Present P Jones (Chair), T O Flaherty, P Burke, A Williams, R Cherry, P Banks, C Cllr F Chapman
Two members of the public Also in attendance: D Wright ( Clerk)
14.01 Apologies V Bentham, B Cllrs P J Jones, J Pert,
14.02 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
14.03 Minutes
The minutes of the meeting of 11th November had been circulated previously. The minutes were amended to say Weston Lane instead of Church Lane. The minutes were then approved and signed by the Chair.
14.04 Matters arising.
a) Defillibrator
An application for grant support from The British Heart Foundation seems to have been gone astray. A fresh application has been made.
b) Play facilities at Standon
Cllr Burke had looked at different pieces of equipment and there were three different choices up to £6000. Difficult to say which would be better or exciting. Suggested that the children at the school be consulted. Need to consider Health and Safety Aspects and the Borough Council could be consulted as it is the addition of equipment to an existing playground. Some funds might be available from CCllr F Chapman’s Community Fund next year. Check whether the Parish Council insurance covers the playing field.
c) Standon Pools.
The invoice for grass cutting had been amended to £30 +VAT and paid between the meetings.
d) Highways - Speed Limits in Mill Lane.
The Highways Dept are now going out to consultation for the speed limits in the next 3 weeks and the work should be completed during this financial year if there are no objections. The area covered goes from the A519 up to Church Lane but stops there because the density of housing is then to limited to justify a traffic restriction.
Chairman has written a letter for the School Head to send out to parents reminding them of the risk to children and the possibility of prosecutions for incorrect parking. This improved the situation initially but the problem has drifted back. Continue to ask if it is possible add yellow lines outside school entrance.
The road from Rose Villa to the Railway bridge is subsiding and having spoken to Shane Latham work is in progress to be carried out by end of February.
e) Website
Cllr Bates reported that he had drafted a specification for a website following discussions with Veronica Bentham and obtained quotations. Something to view should be available in two weeks time. probably use a view along the road from the Mil on the front pagel.
14.05 Planning
The following applications have been permitted.
Application # / Address / Details13/19011/FUL / The Warren,Newcastle Road, Cotes Heath / Two storey extension to side and rear of dwelling
The following applications are being considered
Application # / Address / Details13/19341/HOU / Westfield House, Cotes Heath / indoor swimming pool and gymnasium
13/19765/HOU / 5 Nelson Crescent, Cotes Heath / Garage and roof space conversion
14/19818/HOU / Sedgfield House, Mill Lane,Standon / Resubmission-Alterations and extension to existing dwelling
a) The accounts for the year to 13th January 2014 were presented. The second instalment of the precept and concurrent function had been received. The current account balance was £568.54 and the Reserve Account was £11766.14 .
The following accounts for payment were approved
Hall hire- Cotes Heath & Standon Community Centre £ 20.00
Clerk’s Salary (December- January)less tax£ 173.50
Inland Revenue –PAYE£ 115.67
SBC-Strimming Standon Pools(already paid)£ 36.00
£ 345.17
The accounts for payment were approved and signed by the Chairman and the Clerk as the Responsible Financial Officer.
b) Budget 2014-15.
The proposed budget for 2014-15 was presented by the Clerk. This suggested an unchanged precept requirement. A letter inviting applications for financial support to provide benefit for the members of the Parish will be sent out to local organisations. Following discussions some changes were made to the planned expenditure on grants and support. A revised budget will be circulated by the Clerk
The council resolved to set a precept for 2014/15 of £9000 and take up the full concurrent function payment of £ 619.
The Local Council Tax support grant for Standon passed though Stafford Borough Council will be £409.28. The precept request is therefore adjusted to be £8590.72.00 with a Grant of £409.28 and a Concurrent Function sum of £619.00. The Government has not guaranteed that this support grant will be available in future years
14.08Parish Projects
The heating of the Community Centre is expensive and proposals to fit a suspended ceiling in the small room or alternative heating systems and controls was discussed at length. Whilst the Parish Council wishes to support the Community Centre, a detailed set of accounts and a proposal for development is necessary.
The area around the pond has fallen trees and work will be required to remove them. Wood has already been taken away by unknown persons. There is some uncertainty about the boundaries of the land owned by the Parish Council and the deeds will be located and arrangements made to have it added to the Land Registry.
Flooding on Cotes Lane had been severe due to water flowing of the fields and posed a serious risk. The Council will ask for the gulleys to be emptied.
14.09Correspondence Received.
Stafford Borough Council Invitations to Caledonian Evening
14.10 Items raised by Councillors.
The Chairman proposed that the Parish Council should appoint a Vice Chairman. Peter Banks was proposed and seconded and appointed Vice Chairman.
14.11Next Meeting:
Monday 17th March 2014 at 7.30 pm at All Saints School, Standon.
The meeting was declared closed at 9.20 pm
Minutes of Council Meeting 13th January 2014 Page 1 of 2