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Date of subscription (Office Use Only): / ORTHOTEERS
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Please complete the form in black ink, using either block capital letters or typescript.
Please read the rules and regulations of ORTHOTEERS before you complete this form.
Personal information
Surname : / First Name:Address :
Telephone number:Home: / Hospital:
Mobile: / E-Mail :
Institutional information:
Name Of the Institution :Address :
Post code :
Telephone number:Hospital: / Bleep:
Academic Details
Degree / College /University
/ Year of passing / JoiningMBBS
M.S / Diploma/ DNB
Professional Registration / Membership
Name of Organization / Registration Number / Expiry DateOrthopedic Association membership
Name of Association / Registration Number / Type of membershipSupporting Information
Please Opine - Fresh Subscriptions - Why do I want ORTHOTEERS (100 words)
Renewal Subscriptions – Influence of Orthoteers in last year (250 words)
Fresh Subscription
Criteria / Points / Scored / EvidenceUndergraduate studies
First Class marks in any of two clinical subjects / 10 / Marks card
Outstanding academic awards / 10 / Certificate
Participation in Intercollegiate Quiz / academic seminars / 10 / Certificate
Experience in research work / Publications / 10 / Certificate
Post Graduate Studies
Final year in Post graduation / 10
Podium/paper presentations
- Local society meetings (for every 3 )
- State level conferences (for every 2)
- Regional Level Conferences (for every 1)
- National level Conferences ( for every 1)
- Publications in journals (for every 1)
- Recognized courses (for every 1)
Awards in Scientific meetings (for every 1) / 10 / Certificate
Research / dissertation works / 10 / Referee
Basic computer knowledge (windows /MS Office) / 10 / Referee
For free Renewal– (Note- All Activities should be in the concluding year of subscription )
Criteria / Points / Scored / EvidenceMaintenance of Orthoteers log book / 10 / Web site
Contribution of articles to Orthoteers (For every 1) / 10 / Web site
Contribution of images to Orthoteers (for every 20) / 10 / Web site
Podium/paper presentations
- Local society meetings (for every 3 )
- State level conferences (for every 1)
- Regional Level Conferences (for every 1)
- National level Conferences ( for every 1)
Publications in journals (for every 1) / 10 / Certificate
Recognized courses (ATLS, AO etc..) (for every 1) / 10 / Certificate
Awards in Scientific meetings (for every 1) / 10 / Certificate
Influence of Orthoteers in the last year (250 words) / 20 / Office use / Office
Other Relevant academic skills
Referees recommendations:
(Note concerning referees: Referees should be Senior Academic and/or Professional persons who are currently responsible, or have recently been responsible, for supervising you. Close personal friends and family are not acceptable as referees.)
Referees details / Student’s Skills / Yes / NoName
Telephone No
Signature / Academic skills
Computer skills
Research works
Presentation skills
Telephone No.
Signature / Academic skills
Computer skills
Research works
Presentation skills
I have read the Guidance Notes for Applicants that accompany my application form and the website. I confirm that the information that I have provided in this form is correct and complete I understand and accept that if I withhold information or do not comply with the guidelines and policies of ORTHOTEERS may result in withdrawing my subscription. I understand that the final decision of allotting the honorary Subscription lies with ORTHOTEERS.COM.
Signed: Date:
(Sending it through e-mail is considered as an acceptance of the above consent)
For Office Use only (
Points acquired in totalAny discretionary points
Recommended for subscription / Yes / No
- The Free subscriptions will be given on the point-based criteria.
- The application form should be submitted to OASISCON Conference committee
- The rights of allocation of membership lies with
- Applicants who have been successful would be intimated through E-mail and the user name and password will be supplied to them.
(For office use of OASISCON committee)
Recommendation for Free merit based applications
Name of the Recommending Association / Orthopaedic Association of South Indian StatesContact information / Email –
Fax -
Details of the applicant
Surname : / First Name:Name Of the Institution :
Year of passing MBBS exams :
Names of Referees of applicant : 1.
Recommendation of the association:
The association has screened the application form and supporting documents submitted by the applicant and hereby recommend / do not recommend for merit based free subscriptions from
Authorised signatory
(President/ Secretary)