LVMS Band Practice Journal #8
Date: the weeks of November 18th and 25th.
Please record your practice time every day and turn in the journal, signed by a parent,
Tuesday, December 2nd, 2013. Please use the top half of the days of the week to write in time spent practicing for THIS week, and the bottom half to write in practice time for NEXT week.
What to do: / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat / Sun / MonStart of practice session: Start of practice session (the WARM up): breathing exercises (sizzle line 25 on whole notes), play line 30 from the book on mouthpiece/headjoint (brass and woodwinds), PERCUSSION practice sticking.
NEW skill: Practice music for our concert! It is: line 17, 20, 27, 33, 26, and 32. ADVANCED students are to practice “Jingle Bells” on p. 12.
Lesson Book: BRASS buzz on mouthpiece line #25. All instruments practice lines 27-34. Practice 329 if you haven’t taken the pop quiz yet. Percussion, count aloud as you are playing. Practice with both the bells AND snare drum.
Other practicing: JINGLE BELLS for advanced students, music for fun, private lesson material, etc.
Total # of minutes:
Your students are expected to practice whenever possible during Thanksgiving break, so this practice journal will cover both weeks.
Please remember the date for our upcoming WINTER CONCERT which will be on Thursday, December 11th at 6:00 pm! All family members and friends of band students are encouraged to attend. Students are required to wear CONCERT BLACK as a concert uniform. This means: For Ladies: Black dress shoes. Long sleeved black dress that extends at least two inches below the knees while seated OR a black long sleeve dress shirt with black dress pants/slacks, not jeans. Black belt. Black dress shoes.
Gentlemen: Black long sleeve dress shirt. Black long tie (optional).. Black slacks/dress pants, not jeans. Black belt. Black dress shoes.
Se espera que sus estudiantes a practicar siempre que sea posible durante las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias, por lo que esta revista práctica cubrirán dos semanas.
Por favor, recuerde la fecha para nuestro próximo concierto de invierno que será el jueves 11 de diciembre a 18:00! Se anima a todos los miembros de la familia y amigos de los estudiantes de la banda a asistir. Los estudiantes están obligados a llevar CONCIERTO NEGRO como un uniforme de conciertos.
Para las señoras: zapatos de vestir Negro. Vestido negro de manga larga que se extiende por lo menos dos pulgadas por debajo de las rodillas mientras está sentado O una camisa de manga larga vestido de negro con pantalones de vestir negros / los pantalones, no los pantalones vaqueros. Cinturón negro. Zapatos de vestir negros.
Señores: Negro camisa de vestir de manga larga. Lazo negro largo. Pantalones negros / pantalones de vestir, no pantalones vaqueros. Cinturón negro. Zapatos de vestir negros.