Minutes of the Board of Directors
21 June 2017
Washwood Heath Academy – Information Centre
Meeting was quorate – Commenced at 6:00pm
Mr Pete Anstey (Chair), Mr Darren Walsh, Mrs Bev Mabey, Mr Nusrat Iqbal, Mr Cecil Knight, Mr Habib Rehman, Mr Ian Lowe, Mr Mike York, Mr Paul BracherCompany Secretary/ Clerk:Mrs Angela Sutheran
1. /
Mr Aftab Chughtai, Mr Clive Bailey,2. /
Declaration of Pecuniary Interests
/ ActionNo pecuniary interests
3. /
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The Chair went through with the directors the minutes from the previous meeting held on 24 May 2017. They were accepted as a true record and duly signed and dated by the Chair with the following matters arising:Chair confirmed he met with Paul Shoesmith and Mike Hartop to address the concerns around the lack of ICT strategy for the trust. Paul Shoesmith to undertake initial review
4. / CEO Report
CEO thanked the clerk for circulating the documents
Update from the CEO:
CEO explained changes she will be making to the RAG rating section of the SEF. Tile Cross Academy joined the trust on 1 May 2017, all going well. There are no staffing issues in any schools all fully staffed for September. All schools have set a balanced 2017-18 budget. Standards and behaviour is good in all schools, reductions in referral rates and exclusions. Primary school outcomes will be available early July. GCSE exams finish Monday 26 June and A Levels finish Wednesday 28 June. Attendance has been excellent at Saturdayschool and revision sessions; schools could not have done any more than they have
Chair asked if an AHT had been appointed to Gossey Lane Academy
CEO confirmed an appointment has been made for an AHT on a one-year secondment
Chair asked if a working relationship has been established between Heather McLachlan and Helen Lowe
CEO confirmed they each have responsibility for their own phase, there is no one with overall responsibility. Heather McLachlan will be responsible for secondary, Helen Lowe will be responsible for primary with regular meetings arranged to ensure they are clear of expectations
CEO confirmed consultation had taken place for the primary expansion with local residents and key stakeholders, with only one attendee to the consultation meeting. Project now at final planning stage. Work will commence end of term - phase one: demolish caretakers house/new entrance and exit/new car park constructed
CEO confirmed the Post 16 expansion at Washwood will be in place for September. This will consist of four classrooms with the option to add a 2nd floor common room at a later date if needed
Cecil Knight asked if the trust would be funding this project, or a bid would be submitted
CEO confirmed funding via bids is not available for Post 16, the project will be funded through reserves
Nusrat Iqbal asked if teaching and learning will be affected if the build is delayed
CEO confirmed there will be no issue for first 2 weeks as Post 16 do not return until a later date
Chair asked for timeline detailing the ongoing works across the schools. Chair expressed concern around the capacity of management to cover all aspects of work during the summer
Ian Lowe arrived at 6:30pm
CEO confirmed:
Washwood Primary new build will open January 2019
Brownmead Primary new build will open September 2018
Saltley Academy year 7 increase from 210 to 240 students from September 2017
CEO advised she has been approached by Marlborough Junior School to join the trust, this was approved at their Governing Body meeting on 12 June. Due diligence will now be undertaken
CEO confirmed the free school application is still being developed for submission to the DFE / CEO/DBr
5. / Finance and General Purpose Strategic Group
Chair confirmed all schools have followed the trust budget process to ensure balanced budgets are being presented for approval. Jon Cale (Finance Director) has worked with Heads of Academy to ensure proposed funding cuts have been taken into account. The biggest challenge has been increased outgoings for national insurance contributions, pay awards for staff and the apprenticeship levy
Paul Bracher arrived at 6.55pm
Cecil Knight questioned the apprenticeship levy and how to claim funds
Mike York asked if there was any surplus from schools
Chair confirmed surplus balances with be available at outturn at end of financial year. We are not anticipating overspend at any schools
Mike York asked if ‘ring fenced’ budget surpluses will be returned to schools
CEO confirmed yes
Cecil Knight referred to the monthly budget report being presented to LGB which includes details of virements
CEO confirmed the budget being presented is based on information available from EFSA
Chair asked for approval of the presented budgets
All approved the budget papers presented
Paul Bracher asked what should a LGB do if the school overspends, Paul was not aware what the budget for Gossey Lane was for this financial year
CEO will ascertain why Sarah Amin claims there is no budget, CEO explained her monthly meeting with the Finance Director and Trust Accountant to discuss school budgets. This information is then shared with the Heads of Academy
Chair concerned that a HT claims they have not seen their budget. CEO to liaise with Sarah Amin this / CEO
6. / Staffing and Pay Strategic Group
Darren Walsh confirmed management information data would be shared with chairs of the LGBs to discuss with Heads of Academy. The group have approved Kevin Massey to undertake the performance management of the CEO and Heads of Academy
Darren Walsh sought approval to circulate staffing polices which have been approved at staffing group for ratification by the board.
All agreed policies to be circulated for comment within 5 days, if no response policies will be deemed ratified. The following policies will be circulated by the clerk:
- Whistle Blowing Policy
- Eye Sight/Test
- Fixed and Temp contracts
- Safer Recruitment
7. / Reports from Local Governing Bodies
Cecil Knight confirmed its positive that schools have been able to set balanced budgets but as a trust we need to consider reduced staffing numbers and the additional strain on the remaining staff
Chair confirmed we need to be responsive to feedback from schools where the impact of losing staff is having an impact
Darren Walsh stated this highlights why we need to recruit the correct staff
Chair confirmed it is useful to have clarity of teacher ratio
CEO confirmed she undertakes a piece of work detailing teacher ratio to ensure schools are not overstaffed, we cannot afford to have teachers having free periods
Ian Lowe referred to the consistency in clerking
Mike York brought to the Chairs attention that he believes Pete Weir is being over generous in his assessment of the LGB at Saltley. Saltley are unable to secure a safeguarding rep and complete the Hays Online training. We struggle to get engagement from the group, the LGB should be rag rated red on the SEF as opposed to the amber/green
Chair confirmed this highlights concerns about getting the right people
8. / Trust Self Evaluation
Chair confirmed the document is being populated following consultation with a range of stakeholders. Finalised document to be circulated to the group / Clerk
9. / Budget Process
Budget approved under agenda item 5
10. / Governance Structure
Chair confirmed the solicitors are currently supporting the trust amending the articles, scheme of delegation and relevant documentation. Documents to be circulated once available
11. / AOCB
Thanked the CEO for organising the Grand Iftari
Nusrat Iqbal thanked Washwood for the Mosaic graduation that was organised by Washwood and was an excellent experience for the students
CEO asked for approval to close school to all staff on 4 September due to this being a planned training day but staff will be celebrating EID:
3 September – school closed to all
4 September – training day
5 September – students return
All approved the above request
12. / Date of next meeting
Thursday 13 July 2017 at 6.00pm at Washwood Heath Academy