( January 22, 2005 )
ADDRESS Department of Physics, Yarmouk University
P.O. Box 4824, 21163 Irbid, Jordan Tel .+ 962 2 7211111
Ext. 2300 or 2302 (work), E – mail:
Born: January 16, 1955; Place: Al Khaleel ; Nationality: Jordanian; Wife: Wajeeha Yune’s ; Daughters & sons: Shatha (born:1988), Nada ( born:1989), Hadeel ( born: 1991), Yazan ( born:1995), Omar ( born: 1998 )
B.S. Physics, Jordan University, Amman-Jordan, 1977.
M.S Solid State Physics, Jordan University, Amman-Jordan, 1980
Ph.D. Solid State Physics, U. of Illinois at Chicago/ USA, 1986.
Title of Thesis
M.Sc.: On Long-Range Correlations in Fermi Systems
Ph.D.: Structural Instability and Ouadrupolar Interactions in Pr(Ag, Cu)and (Ho, Y) Cu Systems .
Employment Record:
Appointment Date: September, 1, 1987
Academic Rank:Assistant Professor
Date of Promotions : 1) November, 17, 1991 ( Associate Professor ).
2) July, 7, 1996 ( Professor ) .
Date of Tenure: September, 6, 1993
Teaching Experience:
1977-1981: High School Teacher, (Ministry of Education).
1982-1983: Teaching Assistant, ( UIC / USA ).
1986-1987: Researcher Associate, ( UIC / USA).
1987-1991: Assistant Professor, Yarmouk University ).
1991-1994: Associate Professor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN.
1994-1995: Associate Professor, Zarka P. University ( Sabbatical ), Zarka, JORDAN.
1996-2000: Professor, Yarmouk University, Irbid, JORDAN.
2000-2004: Professor, Ministry of Higher Education, Oman.
2005: Vice Dean of Research & Graduate Studies, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan.
Teaching Experience:
Introductory Physics (Mechanics), Introductory Physics (Electricity & Magnetism), Waves, Oscillations and light, Modern Physics, Thermodynamics, Vibrations and waves, Statistical Mechanics, Introduction to Solid State Physics(I), Introduction to Solid State(II), Physics Optics.
Graduate Courses:
Statistical Mechanics, Optical Properties of Materials, Magnetic Fluids, Superconductivity, Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.
Research Interest
- Dynamics as well as statics of phase transitions, especially in magnetic materials and Superconductivity.
- Magnetic and magneto-optical properties of magnetic fluids .
Honors and a wards
- 1.Scholarship from Jordan Ministry of Education, (1973-1977) .
- DAAD , Summer, 1992 .
- Shoman Award for Young Arabs Scientists, 1994.
- Third World Academy of Sciences, 1997.
Graduate studies ( M . Sc. ) / Supervision :
Student Name
/Thesis Title
1. A. Abu – libdeh
/“Magnetic properties of metallic magnetic fluids”, 1990.
2. A. Al –Sharif
/“Optical properties of dielectric thin films”1991 ( Co-advisor).
3. R. Al-Tahtamouni
/ “The transmission of a Gaussian beam by a Fabry-Perot interferometer ” 1992 ( Joint ).4. A. Al – Rawi
/ “On the temperature dependence of the Ac-susceptibility of anFe3 O4 magnetic fluids”, 1992 .
5. A. Bayrakdar
/ “Temperature dependence of Ac- susceptibility of an Fe3 O4 fine particles annealed for different temperature”, 19926. K. Al-Hussain
/ “Ac- susceptibility of the Fe(Al, Co) alloys system”, 19927. M. Abduallah
/ “On the temperature dependence of dichroism in magnetic fluids”, 1993( Joint ).
8. N. Abu –libdeh
/ “Magnetic properties of ( Fe, Co) 1-x Al x System”, 1999 .9. J. Mustafa
/ “Phonon dispersion curves of Rig Compounds”, 1999.10. A.Kelani
/ “The effect of size distribution on the entropy of fine magnetic particles”, 1999.11. F. Namas
/ “Entropy calculations of magnetic fluid using Monte- Carlo technique”, 1999.12. A. Al –Jamal
/ “The magneto caloric effect of magnetic fluids”, 1999.Research Grants:
Title & No.
/Investigators & $ ( J.D )
Metallic & non-metallic fine particle systems, 15/ 88.
/ I. Abu-Aljarayesh, N.Yusuf & H.Abu –Safia, 750 JD.High Temperature Superconductivity, 53 / 89 .
/ Abu Aljarayesh, Al Kofahi & S. Mahmood, 2400 JD.Magneto-Dielectric & A.C Susc. Of fine Particle systems and magnetic alloys, 38 / 92 .
/ N. Yusuf, H. Abu Safia & I. Abu Aljarayesh, 11, 500 JD.Magnetic and electrical properties of fine magnetic, 50/ 94.
/ I. Abu Aljarayesh, M.Said A. Lehlooh & S.Mahmood, 5160 JD.High Temperature Superconductivity, EEC .
/ I.Abu Aljarayesh, A.El Ali, M. Al-Kofahi, A.Saleh & S. Mahmood, 70, 000.Committees Memberships:
Department Committees:
Chairman of Physics Department 1998, Graduate Studies ( Several times), Library and Computer, Curriculum ( Several Times ), Laboratories, Social,
The first and Second science day of faculty of science.
Faculty Committees:
Chairman of the curriculum for M. Sc. in environmental science 1999, Library,
The second science day, Graduate Studies, Scientific Research .
University Committees:
Institutes and Centers, Library, Member of the center of Physics council .
Organizing Committees:
Of the 2 nd , 3 rd symposium on Magnetics, Petra – School of Physics,
MSM 2001 .
M. Sc. Thesis Examination Committees ( M. Sc. ): Participated in ( 25 ) Committees .
Other Scientific Activities:
a) Built a research Lab. For Ac- magnetic susceptibility .
b) Seminars at Yarmouk and other University:
The Physics of Global Warming, Super conductivity: Physics and Applications, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Magnetic Properties of Magnetic Fluids,
Dynamic Properties of Magnetic Fluids, Magneto culonic effects, Ac susceptibility in Fine particle system ( Jordan Univ.), Critical exponents in Magnetic systems ( Berlin, 1999 ), Ac susceptibility Of magnetic fluids (Riodejanero), Magnetism in our life ( Secondary Schools ) .
c) General Articles in Physics: 5 articles written in Arabic and Published in
“ Majal’t Al- Yarmouk “ .
1) “ Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging “, No. 25 (2998 ), 32.2).
2) “ Superconductivity “, No. 26 ( 2998 ), 56.
3) “ Lightening “, No. 31 ( 1990 ), 54 .
4) “ Earth’s Magnetic Field “, No. 31 ( 1991 ), 40 .
5) “ Magnetic Fluids an its Technological Importance “,
No. 28 ( 1990 ), 45.
c) Conferences attended:
MSM ( Invited ), 2001
Al – Najah, 2000
7 th EMMA / Zaragozia / Spain, 1998
4, 5 and 6 th Petra School of Physics 1987, 89, 98
Jordan / Amman / 3rd Conf. Of Cond. Matter, 1994
U.S. A / Huston / 37 th MMM, 1992
U.S.S R / Riga / 5th ICMF ‘s, 1989
U.S.A / Baltimore / APS 1985
U.S.A / Detroit / APS, 1984
- "Binding- Potential Modeling of the Structural Instability in Pr Ag 1-x Cux "I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. S. Kouvel and T. O. Burn. Phys. Rev. B 34. (1986) 240 –249.
- "Quadrupolar Interactions in Yx Ho 1-x Cu and Ho1-x Yx Ag ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. S. Kouvel and T. O. Burn, J. Magn. Magn Mater, 54 –57, ( 1986 ) 512 – 514.
- "Quadrupolar Coupling and Structural Instability in Yx Ho 1-x Cu ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. S. Kouvel and T. O. Burn. Phys. Rev. B 36 (1987) 2000-2005.
- " Evolution and Splitting of Plasmon Bands in Metallic Superlattices", S. H. Mahmood, A. Malkawi and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Phys. Rev. B 40 (1989) 988 – 992.
- " Temperature Dependence of the Faraday Rotation and the Transmission of light in Magnetic Fluids", N. A. Yusuf, H. Abu- Safia, I. Abu-Aljarayesh and S. Mahmood, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 85 (1990), 85 –88.
- " Temperature Dependence of Birefringence and Dichroism in Magnetic Fluids ". H. Abu-Safia, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S.. Mahmood and N. A. Yusuf J.. Magn. Magn. Mater., 87 (1990), 333-338.
- " Concentration Dependence of Faraday Rotation in Magnetic Fluids ". N. A. Yusuf, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. A. Rousan and H.. M. El – Ghanem, IEEE Trans. Magn., 26 (1990), 2852 – 2855.
- "On the Concentration Dependence of Magnetic Properties of Co in Hg" I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S.. Mahmood, N. A. Yusuf and J. Popplewell. Magneto-hydrodynamics, 26 ( 1990 ), 292 – 295.
- " Superparamagnetic Behavior in Magnetic Fluids Containing Cobalt Particles Dispersed in Mercury ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S.. Mahmood, N. A. Yusuf, J. Popplewell and M. El – Hilo, Magnetohydrodynamics, ( 1990 ), 418 – 421.
- " Mossbauer study of Fe3 O4 Fine Particles ". S. Mahmood, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, N. A. Yusuf and J. Popplewell. Magneto hydrodynamics 26 ( 1990 ) 40 – 42.
11. " Initial Susceptibility of Iron in Mercury Magnetic Fluids". I. Abu- Aljarayesh, and A. Abu Libdeh. J.. Magn. Magn. Mater, 96 (1991), 89- 123.
12. "Structural and Magnetic Studies of the alloy system CuAl1-x Fe x ". A. S. Saleh, R. Al-jaber, A. Malkawi, S. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 99 (1991) 152 – 158.
13. " Carrier and Chain formation dependence of birefringence in magnetic fluids". H. Abu Safia, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, H. M. El – Ghanem and N. A. Yusuf, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 103 (1992 ) 19- 24.
14. " Structural and Magnetic Studies of the Alloy System GdAg 1-x Fe x ". A. S. Saleh, L. A. Saleh, N. M. Nayfeh, S. H.. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Appl. Phys. 71 (1992) 1893 –1895.
15. "Characterization of Kerak Basalts using Petrological, Magnetic and Mossbauer Studies ". S. Mahmood, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, M. Kofahi, S. Nasir, J. Popplewell and C. Landyt, Dirasat 19B, ( 1992 ) 1933.
16. Oxidation State of the upper mantle beneath the northwestern part of the Arabian lithosphere ". S. Nasir, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S. Mahmood, A. Lehlooh, Tectonophysics 213 ( 1992 ) 359 – 366.
17. " Empirical Calibration of Geothermometer for Garnet Amphibolite and Granulites based on the Assemblage Garnet-clinopyroxene – hornblende ". S. Nasir and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. Chem. Erde 52 ( 1992 ) 205 –210.
18. " On the temperature dependence of the ac- susceptibility of Fe3 O4 magnetic fluids ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. Al- Rawi and H. Abu Safia, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 119 ( 1993 ) 87 – 95.
19. " On the Static and time- dependent magnetic properties of Fe3 O4 fine particles: effect of oxidation ". S. H. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Magn. Magn. Mater 118 ( 1993 ) 193-199.
20. " Magnetic Studies Of Lower Crustal And Upper Mantle Xenoliths From NE- Jordan ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, S. Mahmood and S. Nasir, ABHATH AL YARMOUK, 2 (1993) 41-54.
21. " Rugate filter sidelobe suppression using half – apodization " H. Abu- Safia, A. AL-Sharif and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Appl. Optics, 32 ( 1993 ) 4831 – 4835.
22. " The effect of heating on the magnetic properties of Fe3 O4 fine particles". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. AL –Bayrakdar and S. H. Mahmood. J. Magn. Magn. Mater 123 (1993 ) 267- 272.
23. " The Curie –Weiss behavior of birefringence in ferrofluids " N. Yusuf, H. Abu-Safia and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Appl. Phys. 73 ( 1993 ) 6136- 6139.
24. " AC – susceptibility of the Fe( AL. Co ) system". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, K. AL-Hussein, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 125 ( 1993 ) 297 –302.
25. " Ac magnetic susceptibility of cobalt in mercury magnetic fluids ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. AL –Bayrakdar, N. Yusuf and H. Abu- Safia. J. Appl. 73. (1993) 6970- 6972.
26. " Mossbauer and X-ray diffraction studies of heat treated Fe3 O4 fine particles". A. Lehlooh, S. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J. Magn. Magn. Mater 136 (1994) 143-148.
27. " Transmission of a Gaussian beam through a Fabry – Perot interferometer ". H. Abu- Safia, R. Al- Tahtamouni, I. Abu-Aljarayesh and N. Yusuf, Appl. Opt. 33 (1994 ) 3805 – 3811.
28. " Ferric Iron in Upper Mantle Cr- Spinels: A Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study ". S. Nasir, A. Lehlooh, S. Mahmood and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Chem-Erde. 53 ( 1993 ) 369 –375.
29. " The temperature dependence of the optical anisotropy in magnetic fluids: birefringence and dichroism ". N. A. Yusuf, D. A. Manasrah, H. Abu – Safia, M.. Adballah and I. Abu-Aljarayesh. J.. Magn. Magn. Mater. 138 ( 1994 ) 173-188.
30. " Does Curie – Weiss behavior exist in the birefringence and dichareism in magnetic fluids ". I. Abu-Aljarayesh, M.. Adballah, H. Abu – Safia, D. Manasrah and N. Yusuf, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 138 ( 1994 ) 189 – 198.
31. " Using new apodization functions to improve minus filter design ", H. Abu-Safia, A. AL- Sharif and I. abualjarayesh, (1995 ), ABHATH AL-YARMOUK, 4 No 1-A, 115-135.
32. " Mossbauer study of magnetic phase transition in Fe Al 1-x, Co x ", I. Abualjarayesh, S. Mahmood, A. Lehlooh, (1995), J. Magn. Magn. Mater. (140-144), 65-66.
33. "Magneto - dielectric anisotropy in magnetic fluids determined from magneto-optical measurements", N. Yusuf, J. Shobaki, H. Abu-Safia and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1995 ), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 149, 373-37.
34. "Local Environmental Effects in Fe(Al, Co) system "I. Abualjarayesh, M. Said and Y. Hamam, (1996), "Local, Solid State Comm; 99, 567-569.
35. "Numerical Calculation of the temperature variation of the optical anisotropy in magnetic fluids" J. Shobaki, F. Rawwagah, l. Abu-Aljarayesh, N. A Yusuf, (1996), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 159, 367-314.
36. "A scaling model for the optical anisotropy in magnetic fluids: Dichroism and Birefringence ", J. Shobaki, D. Manasrah, N. Yusuf and l. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) IEEE Trans. Magn, 32, 5245-5250.
37. "Phonon dispersion curves for Fe (Al, Co) system ", A El-Ali, M. Al-Kofahi, S. H. Mahmood and l. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) Al- Manarah, 1. 327-35.
38. "Magnetic Properties of Fe (Al, Co) systems ", Y. Hamam, M. Said, J. Shobaki and l. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) Mu'tah, Lil- Buhooth Wa Al- Dirasat, 11, 67-84.
39. " Magnetic properties of Fe 30 4 fine particles: Time dependence and Mossbauer spectroscopy", A. Ismail, Y. Hamam, M. Said, A. Lehlooh and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1996) A. ABHATH AL-YARMOUK, 5, 63-69.
40. "Magnetization study of HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+? High-temperature Superconductors" I. Abu-Aljarayesh, Y. A. Hamam and M. R. Said, (1997), Superconductors Science and Technology, 10, 290-297.
41. "A local environmental study in the Co (Al, Fe) system" M. El-Ghanem, A. H. Lehlooh, M. R. Said and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (1997), J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 169, 130- 134.
42. "Magentic properties of the system Fe(Al, Mn) "I. Abu-Aljarayesh S. Al-khateeb and M. R. Said, (1998), , J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 185, 220-224.
43. "Numerical calculations of the entropy and magnetization of magnetic fluids with chain aggregates "I. Abu-Aljarayesh and Sh. Migdadi, (1999), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 191, 174-180.
44. "Critical exponents of ( Fe, Mn)3 Si "Y. A. Hamam, I. Abu-Aljarayesh and S. Mahmood, (1999), , J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 195, 679-686.
45. " Scaling behaviour of Al-doped YBCO easer ablated thin films ", M. Saleh, Y. A. Hamam, M. R. Said, M. abu Samrah and I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (2000), Supercond. Sci. Technol. 13, 1607 – 1611.
46. " Magnetic phase transition in(Fe, Mn)65 Ni 35 alloys "I. Abu-Aljarayesh, M. R. Said, (2000), J. Magn. Magn. Mater, 210, 73-80.
47. " Magnrtic entropy change of magnetic fluids "I. Abu-Aljarayesh, A. F. Al – Jamal, M. R. Said, (2002), Physica B 321, 82 –86.
48. " Magnetocaloric effect in Ba – and Sr- hexaferrites "Y. A. Hamam, M. R. Said, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, . ( 2002 ), Physica B 321, 129 – 132.
49. " Thermodynamic assessment in heavy metal migration at El – Akader landfill site, North Jordan "Y. Abu – Rukah, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, (2002), Waste Management 22, 727 – 738.
50. "Magneto – caloric effects in Fe50 Mn15Ni35 ", M. R. Said, Y. A. Hamam, I. Abu-Aljarayesh, ( 2004 ), J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 284, 161 – 164.
Magnetic Behavior of pohy curbosila zane – Fe, Fe and mixed valance – Fe chloride, Y. Hamam, I. Arafa, H. El – Ghanem, M. Said & I. Abu-Aljarayesh.
In Preparations:
- Critical exponents of ( Fe 65-x Cr x ) Ni 35 System.
- On Magnetic properties of Y ( Al, Fe ) 2 System.
- Magnetic properties of Dy 2-x Yx Ni 17 System.
- Magneto Caloric Effects of Fe Hg magnetic fluids.