May 2005 doc.: IEEE 802.11-05/0581r0
IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs
Date: 2005-05-19
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / 170 West Tasman Dr.
MS SJ-10-5
San Jose, CA 95134-1706 / +1-408-527-0815 /
LB73 Location comments
k9 LB73 Comment resolution spreadsheet and k10 LB73 Location draft text, R0
Comment Related Comment resolution
Number Comments
D 38 40 There are no (unspoken) primitives in the PHY
D 40 The LCI information is accessed using the MLME-MREQUEST and MLME-MREPORT service primitives. It is entirely possible to create interoperable systems using the representation of physical location as defined in the LCI report.
A 116 1217 LB73 Location draft text
122 The issue is relating radio measurements to physical location estimation
C 123 LB73 Location draft text changed report statement to "An LCI report with Latitude resolution, Longitude resolution and Altitude resolution set to zero shall indicate that the requested location cannot be reported with the requested accuracy." Conformance to regulatory requirements are one reason that such a report may be made. Quoting from 10.3.11, "the Incapable bit shall be set if a STA is permanently unable to make the requested measurement."
A 124 1141 LB73 Location draft text
A 125 292,905 LB73 Location draft text
A 160 1198 LB73 Location draft text
C 291 LB73 Location draft text adds "If the Altitude Type is 2 (Floors of Altitude), the value reported shall be as required for operation in the regulatory domain."
C 292 125 LB73 Location draft text adds "The Datum value shall be 1 (WGS 84), unless another datum is required for operation in the regulatory domain."
A 304 LB73 Location draft text
316 888, 1423 defined in 3.55, should be declined
A 444 1426 LB73 Location draft text
A 481 620,904 LB73 Location draft text
A 488 LB73 Location draft text
A 577 1141,1143 LB73 Location draft text
A 620 481,904 LB73 Location draft text
A 768 Editorial
D 786 LB73 Location draft text added "If the Altitude Type is 2 (Floors of Altitude), the value reported shall be as required for operation in the regulatory domain."
C 804 LB73 Location draft text
A 814 LB73 Location draft text
C 888 316,1423 3.55 defines LCI
A 904 481,620 LB73 Location draft text
A 905 1143 LB73 Location draft text
A 934 1143 LB73 Location draft text
D 1055 304 some STAs know physical location by other means – eg outdoor bridges w/GPS, cellphones.
A 1141 124,1143 LB73 Location draft text
A 1142 LB73 Location draft text
A 1143 577,905,944,1216,1379,1380 LB73 Location draft text
A 1198 LB73 Location draft text
1215 122 The issue is relating radio measurements to physical location estimation
A 1216 292 LB73 Location draft text added "The Datum value shall be 1 (WGS 84), unless another datum is required for operation in the regulatory domain."
A 1217 116 LB73 Location draft text
A 1379 1143 LB73 Location draft text
C 1380 292 LB73 Location draft text added "The Datum value shall be 1 (WGS 84), unless another datum is required for operation in the regulatory domain."
1423 316,888 defined in 3.55, should be declined
A 1426 444 LB73 Location draft text
A 1538 LB73 Location draft text
D 1539 Since accuracy is an issue, and reports can indicate physical location information available, even if not to requested accuracy.
A 1570 Editorial title is consistent with subsequent clauses, editor to correct titles
Previously resolved
A 762 Regulatory classes in Annex J
To be grouped as issues or subsequently resolved
Justify Location - Degree of justification:
Location Not in 802.11 MIB
Location Optionally in 802.11 MIB
Clarity of describing dot11LCIReportTable (pages 103, 104), understanding mix of administrative actions and radio measurement messages
Reviewer Oakes 312 - Counter as LCI Report Table is a MIB table, not a protocol
Reviewer Lefkowitz 360 - Counter as LCI Report Table is a MIB table
375 - Counter as LCI request will be protected with other requests, and so will LCI reports
376 - Counter as LCI Report Table is a MIB table
Reviewer VanZeist 589 Mandatory or Optional?
Reviewer Jones 635 Remove or describe how to use LCI
Reviewer Yi-Ming Chen 638 Why in .11k?
Reviewer Balachander 646, 647, 651, 658, 660 Justify and consider optionality
Reviewer Malek 1446 LCI out of .11k
Reviewer Gardner 1447 Justify and consider optionality
Other Location issues:
469 Azimuth
Submission page 2 Peter Ecclesine, Cisco Systems