Performance Monitoring April 2007 to February 2008
Portfolio:Access to Skills, Economic Development & Enterprise
BV No. / Description / 2005-06 / 2006-07 / Target2007/08 / Progress end of Feb 2008 / Likely to Achieve
By Year End / Comments
2a / Equality Standard for Local Government to which the Authority confirms in respect of gender, race and disability / 1 / 1 / 2 / On target to achieve Level 2 / / Progress is continuing to achieve Level 2 of the Equality Standard by April 2008.
2b / The quality of an Authority’s Race Equality Scheme (RES) ad the improvements resulting from its application. / 47% / 63% / 63% / On target to maintain progress. / / Progress being made towards the Equality Standard will be reflected in the outcome for this BVPI.
8 / Percentage of invoices for commercial goods and services paid by the Authority within 30 days if receipt or within the agreed payment terms. / 90.26% / 93.17% / 95% / 95.16 / / Above the target.
9 / The percentage of council tax collected by the Authority in the year. / 97.3% / 97.7% / 98.3% / 95.8% / / Whilst every effort is being made to meeting the shortfall it is anticipated that the collection rate may be marginally less this last year.
10 / The percentage of non-domestic rates collected in the year. / 99.7% / 99% / 99.4% / 98% / / Whilst every effort is being made to meeting the shortfall it is anticipated that the collection rate may be marginally less this last year.
11a / Percentage of top-paid 5% of staff who are women. / 24.14% / 20.69% / 38% / Unknown / Two high earning women left the authority 2007-2008.
11b / The percentage of top paid 5% of staff who are from an ethnic minority. / 3.4% / 3.45% / 1.2% / 6.89% / / There will be an increase 2 in this figure 2007-2008.
11c / The percentage of top paid 5% who have a disability (excluding those in maintained schools) / 0% / 0% / 1.2% / 0% / / Equality impact assessments are to address this through training.
12 / The number of working days/shifts lost to the Authority due to sickness absence. / 12.39 / 10.89 days per FTE / 9.98 days per FTE / 10.42
days per FTE / / The current projection for year end based on the number of days sick to December 07 is 9.67 days per FTE (3708.0 days/9 months x 12 months /number of employees).
14 / The percentage of employees retiring early (excluding ill-health
retirements) as a percentage of the total work force. / 1.13% / 1.16% / 0.3 / Unknown / In relation to 2007-2008 therewill have been 2 early retirements by the end of March.
15 / The percentage of local authority employees retiring on the grounds of ill health as a percentage. / 0.37% / 0.58% / 0.3% / Unknown / In relation to 2007-2008 therewill have been 2 early retirements by the end of March.
16a / The percentage of local authority employees with a disability. / 1.22% / 1.38% / 16.5% / 1.38% / Unknown / The authority has a programme of equality impact assessments which will consider this issue.
16b / The percentage of the economically active population in the local authority area who have a disability. / 16.5% / 16.5% / 16.5% / 16.5% /
17a / The percentage of local authority employees from ethnic minority communities / 0.92% / 0.77% / 1.2% / 0.92% / / It is anticipated that this will increase on 2008-2009.
106 / Percentage of new homes built on previously developed land. / 53.11% / 71% / 60% / N/A Year end calculation / Unknown / This is partly a function of planning policy & partly market forces. The higher residential land values go the more likelihood that more previously developed land will come forward. The Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) target for shire counties including Staffordshire is 60%. In the short to medium term (5 years) the target is likely to be exceeded in Cannock Chase, but beyond 5 years significant greenfield urban extensions are likely to come forward in order to meet the overall RSS target of building 5800 new dwellings in the period 2006-26 which make achievement of the target post 2011 less certain.
109a / Percentage of major applications determined within 13 weeks. / 60.61% / 62.96% / 60% / 50% / Unknown / A high proportion of major applications require planning obligations under S106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 to be completed before decisions are issued. Work on these does not currently start until after a decision in principle to grant permission has been taken.
The Council is currently consulting on new validation procedures based on Government advice issued in December 2007 which, when adopted from April 2008, will require draft S106 agreements or the equivalent unilateral undertakings to be submitted with applications before the decision making timescale starts. This should enable the 60% target to be met and, subject to adequate staff resources, enable progress towards upper quartile performance.
109b / Percentage of minor applications determined within 8 weeks. / 62.7% / 70.35% / 75% / 77% / / The Council agreed new delegation procedures which began to take effect in October 2007 increasing the likely percentage of delegated decision making from 75% to 90% +. This is already having a positive effect on performance for these BVPIs.
The Council is aiming to become a top quartile performer and there is a proposal currently out to consultation to restore the size of the development control team to 4 from 3 case officers, returning to the staffing level which existed until January 2007.
Performance above national targets has been achieved by use of agency staff & consultants in a difficult market for planning recruitment which has seen the team without a manager for 10 months. Achievement of top quartile performance in 2008-9 will depend on acceptance of the budget proposal, successful recruitment by early April 2008 & maintaining full staffing.
109c / Percentage of ‘other’ applications determined within 8 weeks. / 77.29% / 86.04% / 87% / 82.5% / Unknown
111 / % applicants satisfied with service they receive / N/A / 82.4% / - / - / N/A / Survey not due until 2009/10.
156 / The percentage of authority building open to the public in which all public areas are suitable for and accessible to disabled people. / 77% / 91% / 100% / 91% / / Target not met due to delay in completion of Rugeley swimming pool and because Cannock Sports Stadium has not been sold.
200a / Did the local planning authority submit the Local Development Scheme (LDS) by 28th March 2005 and thereafter maintain a 3-year rolling programme? / N/A / N/A / - / - / Unknown
200b / Has the local planning authority met the milestones which the current Local Development Scheme (LDS) sets out? / No / No / - / - / Unknown / The originally submitted LDS was, in common with many other LPAs, overambitious. The complexities of the new system, now recognised by Government in its proposals to amend PPS12 to simplify procedures currently out to consultation, together with severe staffing shortages in the Policy team combined to slow progress on LDF documents. A new “slimmed down” LDS now has GOWM approval. We are confident of meeting the milestones in the new LDS from beginning of 2008-9 onwards.
200c / Did the LA publish an Annual Monitoring Report? / Yes / Yes / - / N/A / Unknown / Our 2005-6 AMR was commended by GOWM as showing significant areas of best practice. The suggestions for improvement in other areas have been incorporated into the 2006-7 report. The 2007/8 report is required to be published by end December 2008.
204 / The number of planning appeal decisions allowed against the authority’s decision to refuse on planning applications, as a percentage of the total number of planning appeals against refusals of planning applications. / 42% / 49% / 45% / 62% / Unknown / Further improvement is expected following the full impact of delegated decision making in 2008/09. Issue to be raised with Planning Control Committee Chair.
Portfolio: Healthier Communities, Housing and Older People
BV No. / Description / 2005-06 / 2006-07 / Target2007/08 / Progress end of Feb 2008 / Likely to Achieve
Target By Year End / Comments
205 / The local authority’s score against a ‘quality of planning services’ checklist. / 72.2% / 78% / 83.3% / 83.33 %
(no change) / / This indicator has shown steady improvement to the point where all of the quality checklist is being met apart from full implementation of electronic delivery of planning services. 60K of Planning Delivery Grant has been set aside to achieve a full on-line planning service, including scanning of all plans which are submitted on paper rather than electronically, by the end of 2008-9.
63 / The average SAP rating of local authority-owned dwellings. / 51 / 52 / 53 / 53 / / Marginal improvement as a result of central heating programme.
64 / Number of non-local authority-owned vacant dwellings returned to occupation or demolished during the financial year as a direct result of action by the local authority. / 21 / 7 / 18 / 3 / / The figures that are reported relate to the number of dwellings brought back into residential use as a result of proactive contact with owners of empty homes in the District.
Increasing the number of empty dwellings brought back into use is an action in the Housing Strategy and detail proposals will be developed through the Private Sector Housing Strategy (March 2008) and the Strategic Housing Improvement Plan. Work is currently underway to clarify the scale of the issue. On the ground surveys suggest that Council tax statistics are unreliable and significantly over state the local problem. Once the scale of the issue is clarified a proportionate response will be identified through the strategy.
66a / Rent collected by the Local Authority as a proportion of rents owed on Housing Revenue Account (HRA) dwellings. / 97.07% / 97.09% / 97.75%
(Arrears outstanding) / 100.52%
(Arrears outstanding) / / Improvement reflects success of recovery action.
(Actual rent arrears figures in brackets)
66b / Percentage of Local Authority tenants with more than seven weeks (gross) rent arrears. / 5.86% / 5.06% / 5.75%
(322) / 4.82%
(266) / / Decrease on target anticipated at the end of the financial year.
(Actual figures in brackets)
66c / Percentage of Local Authority tenants in arrears who have had Notices Seeking Possession served. / 16.37% / 22.79% / 19%
(1064) / 24.3%
(1559) / / Increase reflects amount of recovery action
(Actual figures in brackets)
66d / Percentage of Local Authority tenants evicted as a result of rent arrears. / 0.62% / 0.55% / 1.0%
(56) / 0.50%
(28) / / Decrease on target anticipated at the end of the financial year.
(Actual figures in brackets)
74a / The percentage of all council tenants, or a representative sample of council tenants stating that they are that they are satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord when surveyed. / 82% / 78.9% / - / - / N/A / Last satisfaction survey undertaken in 2007. Statistical surveys take place every 3 years on a yearly basis. The next one being 2009/10.
74b / Satisfaction of ethnic minority local authority tenants (excluding white minority tenants) with the overall service provided by their landlord. / 67% / 83% / - / - / N/A / Last satisfaction survey undertaken in 2007. Statistical surveys take place every 3 years on a yearly basis. The next one being 2009/10.
74c / Satisfaction of non-ethnic minority local authority tenants with the overall service provided by their landlord. / 83% / 79% / - / - / N/A / Last satisfaction survey undertaken in 2007. Statistical surveys take place every 3 years on a yearly basis. The next one being 2009/10
75a / Satisfaction of council housing tenants with opportunities for participation in management and decision making in relation to housing services provided by their landlord. / 71% / 66% / - / - / N/A / Last satisfaction survey undertaken in 2007. Statistical surveys take place ever.
75b / Tenant Satisfaction with Participation - Ethnic Minority Tenants / 40% / 25% / - / - / N/A / Last satisfaction survey undertaken in 2007. Statistical surveys take place every 3 years on a yearly basis. The next one being 2009/10.
75c / Satisfaction of non-ethnic minority council housing tenants with their opportunities for participation in management and decision making in relation to housing services provided by their landlord. / 72% / 66% / - / - / N/A / Last satisfaction survey undertaken in 2007. Statistical surveys take place every 3 years on a yearly basis. The next one being 2009/10.
78a / To measure average processing time taken across all new Housing and Council Tax Benefit (HB/CTB) claims submitted to the Local Authority, for which the date of decision is within the financial year being reported. / 36.47 days / 32.94 days / 25 days / 15.7 / / It is anticipated that the target will be exceeded.
78b / The average processing time taken for all written notifications to the Local Authority of changes to a claimant’s circumstance that require a new decision on behalf of the Authority. / 14.11 days / 13.34 days / 9 days / 7.16 / / It is anticipated that the target will be exceeded.
79a / The percentage of cases within a random sample for which the calculation of Housing and Council Tax Benefit (HB/CTB) is found to be correct. / 98.60% / 99% / 99% / 99.2% / / It is anticipated that the target will be achieved.
79b (i) / The amount of Housing Benefit overpayments (HB) recovered as a percentage of all HB overpayments. / 39.81% / 89.9% / 92% / 107.6% / / It is anticipated that the target will be exceeded.
79b (ii) / HB overpayments recovered as a percentage of the total amount of HB overpayment debt outstanding at the start of the year, plus amount of HB overpayments identified during the year. / - / 38.42% / 42% / 40.77% / / It is likely that the target will be achieved.
79 (iii) / Housing Benefit (HB) overpayments written off as a percentage of the total amount of HB overpayment debt outstanding at the start of the year, plus amount of HB overpayments identified during the year. / - / 3.45% / LT 5% / 2.01% / / It is anticipated that the target will be achieved.
170a / The number of visits to/uses of local authority funded or part-funded museums and galleries per 1,000 population. / 580.0
per 1,000 population / 641.0
per 1,000 population / 641.0
per1,000 population / 38,282 visits
405.9 per 1,000 population.. / / Progress is based upon the number of actual visits to the museum. The number of visits per 1000 population will be calculated at year end.
The museum was closed for refurbishment between September 2007 and March 2008.
170b / The number of those visits to Local Authority funded, or part-funded museums and galleries that were in person, per 1,000 population. / 477.0
per 1,000 population / 540.0
per 1,000 population / 540.0
per 1,000 population / 31,134 visits
330.2 per 1,000 population / / Progress is based upon the number of people visiting or using the services of the museum.
The museum was closed for refurbishment between September 2007 and March 2008.
183a / Average length of stay in bed and breakfast / 44.69 days (6.4 weeks) / 2 weeks / 4 weeks / 6 (*this BVPI has been deleted 1/4/07 by CLG) / Unknown / The average length of stay in B & B continues to be low due to the Housing Options Team being more proactive with regard to the number of home visits made to encourage homeless applicants to remain in their existing accommodation where possible, particularly with regard to family exclusions.
183b / The average length of stay in hostel accommodation of households that are unintentionally homeless and in priority need. / 0 days (0 weeks) / 0 days (0 weeks) / 0 / 0 / / Nil figure is in line with local performance target for year end 31/03/08.
184a / The percentage of local authority dwellings which were non-decent at the start of the financial year. / 53% / 31% / 23% / 25%
(estimated) / / Anticipated target to be met by 31/3/2008
184b / The percentage change in the proportion of non-decent dwellings between the start and the end of the financial year. / 28.30% / 20.50% / 28.1% / 26%
(estimated) / / Anticipated target to be met by 31/3/2008
202 / The number of people sleeping rough on a single night within the area of the authority / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / Unknown / No reported instances of rough sleepers within the area for Q1 – Q3 07/08.
212 / Average Time to Re-let Local Authority Housing / 30 / 30 / 27 days / 26 days / / Improvement due to revised procedures and practice following comprehensive review.
213 / The number of households who considered themselves as homeless, who approached the local authorities housing advice service(s), and for whom housing advice casework intervention resolved their situation. / 2.57 / 2 / 3 / *1 / Unknown / Following recommendations from CLG, the recording of housing options activities that result in successful homelessness prevention is currently being re-assessed to ensure that all possible interventions are captured. This is likely to confirm improved performance.
219b / Percentage of conservation areas in the local authority areas with an up to date character appraisal. / 43% / 57% / 71% / 57% / Unknown / There are 7 conservation areas designated by the District and 1 by the County. 4 of the District ones have up to date appraisals and a 5th appraisal is out to consultation.
Usage (inc spectators) – Chase Leisure Centre / 381,507 / 393,306 / 314,909 / / Projected out-turn is estimated to be 12% below target
Usage (inc spectators) – Rugeley Leisure Centre / 108,359 / 111,710 / 100,442 / / Projected out-turn is estimated to be marginally below target. (Down 0.6%)
Usage – Prince of Wales / 51,533 / 53,078 / 43,326 / / Projected out-turn is estimated to be 11% below target
Usage – Cannock Sports Stadium / 25,337 / 25,337 / 25,821 / / Projected out-turn is estimated to be above target, mainly due to an increase in the number of school competitions held in the summer.
Usage – Golf / 22,855 / 23,561 / 21,935 / / Projected out-turn is estimated to be marginally below target. (Down 2%)
Portfolio: Children and Young people
BV No. / Description / 2005-06 / 2006-07 / Target2007/08 / Progress end of Feb 2008 / Likely to Achieve
Target By Year End / Comments
170c / The number if pupils visiting museums and galleries in organised school groups. / 8873.0 / 8360.0 / 9000 / 7,949 / / Due to closure for refurbishment, not all school services could be offered this year. Target will be missed by circa 300 visits.
Portfolio: Environment
BV No. / Description / 2005-06 / 2006-07 / Target2007/08 / Progress end of Feb 2008 / Likely to Achieve
Target By Year End / Comments
82a (i) / Percentage of household waste arising which have been sent by the Authority for recycling. / 13.40% / 18.64% / 18% / 20% / / Better than target.
82a (ii) / Total tonnage of household waste arising sent by the Authority for recycling. / 5261 / 6911 / 6800 / 7240 / / Better than target.
82b (i) / The percentage of household waste sent by the Authority for composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion. / 7.85% / 18.41% / 19% / 22% / / Better than target.
82b (ii) / Total tonnage of household waste sent for composting or treatment by anaerobic digestion. / 3085 / 6826 / 7000 / 7932 / / Better than target.
84a / Number of kilograms of household waste collected per head of the population. / 423.12
Kg’s per head / 397.80
Kg’s per head / 400
Kg’s per head / 380
Kg’s per head / / Slightly over target due to garden waste collections.
84b / Percentage change from the previous financial year in the number of kilograms of household waste collected per head of the population. / -3.03% / -5.99% / -4.47% / Annual Figure / / Target projected to be missed because garden and compostable waste is now collected and part of overall waste collection figure.
86 / Cost of Household Waste Collection per household / 59.84 / 51.90 / 46.29 / Annual Figure / / Target anticipated to be met.
91a / Percentage of households resident in the authority’s area served by kerbside collection of recyclables. / 99.35% / 98.30% / 100% / 100% / / On target.
91b / Percentage of households resident in the authority’s area served by kerbside collection of at least two recyclables . / 99.02% / 98.30% / 100% / 100% / / On target.
199a / The percentage of relevant land and highways that is assessed as having combined deposits of litter and detritus that fall below an acceptable level. / 26% / 14% / 13% / Annual Figure / / Target estimated to be achieved.
199b / The percentage of relevant land and highways from which unacceptable levels of graffiti are visible. / New / 5% / 1% / Annual Figure / / Target estimated to be achieved.
199c / The percentage of relevant land and highways from which unacceptable levels of fly-posting are available. / New / 3% / 2% / Annual Figure / / Target estimated to be achieved.
199d / The year on year reduction in total number of incidents and increase in total number of enforcement actions taken to deal with ‘fly tipping’ / New / Good (grade 3) / Effective (grade 2) / Effective (grade 2) / / Improved performance score due to an increase in enforcement actions, and no anticipated increase in incidents of fly-tipping.
166a / Environmental Health checklist of best practice / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100% / / Continuing high level of compliance
216a / Number of ‘sites of potential concern’ in local authority area with respect to land contamination. / 59 / 140 / 120 / 140 / / No increase likely on 2006-07 figures.
216b / Number of sites for which sufficient detailed information is available to decide whether remediation of land is necessary, as a percentage of ‘site of potential concern’. / 22% / 11% / 30% / 11% / / Resource commitments following declaration of AQMA have slowed progression contaminated land survey.
Resources are being reviewed to address the increase in sights of potential concern regarding contaminated land.
217 / Percentage of pollution control improvements to existing installations completed on time / 60% / 100% / 100% / 100% / / All required improvements completed.
218a / Percentage of new reports of abandoned vehicles investigated within 24 hours of notification / 82.5% / 67.0% / 70% / 81% / / Better than target.
218b / Percentage of abandoned vehicles removed within 24 hours from the point at which the authority is legally entitled to remove / 77.5% / 66.0% / 100% / 100% / / On target.
Portfolio: Safer and Stronger Communities