School District of Bayfield
Notice of Board of Education Meeting
Monday, March 9, 2009
1. Call to Order: The regular school board meeting of the School District of Bayfield Board of Education was called to order by Board President Bob Nelson on Monday, March 9, 2009, 5:00 p.m., in the school library.
2. Roll call of school board members: School Board members present were Bob Nelson, Jackie Merila, Don Jeffords and Cindy Garrity.
Absent & Excused: Rocky Tribovich, Deb Knopf and Brian Goodwin.
3. Pledge of Allegiance: The Pledge of allegiance was said.
4. Adjourn to Executive Session in accordance with Wisconsin Statute 19.85
(1)(e) Deliberating or negotiating the purchasing of public property, the investing of public funds,
or conducting other specified public business, whenever competitive or bargaining reasons
require a closed session.
(1)(g) Conferring with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral or written
advise concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved.
Motion by Jackie Merila to adjourn to Executive Session at 5:03p.m. in accordance with Wisconsin Statutes 19.85, second by Cindy Garrity. Roll Call Vote: Cindy Garrity-Yes, Bob Nelson-Yes, Deb Knopf-Absent, Jackie Merila-Yes, Rocky Tribovich-Absent, Brian Goodwin-Absent, and Don Jeffords-Yes. Motion carried.
Minutes of Executive Session are withheld as confidential.
Rocky Tribovich arrived at 5:04 p.m., Brian Goodwin arrived at 5:05 p.m. and Deb Knopf arrived at 5:40 p.m.
5. Reconvene in open session to act on any items from executive session if necessary.
6. Confirmation of Meeting Posting: Mary Meierotto confirmed postings.
7. Approval of the Agenda
Motion by Jackie Merila to approve agenda as presented, second by Cindy Garrity. Motion carried.
8. Approval of School Board Minutes – February 12, 2009.
Motion by Don Jeffordsto approve minutes of February 12, 2009 School Board Meeting as presented, second by Brian Goodwin. Motion carried.
9. Communications/Reports:
9.1Board President & Members:
9.1.1Finance Committee:
Motion by Rocky Tribovichto receive and place on file the FinanceCommittee minutes from March 5, 2009 as presented, second by Don Jeffords. Motion carried.
9.1.2Policy Committee
Motion by Rocky Tribovichto receive and place on file the Policy Committee minutes from March 5, 2009 as presented, second by Don Jeffords. Motion carried.
9.1.3Political Action Committee:Joint Finance Committee from Madison meeting in Ashland, Saturday, March 28, 2009. Gary Shermanis now a member of the Joint Finance Committee.
9.1.4Negotiations Committee: Superintendent Kunelius is waiting to hear from Bayfield Education Association (BEA) and Chequamegon United Teachers (CUT).
9.1.5Winter Transportation Committee: No meeting minutes from February 20 or March 6. The big sled is having mechanical issues. Two vouchers approved for $2,700.00 and $280.00.
Motion by Rocky Tribovich to receive and place on file the Winter Transportation Committee minutes from February 9, 2009 as presented, second by Don Jeffords. Motion carried.
9.2Audience/Written: Lions Clubmember Vern Voght reported the Lion’s Club will continue maintaining the field and fence.
9.3 Reports:
9.3.1 Athletic Director:
9.3.2Technology Coordinator:
9.3.3 K-8 Principal:
9.3.4 9-12 Principal:
9.3.5Director of Pupil Services:
9.3.7Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds
9.3.8 Red Cliff Education Committee
Board requested Principal Kent develop an action plan regarding students using tobacco products on school property.
Motion by Rocky Tribovich to table agenda item 9.3.1, Athletic Director Report, second by Don Jeffords. Motion carried.
Motion by Rocky Tribovichto receive and place on file reports 9.3.2 through 9.3.8 as presented, second by Jackie Merila. Motion carried.
10. Financial Accounting
10.1 Approval of Vouchers:
Motion by Deb Knopfto approve voucher numbers 52055 to 52215 as presented totaling $266,105.79, second by Rocky Tribovich. Motion carried.
10.2 Monthly Financial Report:
Motion by Rocky Tribovichto approve and place on file the financial report for March as presented by Finance Manager Nancy Heaton, second by Don Jeffords. Motion carried.
11. General Business
11.1.1Discussion of 2008-2009 Priorities: Achievement, Attendance, Relationships, Wellness and Nutrition, Telling Our Story, and School Climate:
Superintendent Kunelius reported progress continues being made on district priorities.
11.1.2Sesquicentennial Celebration: April 28, 2009 - 150th Day of the 150th Year Celebrating Cooperation and Partnership.
11.1.3Consider 2ndReading of Policies 225 Exhibit (1) Administrator Evaluation,
225 Exhibit (2) Administrative Evaluation, 377R(1) School District of Bayfield Athletic Code, 377 Exhibit (1) Athletic Code Agreement Statement,
377 Exhibit (2) School Transportation Waiver Form.
Motion by Don Jeffords to approve 2nd reading of Policies 225 Exhibit (1) Administrator Evaluation,
225 Exhibit (2) Administrative Evaluation, 377R(1) School District of Bayfield Athletic Code,
377 Exhibit (1) Athletic Code Agreement Statement, 377 Exhibit(2)School Transportation Waiver Form as presented, second by Rocky Tribovich. Motion carried.
11.1.4Special Education Self Assessment
Superintendent Kunelius introduced Pupil Services Director Sandy Raspotnik and thanked her for outstanding job performance. Ms. Raspotnik gave an overview of the Special Education Self Assessment. The Assessment looks at evaluations, transitions and individual education plans. The evaluation uses random samples and assessing by DPI standards. Paul Sherman, DPI, conducted an on-site review and audit of the self assessment.
11.2.1Consider Approval of Teacher Contract Offers for 2009-2010
Motion by Rocky Tribovichto approve teacher contract offers for 2009-2010 as presented, second by Deb Knopf. Motion carried.
11.2.2CESA 12 Contract – Intent to Renew
Motion by Rocky Tribovich to renew list of services as presented, and not renew - Alternative Education and Occupational Therapy, add - Data Retreat, Educational Technology Consulting and expand - Autism Project and Computer Technician, second by Deb Knopf. Roll Call Vote: Cindy Garrity-Yes, Bob Nelson-Yes, Deb Knopf-Yes, Jackie Merila-Yes, Rocky Tribovich-Yes, Brian Goodwin-Yes, and Don Jeffords-Yes. Motion carried.
11.2.3Consider Approval of 2009-2010 School Year Calendar
Motion by Don Jeffords to table the 2009-2010 School Year Calendar as presented, second by Rocky Tribovich. Motion carried.
11.2.4Consider School Governments Association
Motion by Rocky Tribovich to approve taking part in the School Government Association, second by Deb Knopf. Motion carried.
11.2.5Consider Approval of Science Trip to Reno, NV
Motion by Don Jeffords to approve Science Trip to Reno, NV as presented, second by Deb Knopf. Roll Call Vote: Cindy Garrity-Yes, Bob Nelson-Yes, Deb Knopf-Yes, Jackie Merila-Yes, Rocky Tribovich-Yes, Brian Goodwin-Yes, and Don Jeffords-Yes. Motion carried.
11.2.6Consider Approval of Science Trip to St. Paul, MN
Motion by Don Jeffords to approve Science Trip to St. Paul, MN as presented, second by Rocky Tribovich. Roll Call Vote: Cindy Garrity-Yes, Bob Nelson-Yes, Deb Knopf-Yes, Jackie Merila-Yes, Rocky Tribovich-Yes, Brian Goodwin-Yes, and Don Jeffords-Yes. Motion carried.
11.2.7Board Retreat: Will invite Jim Lee from CESA to attend a Board Retreat.
11.2.8Consider Assistant M.S. Girls Volleyball Coach and Assistant H.S. Girls Soccer Coach Recommendations
Motion by Rocky Tribovich to approve recommendation to hire Michele Basina as the Assistant M.S. Girls Volleyball Coach as presented, second by Cindy Garrity. Motion carried.
Motion by Rocky Tribovich to approve recommendation to hire Magdeline Dale as the Assistant H.S. Girls Soccer Coach, second by Cindy Garrity. Motion carried.
12. Adjournment
Motion by Rocky Tribovich to adjourn meeting at 7:30 p.m. Motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Meierotto
Recording School Board Secretary
Approved: ______
Robert J. Nelson, President
Approved: ______
Jacqueline Merila, Clerk