1.1Background of the study
Language has existed as long as the existence of human being, and it is used by human being to communicate both in oral or written form. Itis a medium for human being to do an interaction from either between personal and group or a group and another group.Besides,Language is used to convey our aim or ideas. According to Moulton (1978:3), “The ability of Human beings to talk-to use language in order to communicate with one another-is so universal and seems so natural that most of us never bother to think much about it”. Based on the statement above,people have used the language for many aspects in their daily activities such as business, education, and other social communication.
Human do communication to their relation frequently by using one or more languages spontaneously or naturally when they communicate each other. Spontanous language that they use sometimes give effect to the environment where they are living. The changing of language can occure almost in every daily conversations, news, magazines, newspapers, articles, and novels. There are many phnomenons that we can find in our society use code mixing and code switching which are part of sociolinguistics.
Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that study is about social language, characteristic and functions of language in community. Sociolinguistics is a study of language using and language changing in society.Sociolinguistics is formed by from word socio and linguistics. Socio is a basic word of society, that is a group of people who live together in one area and they have same purposes.
Therefore, Code mixing is a part of sociolinguistics that studies about using other elements such as words or phrases in conversation. It is usually used by a person who is able to use two or more languages because thereis no match expression in the language which is being used, so it is necessary to use word expression from another laguage.The usage of code mixing and code switching in the developing country is an alternative to build up links to many people because it is not necessary to learn the structure to talk and how the system of talking is used.
Commonly, code mixing is traited by marking the relationship between the role and function. The role means who is using the language, while the language function means the purposeof the speaker talk.As Fasold (1984:208)agrees that people speak to another using one language of element. Sometimes, people use code mixing in their conversation based on the situation and always in the context :
Bejo : “cong, lu jadi kan ikut gue ntar siang?”
Tejo : “aduh... broh... gue gx bisa pastiin soalnya gue stuck sama tugas install ape pe es (apps) gue nii...”
Bejo : “wah.... kebetulan tuuh kan lagi gathering bahas tentang perkembangan software, jadi bisa nanya2 sama speaker nya ntar”
Based on Bejo and Tejo’s conversation,the word stuck, install, gathering and speaker are taken from English Language and then they mix with Indonesian Language. Itshows that they are using code mixing and the context of it is structured due to the same perspective between two speakers. Sometimes, the structure component of language is connected to the word, phrase, clause in the sentence.
The use of code mixing in Indonesian People daily life is quite usual even in any kind of public events. The use of code mixing may be found in many ways that makes the society really accustomed with if whenever seeing or facing with people around. Children as young generation of our society are the main consuments to acknowledge this kind of phenomenon.
Based on the explainations above, the writer assumes that code mixing is a language that is expressed in utterances in speaking which are related to the speech context. Code itself is a form of language variation that is used by a society to do communication with people.
In this case of study, the writer uses film as the object of the study due toits development which has been increasing and becoming favoured esepecially to the youngsters. The film affects their lifestyle, as in how they are dressed. Thus, the object of “Ganteng-Ganteng serigala” serial as the main point of the study will be essential on how code mixing is used in that film making it the only core of the study.
1.2Statements of the problem
The problems that analyzed are follows:
- What types of code mixing are used in Ganteng Ganteng Serigala film ?
- What are the functions of Code Mixing in Ganteng Ganteng Serigala ?
1.3Goals of the study
The goals of this research are:
- To describe How code mixing is used in Ganteng Ganteng Serigala film.
- To explain What is the function of Code Mixing in Ganteng Ganteng Serigala.
1.4Scope and limitation
The scope of this Study is sociolinguistics that is limited to sociolinguistics concerning on code mixing. The object of this research wastakenfrom TV serial, there are 7TV serial that would be analyzed, they are from 81 to 87 episodes. The writer analyzed the usage, function, and effect of code mixing in TV Scene to the film of code mixing itself.
1.5Functions of the study
The functions of this study are:
- For the writer learnsto improve his knowledge about code mixing analysis.
- To readers know What is the function of Code Mixing in “Ganteng Ganteng Serigala”.
- To next college studentscomprehend How Code Mixing gives an effect to this TV Serial.
1.6Systematical Presentation
In order to make the study easier to be understood, the writer present this study in five chapters in which general description of each chapter are elaborated as follows:
Chapter 1 this chapter contains background of the study, scope and limitation of study, statements of the problem, goals of the study, functions of the study, and systematical presentation.
Chapter II this chapter describes about related studies review of literature and theorecal framework which consist of related studies, review of literature, and theoritical framework.
Chapter III this chapter concerns on research methodology that describe about approach of study, data source, data collection and methode of data analysis.
Chapter IV this cahpter concerns on Data finding and description about how the data being analyzed.
Chapter V this cahpter consists of conclusion and suggestion of this study.