Present – Colin Trudgeon, Mike Fernbank, Shaun Perry, Don Axford, Mike Norman
The meeting was called to discuss two aspects of parking in the village and to report back to Full Council on the 8.2.16 with their recommendations. It was agreed that our two car parks should not be just for specific individuals but for those who have a genuine reason for visiting the village whether it be to work, socialise or to visit a friend or family member.
1. Car parking enforcement
2. Permits
a) Administration costs
b) Reduction in number of permits currently issued
c) Renting out a number of spaces to residents
d) Withdraw permits altogether
1. Car parking enforcement
Recent discussions have shown that there is doubt in the minds of some Councillors as to the viability and feasibility of employing someone to enforce parking in both of our car parks. There is no doubt certain motorists do abuse our goodwill when it comes to recognising our present parking restrictions and they no doubt know full well that we have no power to remove them. One of the Councillors’ concerns is that by having enforcement in place will only disperse those motorists onto our roads and cause more mayhem.
To carry out a comprehensive survey of our two car parks will take a lot of time and endeavour – and to what end? The decision was taken by the Group to suspend this survey and to gather evidence from the Community should they encounter any problems with accessing our car parks and to review the situation in time to come. There will be a proposal on Monday next to form a group to look into highway matters in total and to then formulate a strategy to bring to DCC Highways.
2. Permits
2a) Currently there are the following permits in force,
1. School + Childrens Centre = 19
2. Shop = 16
3. Cambrian Centre = 2
4. Residents = 4
Total 41
All these permits cost nothing to the applicant but nevertheless cost the Council in the administration of each permit. From recent surveys it is quite clear that expired permit holders continue to park their cars in the car park, some with current permits park on the road and some create their own permit. To police these permits takes time and effort.
Because of the current low take-up, there would seem no point in trying to introduce an annual charge for permits.
2b) It was suggested that the school and shop should have their permits reduced and issued from the shop to their staff on a daily basis. This was felt to be an onerous task.
2c) This idea was felt unworkable and could lead to every space being taken up.
2d) There does not appear to appear to be a problem with permit holders being able to park in either of our two car parks so the question was raised as to why we need to continue with issuing them. The group’s conclusion was that they should be dispensed with and the recommendation to Council is that the current permits issued should remain in force until the expiry date and from then onwards to stop issuing.
It was felt that if Council approves then letters should be sent to our four residents, our School Head Mistress, the Children’s Centre, the Shop Proprietor and to the Cambrian Centre informing them of the Council’s new policy. In addition, it was felt that something should be put in CVNews, our web site and minutes.
Mike Norman