Ms. Guza’s
Classroom Policies & Procedures Contract
Algebra I
1. Come to class on time!
o “When the bell rings, the door swings.” Three unexcused lates will result in an afterschool detention.
o Be in your seat and begin working on the Warm-Up when the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in a deduction in your class participation grade.
2. Come to class PREPARED to learn.
o Bring required materials to class everyday (books, notebooks, binders, folders, PENCILS and/or pens, etc.)
o Trips to lockers will NOT be permitted!
3. Attend to your personal needs BEFORE class.
o For example, office or guidance visits trips to your locker, personal grooming, etc.
o Do not bring your cell phone to class.
-If found using your cell phone during class, it will be confiscated and turned into the office.
4. Raise your hand.
o Do not shout out answers or questions. Be respectful and raise your hand.
5. NO eating or chewing gum in class.
o If caught chewing gum in class, you will be asked to throw it out.
o Snacks/candy are not allowed in the classroom. Keep them in your locker, lunch bag, or backpack.
6. Respect EVERYONE!
o Use polite language and body language, and keep your hands and feet to yourself.
o Students are also expected to follow all rules in the Lincoln Park student handbook.
Grading Policy- The following will be used to calculate your total grade.
o Tests – 45%
o Quizzes – 35%
o Homework/Class work/Participation- 20%
Absence Policy- It is your responsibility to find out what notes and assignments you missed while you were absent. You have ten days to make up the work. If you fail to do so you will receive a zero. If you are absent the day of a test or quiz, you must make it up after school or during your lunch. The activities bus will be available for students to take home on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. If you know you will be absent on a certain day, please let me know in advance so I can gather any necessary materials you may need.
*Situations outside of the student’s control are understood. If something happens that is disrupting your child’s work, please let me know so I can make accommodations.
Course Material – 8th grade math is a course that focuses on the fundamentals of algebra, basics of geometry, solving equations, and studying linear equations.
Students will focus on algebraic:
ü Variables and Expressions, Solving Linear and Non-Linear Equations, Open Ended Application Problems, Graphing Linear Equations, Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities, Systems, Absolute Values, Exponential Functions, Roots & Radicals, Pythagorean Theorem, Distance and Midpoints, Polynomials, Rational Expressions & Equations, Quadratic Equations, Probability, Statistical Analysis & Data Displays
Textbooks- Students will be using Genesis and the website to access their homework assignments. Many of the assignments are worksheets and will be posted on Genesis on a daily basis. Please log on to Genesis and make yourself familiar with it. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email.
ü If at any time you have questions or concerns about the course, please write a note or send an email to . I look forward to a great year! J
Student: I have read and understood these rules and classroom policies. I will follow them while in Ms. Guza’s classroom.
Student’s name (print): ______
Signature:______Date: ______
Parent or Guardian: My child has discussed these rules and policies with me. I understand them and will support them.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Email: ______
Cell Phone or Home Phone: ______
Parent or Guardian: In a short paragraph, briefly tell me about your child’s work ethic and attitude towards school. How did they perform in previous math classes?