Korea. [11 points, italics, Times New Roman]
E-mail: [11 points, underlined, Times New Roman]
Main text starts here [11 points, Times New Roman]. Please insert a single line spacing below the title, authors, and affiliations/E-mail. Each abstract should fit into a single page of A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), including main text, figures, tables, and references, with 2.5cm margins at the top, left and right sides, and the bottom. For figures please embed them in the Word file and ensure sufficient resolution to be clear, but please keep the size limit for file to within 1MB.
References [11 points, Times New Roman, bold]
[1](11pt Times) James J., Jones B. and Brown J., “The title of the book”, 1st edition, Publisher, (2001).
[2]James J., Jones B and Brown J., “The title of the conference paper”, Proc. Conference Title, where it took place, Vol. 1, P-0186(paper number), (2001), pp 1-11.
[3]James J., Jones B. and Brown J., “The title of the journal paper”, Journal Name, Vol.1, No. 1, (2001), pp 1-11.
Title should be in bold Arial (14 points), with the initial letter capitalized.
Authors will start on a new line and should be in Times New Roman (11 points). Family name should be placed after the first and middle name. Underline the name of the presenting author. Do not include the title of the authors (such as Prof., Dr., etc.).
Affiliations should start on a new line in italics in Times New Roman (11 points)and must include the author’s institution(s) and mailing address.
E-mail address of the presenting author should be provided in Times New Roman (underlined, 11 points).
Main text should be in Times New Roman (11 points) and single-spaced. Insert a single blank line spacing between paragraphs.
References should start on an new line in Times New Roman (11 points).
Abstract Submission Guidelines:
  1. Abstracts should be prepared in Microsoft Word only, but can be doc or docx format.
  2. The presenting author should indicate at the time of abstract submission if they would prefer to give their work as an oral or poster presentation. This indication will be used only as a guide in organizing the scientific sessions and we cannot guarantee that all preferences will be met.
  3. We intend to distribute abstracts on a thumb-drive at the conference. For final inclusion abstracts must include at least one author registered to the Conference.
  4. Abstracts that fail to meet the above requirements will NOT be accepted.