( January 22, 2005 )

ADDRESS Department of Physics, Yarmouk University

P.O. Box 4824, 21163 Irbid, Jordan Tel .+ 962 2 7211111

Ext. 2300 or 2302 (work), E – mail:


Born: January 16, 1955; Place: Al Khaleel ; Nationality: Jordanian; Wife: Wajeeha Yune’s ; Daughters & sons: Shatha (born:1988), Nada ( born:1989), Hadeel ( born: 1991), Yazan ( born:1995), Omar ( born: 1998 )


B.S. Physics, Jordan University, Amman-Jordan, 1977.

M.S Solid State Physics, Jordan University, Amman-Jordan, 1980

Ph.D. Solid State Physics, U. of Illinois at Chicago/ USA, 1986.

Title of Thesis

M.Sc.: On Long-Range Correlations in Fermi Systems

Ph.D.: Structural Instability and Ouadrupolar Interactions in Pr(Ag, Cu)and (Ho, Y) Cu Systems .

Employment Record:

Appointment Date: September, 1, 1987

Academic Rank:Assistant Professor

Date of Promotions : 1) November, 17, 1991 ( Associate Professor ).

2) July, 7, 1996 ( Professor ) .

Date of Tenure: September, 6, 1993

Teaching Experience:

1977-1981: High School Teacher, (Ministry of Education).

1982-1983: Teaching Assistant, ( UIC / USA ).

1986-1987: Researcher Associate, ( UIC / USA).

1987-1991: Assistant Professor, Yarmouk University ).

1991-1994: Associate Professor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN.

1994-1995: Associate Professor, Zarka P. University ( Sabbatical ), Zarka, JORDAN.

1996-2000: Professor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN.

2000-2004: Professor, Ministry of Higher Education, Oman.

2005: Vice Dean of Research & Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.

Teaching Experience:

Introductory Physics (Mechanics), Introductory Physics (Electricity & Magnetism), Waves, Oscillations and light, Modern Physics, Thermodynamics, Vibrations and waves, Statistical Mechanics, Introduction to Solid State Physics(I), Introduction to Solid State(II), Physics Optics.

Graduate Courses:

Statistical Mechanics, Optical Properties of Materials, Magnetic Fluids, Superconductivity, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.

Research Interest

  1. Dynamics as well as statics of phase transitions, especially in magnetic materials and Superconductivity.
  2. Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of magnetic fluids .

Honors and a wards

  1. 1.Scholarship from Jordan Ministry of Education, (1973-1977) .
  2. DAAD , Summer, 1992 .
  3. Shoman Award for Young Arabs Scientists, 1994.
  4. Third World Academy of Sciences, 1997.

Graduate studies ( M . Sc. ) / Supervision :

Student Name


Thesis Title

1. A. Abu – libdeh


“Magnetic properties of metallic magnetic fluids”, 1990.

2. A. Al –Sharif


“Optical properties of dielectric thin films”1991 ( Co-advisor).

3. R. Al-Tahtamouni

/ “The transmission of a Gaussian beam by a Fabry-Perot interferometer ” 1992 ( Joint ).

4. A. Al – Rawi

/ “On the temperature dependence of the Ac-susceptibility of an
Fe3 O4 magnetic fluids”, 1992 .

5. A. Bayrakdar

/ “Temperature dependence of Ac- susceptibility of an Fe3 O4 fine particles annealed for different temperature”, 1992

6. K. Al-Hussain

/ “Ac- susceptibility of the Fe(Al, Co) alloys system”, 1992

7. M. Abduallah

/ “On the temperature dependence of dichroism in magnetic fluids”, 1993
( Joint ).

8. N. Abu –libdeh

/ “Magnetic properties of ( Fe, Co) 1-x Al x System”, 1999 .

9. J. Mustafa

/ “Phonon dispersion curves of Rig Compounds”, 1999.

10. A.Kelani

/ “The effect of size distribution on the entropy of fine magnetic particles”, 1999.

11. F. Namas

/ “Entropy calculations of magnetic fluid using Monte- Carlo technique”, 1999.

12. A. Al –Jamal

/ “The magneto caloric effect of magnetic fluids”, 1999.

Research Grants:

Title & No.


Investigators & $ ( J.D )

Metallic & non-metallic fine particle systems, 15/ 88.

/ I. Abu-Aljarayesh, N.Yusuf & H.Abu –Safia, 750 JD.

High Temperature Superconductivity, 53 / 89 .

/ Abu Aljarayesh, Al Kofahi & S. Mahmood, 2400 JD.

Magneto-Dielectric & A.C Susc. Of fine Particle systems and magnetic alloys, 38 / 92 .

/ N. Yusuf, H. Abu Safia & I. Abu Aljarayesh, 11, 500 JD.

Magnetic and electrical properties of fine magnetic, 50/ 94.

/ I. Abu Aljarayesh, M.Said A. Lehlooh & S.Mahmood, 5160 JD.

High Temperature Superconductivity, EEC .

/ I.Abu Aljarayesh, A.El Ali, M. Al-Kofahi, A.Saleh & S. Mahmood, 70, 000.

Committees Memberships:

Department Committees:

Chairman of Physics Department 1998, Graduate Studies ( Several times), Library and Computer, Curriculum ( Several Times ), Laboratories, Social,

The first and Second science day of faculty of science.

Faculty Committees:

Chairman of the curriculum for M. Sc. in environmental science 1999, Library,

The second science day, Graduate Studies, Scientific Research .

University Committees:

Institutes and Centers, Library, Member of the center of Physics council .

Organizing Committees:

Of the 2 nd , 3 rd symposium on Magnetics, Petra – School of Physics,

MSM 2001 .

M. Sc. Thesis Examination Committees ( M. Sc. ): Participated in ( 25 ) Committees .

Other Scientific Activities:

a) Built a research Lab. For Ac- magnetic susceptibility .

b) Seminars at Yarmouk and other University:

The Physics of Global Warming, Super conductivity: Physics and Applications, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Fluids,

Dynamic Properties of Magnetic Fluids, Magneto culonic effects, Ac susceptibility in Fine particle system ( Jordan Univ.), Critical exponents in Magnetic systems ( Berlin, 1999 ), Ac susceptibility Of magnetic fluids (Riodejanero), Magnetism in our life ( Secondary Schools ) .

c) General Articles in Physics: 5 articles written in Arabic and Published in

“ Majal’t Al- Yarmouk “ .

1) “ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging “, No. 25 (2998 ), 32.2).

2) “ Superconductivity “, No. 26 ( 2998 ), 56.

3) “ Lightening “, No. 31 ( 1990 ), 54 .

4) “ Earth’s Magnetic Field “, No. 31 ( 1991 ), 40 .

5) “ Magnetic Fluids an its Technological Importance “,

No. 28 ( 1990 ), 45.

c) Conferences attended:

MSM ( Invited ), 2001

Al – Najah, 2000

7 th EMMA / Zaragozia / Spain, 1998

4, 5 and 6 th Petra School of Physics 1987, 89, 98

Jordan / Amman / 3rd Conf. Of Cond. Matter, 1994

U.S. A / Huston / 37 th MMM, 1992

U.S.S R / Riga / 5th ICMF ‘s, 1989

U.S.A / Baltimore / APS 1985

U.S.A / Detroit / APS, 1984


  1. "Binding- Potential Modeling of the Structural Instability in Pr Ag 1-x Cux "I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. S. Kouvel and T. O. Burn. Phys. Rev. B 34. (1986) 240 –249.
  2. "Quadrupolar Interactions in Yx Ho 1-x Cu and Ho1-x Yx Ag ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. S. Kouvel and T. O. Burn, J. Magn. Magn Mater, 54 –57, ( 1986 ) 512 – 514.
  3. "Quadrupolar Coupling and Structural Instability in Yx Ho 1-x Cu ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. S. Kouvel and T. O. Burn. Phys. Rev. B 36 (1987) 2000-2005.
  4. " Evolution and Splitting of Plasmon Bands in Metallic Superlattices", S. H. Mahmood, A. Malkawi and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Phys. Rev. B 40 (1989) 988 – 992.
  5. " Temperature Dependence of the Faraday Rotation and the Transmission of light in Magnetic Fluids", N. A. Yusuf, H. Abu- Safia, I. Abu-Aljarayesh and S. Mahmood, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 85 (1990), 85 –88.
  6. " Temperature Dependence of Birefringence and Dichroism in Magnetic Fluids ". H. Abu-Safia, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S.. Mahmood and N. A. Yusuf J.. Magn. Magn. Mater., 87 (1990), 333-338.
  7. " Concentration Dependence of Faraday Rotation in Magnetic Fluids ". N. A. Yusuf, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. A. Rousan and H.. M. El – Ghanem, IEEE Trans. Magn., 26 (1990), 2852 – 2855.
  8. "On the Concentration Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Co in Hg" I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S.. Mahmood, N. A. Yusuf and J. Popplewell. Magneto-hydrodynamics, 26 ( 1990 ), 292 – 295.
  9. " Superparamagnetic Behavior in Magnetic Fluids Containing Cobalt Particles Dispersed in Mercury ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S.. Mahmood, N. A. Yusuf, J. Popplewell and M. El – Hilo, Magnetohydrodynamics, ( 1990 ), 418 – 421.
  10. " Mossbauer study of Fe3 O4 Fine Particles ". S. Mahmood, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, N. A. Yusuf and J. Popplewell. Magneto hydrodynamics 26 ( 1990 ) 40 – 42.

11. " Initial Susceptibility of Iron in Mercury Magnetic Fluids". I. Abu- Aljarayesh, and A. Abu Libdeh. J.. Magn. Magn. Mater, 96 (1991), 89- 123.

12. "Structural and Magnetic Studies of the alloy system CuAl1-x Fe x ". A. S. Saleh, R. Al-jaber, A. Malkawi, S. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 99 (1991) 152 – 158.

13. " Carrier and Chain formation dependence of birefringence in magnetic fluids". H. Abu Safia, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, H. M. El – Ghanem and N. A. Yusuf, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 103 (1992 ) 19- 24.

14. " Structural and Magnetic Studies of the Alloy System GdAg 1-x Fe x ". A. S. Saleh, L. A. Saleh, N. M. Nayfeh, S. H.. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Appl. Phys. 71 (1992) 1893 –1895.

15. "Characterization of Kerak Basalts using Petrological, Magnetic and Mossbauer Studies ". S. Mahmood, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, M. Kofahi, S. Nasir, J. Popplewell and C. Landyt, Dirasat 19B, ( 1992 ) 1933.

16. Oxidation State of the upper mantle beneath the northwestern part of the Arabian lithosphere ". S. Nasir, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S. Mahmood, A. Lehlooh, Tectonophysics 213 ( 1992 ) 359 – 366.

17. " Empirical Calibration of Geothermometer for Garnet Amphibolite and Granulites based on the Assemblage Garnet-clinopyroxene – hornblende ". S. Nasir and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. Chem. Erde 52 ( 1992 ) 205 –210.

18. " On the temperature dependence of the ac- susceptibility of Fe3 O4 magnetic fluids ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. Al- Rawi and H. Abu Safia, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 119 ( 1993 ) 87 – 95.

19. " On the Static and time- dependent magnetic properties of Fe3 O4 fine particles: effect of oxidation ". S. H. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Magn. Magn. Mater 118 ( 1993 ) 193-199.

20. " Magnetic Studies Of Lower Crustal And Upper Mantle Xenoliths From NE- Jordan ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S. Mahmood and S. Nasir, ABHATH AL YARMOUK, 2 (1993) 41-54.

21. " Rugate filter sidelobe suppression using half – apodization " H. Abu- Safia, A. AL-Sharif and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Appl. Optics, 32 ( 1993 ) 4831 – 4835.

22. " The effect of heating on the magnetic properties of Fe3 O4 fine particles". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. AL –Bayrakdar and S. H. Mahmood. J. Magn. Magn. Mater 123 (1993 ) 267- 272.

23. " The Curie –Weiss behavior of birefringence in ferrofluids " N. Yusuf, H. Abu-Safia and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Appl. Phys. 73 ( 1993 ) 6136- 6139.

24. " AC – susceptibility of the Fe( AL. Co ) system". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, K. AL-Hussein, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 125 ( 1993 ) 297 –302.

25. " Ac magnetic susceptibility of cobalt in mercury magnetic fluids ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. AL –Bayrakdar, N. Yusuf and H. Abu- Safia. J. Appl. 73. (1993) 6970- 6972.

26. " Mossbauer and X-ray diffraction studies of heat treated Fe3 O4 fine particles". A. Lehlooh, S. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Magn. Magn. Mater 136 (1994) 143-148.

27. " Transmission of a Gaussian beam through a Fabry – Perot interferometer ". H. Abu- Safia, R. Al- Tahtamouni, I. Abu-Aljarayesh and N. Yusuf, Appl. Opt. 33 (1994 ) 3805 – 3811.

28. " Ferric Iron in Upper Mantle Cr- Spinels: A Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study ". S. Nasir, A. Lehlooh, S. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Chem-Erde. 53 ( 1993 ) 369 –375.

29. " The temperature dependence of the optical anisotropy in magnetic fluids: birefringence and dichroism ". N. A. Yusuf, D. A. Manasrah, H. Abu – Safia, M.. Adballah and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J.. Magn. Magn. Mater. 138 ( 1994 ) 173-188.

30. " Does Curie – Weiss behavior exist in the birefringence and dichareism in magnetic fluids ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, M.. Adballah, H. Abu – Safia, D. Manasrah and N. Yusuf, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 138 ( 1994 ) 189 – 198.

31. " Using new apodization functions to improve minus filter design ", H. Abu-Safia, A. AL- Sharif and I. abualjarayesh, (1995 ), ABHATH AL-YARMOUK, 4 No 1-A, 115-135.

32. " Mossbauer study of magnetic phase transition in Fe Al 1-x, Co x ", I. Abualjarayesh, S. Mahmood, A. Lehlooh, (1995), J. Magn. Magn. Mater. (140-144), 65-66.

33. "Magneto - dielectric anisotropy in magnetic fluids determined from magneto-optical measurements", N. Yusuf, J. Shobaki, H. Abu-Safia and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1995 ), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 149, 373-37.

34. "Local Environmental Effects in Fe(Al, Co) system "I. Abualjarayesh, M. Said and Y. Hamam, (1996), "Local, Solid State Comm; 99, 567-569.

35. "Numerical Calculation of the temperature variation of the optical anisotropy in magnetic fluids" J. Shobaki, F. Rawwagah, l. Abu-Aljarayesh, N. A Yusuf, (1996), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 159, 367-314.

36. "A scaling model for the optical anisotropy in magnetic fluids: Dichroism and Birefringence ", J. Shobaki, D. Manasrah, N. Yusuf and l. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) IEEE Trans. Magn, 32, 5245-5250.

37. "Phonon dispersion curves for Fe (Al, Co) system ", A El-Ali, M. Al-Kofahi, S. H. Mahmood and l. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) Al- Manarah, 1. 327-35.

38. "Magnetic Properties of Fe (Al, Co) systems ", Y. Hamam, M. Said, J. Shobaki and l. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) Mu'tah, Lil- Buhooth Wa Al- Dirasat, 11, 67-84.

39. " Magnetic properties of Fe 30 4 fine particles: Time dependence and Mossbauer spectroscopy", A. Ismail, Y. Hamam, M. Said, A. Lehlooh and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) A. ABHATH AL-YARMOUK, 5, 63-69.

40. "Magnetization study of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+? High-temperature Superconductors" I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Y. A. Hamam and M. R. Said, (1997), Superconductors Science and Technology, 10, 290-297.

41. "A local environmental study in the Co (Al, Fe) system" M. El-Ghanem, A. H. Lehlooh, M. R. Said and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1997), J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 169, 130- 134.

42. "Magentic properties of the system Fe(Al, Mn) "I. Abu-Aljarayesh S. Al-khateeb and M. R. Said, (1998), , J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 185, 220-224.

43. "Numerical calculations of the entropy and magnetization of magnetic fluids with chain aggregates "I. Abu-Aljarayesh and Sh. Migdadi, (1999), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 191, 174-180.

44. "Critical exponents of ( Fe, Mn)3 Si "Y. A. Hamam, I. Abu-Aljarayesh and S. Mahmood, (1999), , J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 195, 679-686.

45. " Scaling behaviour of Al-doped YBCO easer ablated thin films ", M. Saleh, Y. A. Hamam, M. R. Said, M. abu Samrah and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (2000), Supercond. Sci. Technol. 13, 1607 – 1611.

46. " Magnetic phase transition in(Fe, Mn)65 Ni 35 alloys "I. Abu-Aljarayesh, M. R. Said, (2000), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 210, 73-80.

47. " Magnrtic entropy change of magnetic fluids "I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. F. Al – Jamal, M. R. Said, (2002), Physica B 321, 82 –86.

48. " Magnetocaloric effect in Ba – and Sr- hexaferrites "Y. A. Hamam, M. R. Said, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, . ( 2002 ), Physica B 321, 129 – 132.

49. " Thermodynamic assessment in heavy metal migration at El – Akader landfill site, North Jordan "Y. Abu – Rukah, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (2002), Waste Management 22, 727 – 738.

50. "Magneto – caloric effects in Fe50 Mn15Ni35 ", M. R. Said, Y. A. Hamam, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, ( 2004 ), J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 284, 161 – 164.


Magnetic Behavior of pohy curbosila zane – Fe, Fe and mixed valance – Fe chloride, Y. Hamam, I. Arafa, H. El – Ghanem, M. Said & I. Abu-Aljarayesh.

In Preparations:

  1. Critical exponents of ( Fe 65-x Cr x ) Ni 35 System.
  2. On Magnetic properties of Y ( Al, Fe ) 2 System.
  3. Magnetic properties of Dy 2-x Yx Ni 17 System.
  4. Magneto Caloric Effects of Fe Hg magnetic fluids.