The Orchid Photography Contest is one of the activities of the Orchid Show 2016 organized by Toronto Artistic Orchid Association (TAOA). This Contest is open to the public with the purpose to promote the appreciation of orchids and the art of photography. The details of the Contest are as follows:
- Main theme of the Photo Entries: The main theme or the subject of the photo entries must be orchid(s).
- Size of the photos: Each photo entry must be 8 inches by 10 inches
- No. of Entries: There is no limit on the number of entries. All entries must be original.
- Submission of Entries: All photo entries can be submitted to the following addresses on or before April 30, 2016:
- Hit Camera & Video Ltd: 7569 Yonge St., Thornhill, ON., L3T 2C2 (Attn: Photography Contest), or
- Phoenix Professional Labs: 50 WeybrightCrt., Unit 18, Toronto, M1S 5A8, or
- Center for Information and Community Services (CICS) at 2330 Midland Ave., Toronto, ON., M1S 5G5 from April 4, 2016 to April 30, 2016 (Attn: Photography Contest); or
- The Orchid Lucky Draw Table during the Orchid Show 2016 held on April 9 to 10, 2016 at the Orchid Show venue ( CICS Center, 2330 Midland Ave., Toronto, ON., M1S 5G5)
- All entries must be attached with the Orchid Photography Contest Entry Form (below) on the back of the photo entries. Late entries will not be entertained.
- The Judging Panel: The Judging Panel consists of Mr. Ng Lik Fong, Mr. Tam Kam Chiu, Mr. Shelton Chen, Mr. Zhao Zu De and Mr. Eric Chan. The decision of the Judging Panel is final and no appeal will be entertained.
- Return of the Photo Entries: Return of the photo entries to the contestants will not be considered.
- Awards: Winner: Nikon D5200 18-55 VR II Kit + camera bag + Tripod
First Runner-up: Nikon D3300 18-55 VR II Kit + camera bag + Tripod
Second Runner-up: Nikon D3200 18-55 VR II Kit + camera bag + Tripod
5 Distinctive awards: Each receives a Nikon Coolpix L30 + camera bag
- Viewing and Prize Giving of the Winners of the Photography Contest: Viewing and Prize Giving of the Winners of the Photography Contest will be held during the General Meeting of TAOA held on July 16, 2016 (Saturday), 1:30 p.m. at the Center for Information and Community Services at the address above. Award winners will be informed in late June 2016 to come for the collection of prizes.
- Property and Right of Usage of the Photo Entries: All photo entries are the properties of TAOA and are subject to the disposal of TAOA. TAOA has the exclusive right of usage of all the photo entries.
- The details of the Orchid Photography contest can also be found in the web-site of TAOA at and Facebook:
Toronto Artistic Orchid Association (TAOA) Orchid Show 2016 Sponsored byHit Camera & VideoOrchid Photography Contest Entry Form
Name of contestant:______Signature:______
Phone (Main): ______Phone (alternative):______
Title of the Photo Entry (if any): ______Email (if any):______
(With my signature, I agree that TAOA has the exclusive right of usage and disposal of my photo entries. The photo entry would not be considered if there is no signature on the Entry Form)\
- Detach this portion of the Orchid Photography Contest Entry Form and attach it to the back of your Photo Entry. Make duplicates of this Entry Form if more entries will be submitted.
- Submit your entry/entries to the addresses stipulated on or before Apr. 30, 2016. Winners of the contest will be informed in late June through phone contact. Prize giving will be held on July 16, 2016.
Fold along the dotted line below so that the Title of the Photo Entry will appear on the top edge of the Photo Front
Title of the Photo Entry: ______
多倫多蘭藝會舉辦之2016年度蘭展會其中一活動項目是蘭花攝影比賽。是項比賽是公開給各界人仕參加, 其目的是推廣對蘭花的欣賞和攝影的藝術。比賽細則如下:
2.參賽作品的呎吋: 每幅參賽作品必須是8吋 x 10吋。
3.參賽作品的數目: 參賽作品的數目是沒有限制, 但每幅參賽作品必須是原作品。
4.參賽作品的收集: 所有參賽作品必須於2016年4月30日或前交到以下地點:
- Hit Camera & Video Ltd: 7569 Yonge St., Thornhill, ON., L3T 2C2 (Attn: Photography Contest); 或
- Phoenix Professional Labs: 50 WeybrightCrt., Unit 18, Toronto, M1S 5A8, 或
- 華諮處Center for Information and Community Services (CICS) at 2330 Midland Ave., Toronto, ON., M1S 5G5 from April 4, 2016 to April 30, 2016 (Attn: Photography Contest); 或
- 於蘭展會其間 (2016年4月9-10日)將參賽作品交給會塲( CICS Center, 2330 Midland Ave., Toronto, ON., M1S 5G5) 蘭花抽獎處。
6.評審團五人: 總評判吳力昉先生, 譚錦超先生, 陳涥燾先生, 趙祖德先生和陳霈燊先生 。評審團所作出的評審決定是最終的, 不可否決。
8. 獎項:冠軍: Nikon D5200 18-55 VR II Kit + 相機袋 + 腳架
亞軍: Nikon D3300 18-55 VR II Kit +相機袋 + 腳架
季軍: Nikon D3200 18-55 VR II Kit +相機袋 + 腳架
優異獎五名: 各得 Nikon Coolpix L30 + 相機袋
9.觀看得獎作品及頒獎將於七月十六日下午一時三十分在華諮處(CICS, 地址如上)舉行。大會將於六月尾通知獲獎者前來領獎。
10.有關此蘭花攝影比賽的詳情, 可瀏覽多倫多蘭藝會的網址
Toronto Artistic Orchid Association (TAOA) Orchid Show 2016 Sponsored byHit Camera & VideoOrchid Photography ContestEntry Form蘭花攝影比賽參賽表格
電話: ______其他聯絡電話(如有):______
作品的題名(如有): ______Email/電郵 (如有):______
- 將此參賽表格分開, 並附在作品的底面。如需要多份表格可自行影印。
- 請於2016年4月30日將參賽作品交到上述的收集處。頒獎將於七月十六日下午一時三十分在華諮處舉行, 大會將於六月尾通知獲獎者前來領獎。
- 有關此蘭花攝影比賽的詳情, 可瀏覽多倫多蘭藝會的網址 100004983618927
請沿以下點線摺叠, 使参賽作品的題名現於相片正面的上端
参賽作品的題名: ______