Minutes of Ilchester Parish Council held on ThursdayApril 13th 2017
the Town Hall, Ilchester at 7.30pm.
Present:Mrs. H. Panter,Chairman,Mr. S. Marsh,Mr. A. MacGregor, Mr. G. Pope, Miss J. Stapleton ,
Mr. C. Williams, Mr. H. Williams,Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor,Mr. A. Capozzoli, District Councillor,
Rev. B. Faulkner,Mr. Mark Farrance, Fleet Air Arm Museum, Mr. A. Booth, Symonds & Sampson,
Mr. P. Costelo, E4enviroment Ltd and Mr. P. Horsington, Clerk.
Fourteen members of the public attended.
237. Apologies
Apologies were received fromMr. J. Edmondson & Mr. S. McAllister, PC. Stefan Edwards
and PCSO John Winfield & Mrs. F. Goodliffe, IDCA.
238. The Minutes of the previous meeting, having been circulated, were signed as correct.
239. Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest.
240. Open Session
Mrs. Panter introduced Mr. Mark Farrance, of the Fleet Air Arm Museum, who explained the plans for the improvements to the existing play area at the Fleet Air Museum. The enhanced facility will be open for local residents to use. Tenders have gone out for the full project, and depending on funding, the first phase will be hopefully be in place by the Summer. Mr. Farrance was thanked for giving the Council his information.
Mr. B. Masters referred to an Email which he had seen from James Divall, SSDC reference possible funding to re-locate the Scout hut from the Mead area onto the Sports field. Mrs. Panter stated that this very much depended on support & approval of the Town Trust, who own the Sports field.
Mr. G. Hill informed the meeting that he had been contacted by telephone by Sarah Diocono SCC & SRA, regarding a potential meeting. Mrs. Panter stated that Highways England wish to have a meeting of the Mead residents arranged to have them appoint someone to represent them at a meeting to be held on May 9th in Taunton, at which Mr. Hill will hand over his data. It was noted that all residents will be invited to attend a meeting on May 4th at the Sports pavilion.
Mr. W. Masters stated that with Yeovil expanding the potential flooding risk will only increase.
Mr. G. Hill stated that the proposed bund will be 8 inches above the camber of the A.303. Mr. B. Masters stated that Mr. Hill is the personwho knows more than any of the professional engineers about flooding matters, and has all the facts about the Mead area flooding.
Mr. G. Hill reported that there is a signed petition by residents, stating that he is to be their technical representative. It was not made clear as to whom this will be sent.
Mrs. Panter introduced Mr. A. Booth, Symonds & Sampson, who spoke on behalf of Mr. & Mrs. Knight, New Spittles, stating that Section 106 is now no longer used by SSDC and to reduce the area tied by 48 acres, would not reduce the farm's viability. This release would give greater flexibility and more income and security to the owners, and the 400 acres were still a good sized farming unit.
Mr. P. Costelo, E4enviroment Ltd explained the reasoning, stating that diversification was good and Green energy was being promoted by Central Government.
Mr. R. Blake asked why was the construction to pressure Gas to enter the Gas main, built without planning consent, to which Mr. Costelo responded that it had to be built prior to July 2016 to attract a greater tariff.
Brigadier Knudsen queried the acreage being requested for release from the 106 agreement, as the actual area for the project seems rather large.
Mr. Marsh expressed that he was frustrated that large constructions are being built without the necessary planning consent in place.
Mr. J. Bailey, County Councillor, stated that the delay has been due to County & District Council Officers having to determine what form of Waste is to be processed through the two potential Anaerobic digesters, the one at New Spittles yet to be received and one granted at Bearley Farm, Tintinhull.
241. County & District Councillors’ reports.
Mr. Bailey, County Councillor highlighted issues from his report which had been circulated, and as this was his last meeting as County Councillor, Mrs. Panter thanked him on behalf of the Council for all his support during his term as County Councillor.
Mr. Capozzoli, District Councillor gave the Council a copy of the end of year report of SSDC.
Mr. Capozzoli gave his apologies for the Annual Parish meeting.
242. Youth Parish Councils
Miss Stapleton reported that theCounty Youth Officer, Zara Scott Davies had asked that the Youth Parish Council become affiliated to the County Association. After discussion, it was agreed to wait until the County Council elections have been held.
The Youth Parish Councilshave been working with the Surgery on an 'Eat Less Sugar' poster and as yet are still to meet up with Henstridge Parish to exchange notes.
Miss Stapleton stated that there is now an advert for 'Trained help' in the Newsletter to assist her with the Youth Parish Councils. Miss Stapleton was thanked for all her work with the Youth Parish Councils
243. Police & Community issues
The Council noted the Police Crime Commissioner's newsletter.
The Council noted and agreed the date of April 28th at 10.00am Brigadier Knudsen had offered, on behalf of the Army, to invite the members of the Parish Council to visit their workshop area at RNAS Yeovilton.
244. Planning matters
The Council noted that application 17/00401/FUL for Mrs. Lucy McGee at 16, Church Street for the installation of metal staircase and alterations and alterations to door and window openings in the rear courtyard had been granted.
The Council noted that applications 17/00881/FUL & 17/00882/LBC for Mr. J. Coleman at
4, West Street for the erection of a single rear extension had been granted.
The Council noted that application 17/00373/COU for Mrs. Sanders at 5, West Street for change of use of a Wooden garden unit (summer house) to a beauty room for business had been granted.
The Council noted that application 17/00775/LBC for Mr. & Mrs. Simon & Kim Banks at
the Old Coach House, West Street to repaint all external windows, doors and garage doors had been granted.
The Council considered application 17/00878/FUL for Mr. T. Goddard on Land opposite 56, The Mead for the removal of existing stable / shed and summer house. Erection of studio building with rear lean-to log/tool store. After discussion, the Council agreed to support the application, subject to a 'no occupancy' condition and some planting scheme.
The Council considered and supported application 17/01195/FUL for Mr. Garry Hallett at 'By the Yeo' Back Lane for the erection of a single storey front extension.
The Council discussed application 17/01471/DPO for Mr. & Mrs. RD Knight at New Spittles Farm for application to vary S106 agreement dated 19th March 2013 between SSDC, Richard Don and Heather Knight to allow use of part of land for an anaerobic digester.
After some debate, with the Council noting the comments made by the Agents, it was agreed to oppose this application for the following reasons, firstly that this is a Legal agreement between SSDC and the two named parties, planning works have already been constructed and lack of information as to actually why this is needed and it was noted that both dwellings at New Spittles Farm had been granted at the Farm under Section 106 for agricultural occupancy.
The Council noted the proposals given by Mr. Marc Farrance at the Fleet Air Arm Museum for extension and redevelopment of existing play area.
245. Financial matters
The account balances were reported at31/03/17 as being in the C/A/c £100 & B/R A/c £34,449.76p.
Receipts -Bank interest £0.29p.
Payments made -
13/04/172238£43.40HMRC tax
13/04/172239£476.36SSDC play inspections
13/04/172240£156Cumbria Clock Co Ltd Church clock
13/04/172241£20Miss Sophie Pack - Stone clearing skate park
13/03/172242£66Vision ICT Ltd domain name reg
13/04/172243£384Vision ICT Ltd web hosting support
13/04/172244£6ITT rent for Skate park & Mead areas
13/04/172245£512.53 PTH salary & expenses
13/04/172246£226.86 Glasdon UK Ltd dog bin
13/04/172247£60A. Piper cleaning bus shelters
The above cheques were authorised and signed.
It was noted that all Councillors had received copies of the Annual accounts to March 31st 2017, which are to be formally adopted at the next meeting.
246. Website
Mr. C. Williams reportedthat hehad met with the Chair of IDCA to discuss a link to IDCA.
247. Highway matters
The Clerk reported that he had been instructed to purchase a Dog litter bin, this had arrived and Mr. Pope has agreed to install it at the end of West Street.
Mrs. Panter reported that some of agreed works to clear gullies in the High Street, West Street had been done, but due to parked vehicles not as much as had been intended. SCC Highways have agreed not to charge for what works had been done.
The Council discussed the data received from the County Council's SID over the 15 days it was in place. The Email gave the impression that the Parish qualified for a permanent SID. The Clerk was instructed to ask whether this was actually the case or that the Parish would continue to qualify for one free on an ad hoc basis. (action Clerk). The total number of vehicles recorded were 37,461 with a median speed of 32 MPH.
It was agreed to ask for an update from SCC Highways on the agreed works at Almshouse Lane.
Following an Email from West Camel Parish Council asking for support reference the A.303 Sparkford to Ilchester dualling, it was agreed to acknowledge the Email, until further details are received.
There was nothing to report from Highways England, on the suggestion asking for a link from the B.3151 to the A.303 by the Ilchester Cheese Factory. (action Clerk)
248. Flooding issues
The Council noted that the date for the meeting, with the Mead residents at the Sports pavilionis to be held on May 4th, and the meeting to be held in Taunton with the relevant Agencies on May 9th for Mr. Graham Hill to hand over his information on the Mead flood works reference the A.303.
249. Allotments
Mr. H. Williams reported that there is to be a meeting on April 23rd with allotment holders to discuss any issues, which may be raised. It was noted that all the agreements have been sent out.
Mr.H. Williamsgave the Council a list of three quotations to repair a section of fencing adjacent to the road boundary. These were £3,570 from Fencing & More, Tintinhull, £3,725 from Smart Fencing Solutions, Chilthorne Domer & £3398 including VAT from T. Hayne Construction Ltd.
After discussion, the Council agreed to accept the quotation from T.Hayne Construction Ltd.
250. Cemetery
Mr. C. Williamsreported that Cemetery was in good order. It was noted that there are several Ashes interments being progressed.
251. Mead Play area.
It was noted that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no issues that need to be addressed.
The Clerk is to apply for grant funding from SSDC for the Cradle swing.
252. Skate Park
Mrs. Panter stated that the SSDC inspection report had highlighted no safety issues and the Skate park area is being kept tidy by Miss Sophie Pack - Stone.
The Clerk is to apply for grant funding from SSDC for the Table Tennis equipment, with Mr. Edmondson supplying details of its construction to the Town Trust for their approval.
253. Rights of Way
Mr. Pope reported that there were no issues to consider.
254. TreeMatters
There were no issues raised.
255. Ilchester Town Trust, IDCA, IRINEC
The Council noted that there was no nomination to fill the vacancy on the Town Trust Charity.
It was agreed to leave this as an agenda item.
In the absence of Mrs. Goodliffe, Chair of IDCA, Miss Stapleton reported that the Newsletter, is being evaluated, with a team of four now involved.
An Easter egg hunt has been held with sixty children taking part and there are plans to hold a Street fair in the Summer.
Rev. B. Faulkner informed the meeting that there is to be a Dawn service at St. Andrew's Church on Easter morning, and the Annual PCC report has been circulated to all members of the Council.
256. Correspondence
The Council noted the Somerset Waste Partnership newsletter, SSDC Area East bulletin, Clerks Directthe Police Crime Commissioner's newsletter.
257. Items for Report, or for the agenda of the next meeting
Miss Stapleton informed the meeting that she and Mrs. McGee had provided an afternoon tea party for Mr. & Mrs. D. Moxley who were leaving Ilchester.
Miss Stapleton stated that she had been informed of underage drinking on the Market Place, which was not connected with the Bull Inn. It was agreed to contact the Police.
The date of the next meeting of the Council wasconfirmed for ThursdayMay 11th 2017 at 7.30pm, with noting that the Annual Parish meeting is being held on April 20th.
There being no further business, the Chairman thanked all present, for attending, and declared the meeting closed at9.40pm.
Signed: Date: