Block: / Obj(s) Name the members of the Triple Alliance (Central Powers) and the Triple Entente (Allied Powers)
Summarize the Causes of WWI
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Booklet
2. Causes of WWI PowerPoint
3. Pocket Foldable along with PowerPoint
4. Activity- Causes of WWI Graphic organizer
5. Game- Alliance Flags
Resources/Technology: AHSGE Booklet, textbook, vocabulary list, computer. PowerPoint, materials for foldable, flags / Obj(s) Describe the stalemate on the Western Front and the events on the Eastern Front
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Booklet
2. Sequence Graphic organizer- review from previous lesson
3. Trench Warfare/ Battle Notes
4. Trench Warfare Activity
Resources/Technology : AHSGE booklet, graphic organizer, PowerPoint, materials for activity / Obj(s) Explain U.S. involvement in WWI
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Booklet
2. Review previous day’s lesson
3. U.S. involvement in the war
4. Zimmerman Telegram Activity
5. Coded Message Activity
Resources/Technology : AHSGE Booklet, PowerPoint, materials for activities
Block / Obj(s) Discuss how Mussolini, Stalin, Franco, and Hitler came to power
Describe Hitler’s anti-Semitic policies and activities
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Questions
2. Read Ch. 17 Sec. 3 Find the main ideas on Hitler and his views
3. Ch. 17 Sec. 3 Vocabulary List
4. Complete Ch. 17 Sec. 3 Assessment #1-6
5. Homework- Read page 550-551 “The Way it Was” and answer #1-2
Resources/Technology: LCD projector, computer, notes, textbook / Obj(s) Discuss how Mussolini, Stalin, Franco, and Hitler came to power
Describe Hitler’s anti-Semitic policies and activities
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Questions
2. Go over vocabulary list
3. Notes on Mussolini, Stalin, Franco, and Hitler
4. Ch. 17 Sec. 3 Quiz
5. Students will make a graphic organizer comparing Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler
6. Homework- finish graphic organizer
Resources/Technology: LCD projector, computer, notes, graphic organizer / Obj(s) Identify the steps taken by Germany and Japan that led to the beginning of WWII
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Review Questions
2. Go over graphic organizer
3. Vocabulary list for WWII-Chapter 19
4. Geography Skills Activity page 593-594
5. Go over WWII ABC Booklet
6. Homework- Complete Reading Essentials and Ch. 19 Sec. 1 Quiz
Resources/Technology: LCD projector, computer, notes, material for posters
Block / Obj(s)
Instructional Activities
Same as above
Resources/Technology / Obj(s)
Instructional Activities
Same as above
Resources/Technology / Obj(s)
Instructional Activities
Same as above
Remember to post this plan on your closet door or just inside your classroom door each week. Also, put a copy in Mr. Dinges’ box for the upcoming week by Thursday, 4pm. Any technology and/or video resources used must be documented on this form.
Teacher: Wendi W. Lores Week of: April 20-24
Thursday / FridayObj(s) Explain what is meant by “total war” and its effects on society
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Review Booklet
2. Vocabulary Quiz
3. Homefront Notes- music
4. Discuss Propaganda
5. Propaganda Posters
Resources/Technology : AHSGE Booklets, vocabulary quiz, PowerPoint, materials for posters / Obj(s) Explain the Allies’ Victory
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Review Questions
2. Finish propaganda posters
3. Discuss how the war ends
4. Notes on the Treaty of Versailles, Wilson’s Fourteen Point Plan,
and the League of Nations
Resources/Technology : AHSGE Booklet, notes, and textbook
Obj(s) Identify steps taken by Germany and Japan that led to the beginning of WWII
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Review Questions
2. Review previous day’s work
3. World War II Introductory Notes
4. Writing about History page 595
Resources/Technology: LCD projector, computer, PowerPoint, textbook / Obj(s) Identify steps taken by Germany and Japan that led to the beginning of WWII
Instructional Activities
1. AHSGE Review Questions
2. A Story that Matters- page 590
3. Notes on the causes of WWII
4. Geography Skills- Students will label WWII alliances on world map
Resources/Technology: LCD projector, computer, notes, maps
Instructional Activities
Same as above
Resources/Technology / Obj(s)
Instructional Activities
Same as above