Brittany Donaldson
Literacy Centers
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Focus: One-to-One Matching
Core: Standard 2
Concepts of Print - Students develop an understanding of how printed language works.
Objective 2
Demonstrate knowledge of elements of print within a text.
Materials: Tape Player, Song, alphabet paper
The One-to One matching center will be a listening center. In this center, their will be a tape player or DVD player with an alphabet song. In the center, there will be a card with all the letters of the alphabet and a picture that represents the letter sound as well. The students will listen to the song through ear phones, and point to each letter and picture as the person is singing it. Upon completion of the song, the children will take a reader and practice the one to one matching with in the text. I will asses the work during a guided reading session.
Grade Level: Kindergarten
Focus: name and word recognition as well as writing
Core: Standard 3
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness - Students develop phonological and phonemic awareness.
Objective 1
Demonstrate phonological awareness.
Identify and create a series of rhyming words orally (e.g., cat, bat, sat, _____).
Phonics and Spelling-Students use phonics and other strategies to decode and spell unfamiliar words while reading and writing.
Objective 3
Spell words correctly.
a. Hear and write letters to represent single sounds in words.
b. Spell a small number of grade level words (e.g., you, the, to, is).
c. Spell first name correctly.
· Overhead projector
· Two sets of large magnetic alphabet letters (one set upper case, the other lower case)
· Lined paper
· Pencil
· Word list
The children will be given a series of task from a task card in this center. First, the will need to find their name with the magnetic letters and spell it on the overhead projector. The overhead projector will be on and will project against the wall. Once they have spelled their name, they will be able to see it projected on the wall (shadow only). Make sure they understand that they will need to find a capital letter for the first letter of their name and then they will do lower case for the rest. Have the children write their name on their paper. After they have finished with their name, introduce a specific chunk such as “at”. Have them find this chunk and put it on the projector. Next, have the children come up with as many words as they can with the ending “at”. They need to put them on the projector and write them down on their paper. They will need to do a word at a time because of the limited number of magnetic letters. Make sure that they have a maximum of five words. I will assess their work based on how many words they created, and if they are spelled correctly.
Grade: First grade
Focus: sight words
Standard 6
Vocabulary - Students learn and use grade level vocabulary to increase understanding and read fluently.
Objective 1
Learn new words through listening and reading widely
Objective 3
Use structural analysis and context clues to determine meanings of words.
· Simple book
· Wicki sticks or colored tape
· Card stock cut out 3x3
· List of three sight words
· Three different colors of markers
· Baggie to place cards in
· Worksheet about sight words in story
Objective: Certain words in the English language are hard for children to sound out phonetically. These words are called sight words. There are at least one hundred sight words that children need to learn by the end of first grade. In this center, children will be responsible for first identify specific sight words in a text. For instance, the teacher will select a simple, short book with specific sight words in them. There are plenty of leveled readers that are specifically focused on sight word recognition. Have a list of three sight words at the center that the children need to find in the story. Have them highlight the words with tape or circle them with the wiki sticks. When they have found all the sight words in the story, have them answered questions on a worksheet that you have created. Such as how many times did you see the word______? This would be a good way to asses the work they did. Upon completion of the worksheet, have the children make a collection of flashcards. Have the kids write the words on the cardstock in a different color marker. Maybe the different colors can be a code of some sort so that they can easily sort them and go through them in the future. For instance all the sight words that start with ‘A” could be in one color etc… When the children have completed their work, they should have three sight word flash cards that they created. Store them in a baggie with their name on it. This center could be on going through out the year. You could introduce 25 sight words per quarter so that by the end of the year they have 100 done. Laminate the sight words for the children each week. They can also take them home and practice with them every night with parents. Reward the kids who bring them back as an incentive.