- The 9 O’Clock Check
- Closing Procedures
Part 2
© Spur Corporation Limited, 2004
This training material is copyrighted under the Berne Convention. Furthermore, in terms of the Copyright Act, No 98 of 1978 of the Republic of South Africa, no part of this training materialmay be utilized, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical or by means of any information storage and retrieval system (which shall be deemed to include the photocopying and / or recording of such material), without the express written permission of Spur Corporation (Pty) Ltd.
1.Notes to the trainer
2.Housekeeping Rules
5.THE 9 O’ CLOCK “after rush” CHECK
5.1Section “Top Ups”
5.2Back Stock Counts
5.3Fruit and Veg Orders
5.4Cleaning Instructions
5.5Bin Checks
6.1Count The Stock
6.2Turn Meat Products
6.4Balancing of Stock
6.5Stocking and Counting the Bar Stocks
6.6Determining Estimates
6.7Placing Daily Orders
6.8Bay And Duties Checks
6.9Kitchen Section Inspection
6.10Final Cash Up
9.1The Last Word
9.2Tests & Assessments
10.1Closing Procedures Check Sheet……………………………………………………………
10.3Management Procedures - Part Two: 9 O’Clock & Closing Procedures: Written Test Answer Sheet………………………………………………………………………………
10.4Management Procedures – Part 2: 9 O’Clock Check & Closing Procedures: Test Question Sheet …………………………………………………………………………………..
10.5Management Procedures – Part 2: 9 O’clock checks & Closing Procedures: Practical Assessment Sheet…………………………………………………………………..
10.6Management Procedures Part 2: 9 O’Clock Check & Closing Procedures: Training Tracking Sheet …………………………………………………………………………………..
1.Notes to the trainer
- Please watch the video and read the documentation carefully to ensure that you are familiar with the content of this training aid, before your training begins.
- Although there are areas which will require you to explain things to the trainees, the program is based on the following Learning Principles:
- As trainer, take note of each trainee’s previous working experience and his or her Spur knowledge and pitch your trainingaccordingly
- The trainees are to control the pace of learning.
- The trainer’s role is to extract information from the trainees by asking questions and referring to scenes in the video, rather than to teach or tell
- The trainer will get buy-in from trainees by helping them to understand what is in it for them by always explaining WHY tasks are done, or done in a certain way
- The trainer is to ask questions to guide the learning process
- The main function of the trainer is to help the trainees understand how they will implement all the information and principles learnt from the video, in store.
- The training is video-based and is divided into 4sections.
- The training process:
- Prior to watching the video:
Before viewing each section of the video, ask the group to open their workbooks & read through all the questions that pertain to the section of the video they are about to view. This assists the learner, as he understands what he must watch out for in the video.
- After watching the video:
Once the group has watched the video, ask them to fill in the answers in the workbook. Once they have completed filling in the answers, the trainer is to question them on the information they have filled in – to check that it is correct. This is achieved by asking the learners the questions that are detailed in the trainer’s guide & then comparing those answers – to the answers the group filled in in their workbooks. Please ensure that all answers noted in the workbooks are correct.
- After training has been completed:
There will be a written test & an evaluation at the end of the program. Learners are required to pass this test & evaluation. Evaluation & test scores are to be filled in on the tracking sheet (located at the end of this document or on the Spur Extranet – under ‘documents’). Once the tracking sheet has been completed it is to be forwarded to your Training Department & your Ops Manager, via email only. Note: Faxed / handwritten sheets will not be accepted.
- Symbols for ease of reference:
In this guide, there are symbols that are used for ease of reference.
These are:
/ QuestionsAllows the trainer to ask questions that prompt a response from the trainees - Answers that can be expected will be located after each question.
/ Play the video to the PAUSE break
The video has 3 breaks that allow for a recap of each section and other discussions among trainees. (Note: All the trainees must participate.)
/ Discuss
This allows for discussion of important points among trainees.
/ Complete
Allows the trainee to recap the information they have just viewed in the video by filling in the missing words in a sentence
/ Tips / Suggestions
This provides the trainer with practical tips and suggestions to answer questions posed by the training information
2.Housekeeping Rules
It is important that you explain the housekeeping rules of the training session before commencing:
- Tracking sheet:
- Ask the group to fill in their full names & ID numbers on the tracking sheet.
- Please check details are correct!
- Video duration:
- The video duration is approximately 15 minutes.
- Breaks:
- Explain how often breaks will occur.
- Workbooks:
- Explain how they should be used:
ii.Tell them that they will be filling in the answers to all the questions in their workbooks, directly after watching each section of the video.
iii.Once they have filled in the answers, you, the trainer will check that their answers are correct.
- Tests & assessments:
- Inform them that they will be required to complete and pass written tests & a practical assessment, once they have completed the training.
Once you have completed this training, you will understand:
- The importance of completing the 9 o’clock check correctly.
- How to manage your time more effectively.
- How to complete the closing procedures and the importance thereof.
Note: Please read the following with your trainees, before the video is viewed:
TIP: Procedures are your store’s “Recipe to Success”.
In general, the 9 o’clock eveningcheckis completed to ensure that:
- Customers are not left unattended, due to the manager having to count stock & complete other duties in the back areas of the store.
- One manager is in the front area supervising service, while another manager completes the necessary duties.
- The closing procedure is completed in good time, due to the 9 o’clock check being completed effectively.
In this training module we are going to look at how to –
- Check the stock levels and top up the stock in the sections
- Complete all the necessary stock counts and determine the orders and estimates
- Complete the cash up procedures and administration duties
- Complete the closing & lock up procedures
We are going to learn exactly how to avoid crisis management by ensuring that you are in control of situations and that situations work FOR you (and do not happen TO you) by carrying out the RIGHT procedure ahead of time!
5.THE 9 O’ CLOCK “after rush” CHECK
!Please read through the questions (not the answers) to the pause break, with the trainees before you let them watch the video.
Play the video to the PAUSE break.
Complete: When is the 9 o’clock check completed?
/ At NIGHT, when the store QUIETENS down, after the dinner “RUSH” period / BEFORE the early manager goes OFFDUTY
Who may be responsible for completing the 9 o’clock check?
/ The closing manager, or / The early manager
TIP: Remember: Whoever is NOT completing this check will be supervising CUSTOMERSERVICE!
5.1Section “Top Ups”
Complete: How will you determine how much stock is to be issued to each section, when “topping up” the front sections with stock?
/ By first checking the stock LEVELSin each SECTION and then… / ….ISSUINGenough stock to last until the END of the SHIFT
List the stock items examples that were mentioned in the video that may need to be replenished during the 9o’clock check:
/ Cheese slices / Burger patties
/ Buns
/ Beers
/ Serviettes
/ Etc
Complete: Where will you record the stock that has been issued during the 9o’clock check?
/ The ISSUED items will be recorded in the FILLS column on the PREP sheet!5.2Back Stock Counts
Which stock should be counted during the 9 o’clock check? Complete: The stock in the…
/ Walk in fridges / Storerooms
Which sheet is to be completed during these stock counts?
/ The stock count sheetOnce the sheet is completed, where are the figures captured?
/ On Pilot in the closing stock column5.3Fruit Veg Orders
What is the correct procedure to follow when determining the fruit and veg order?
/ Count the fruit and veg stock / Determine what you need to order
/ Write up the orders on the order sheet/ book
/ Place the order with your supplier ASAP
5.4Cleaning Instructions
/ The MANAGERmust now give detailed cleaning instructions to the various STAFFmembers.TIP#1: Use the daily/weekly cleaning roster to remind
you of the cleaning that is to be completed.
TIP#2:Check the last Q.Q.H & S Report
for areas that require ‘extra attention’.
5.5Bin Checks
TIP: Trash is CASH! Soooooo…
/ Get the staff to tie up the FULL bin bags and REMOVE them to the BIN areaWhile conducting our bin checks, which things must we be on the lookout for?
/ Crockery (sauce bowls, ramekins, etc) / Cutlery (knives, forks, teaspoons, etc)
/ Wasted packaging (wet wipes, sugar sachets, mini butter pats)
/ Stolen items (such as bottles of alcohol, chickens, steaks, etc)
/ Excess product that has not been eaten by guests
Why will you inspect the excess product that the guests have not eaten? Complete: To check if –
/ The product was undercooked / overcooked – staff may then be coached / The product was of a good quality & that it was not off (rotten)
What will you do if safety & security is a problem in your area?
/ Leave the bins well covered inside your secured back door (locked up) area, then… / Complete your bin checks in the morning
TIP: Remember: A PROPER9 o’clock check will ensure that the CLOSING procedure is completed in GOODTIME!
What does Effective Time Management mean?
/ Get staff to start cleaning as soon as the store is quiet / Get managers to start counting stock as soon as the store is quiet
TIP: Remember: The SOONER these tasks are COMPLETED, the sooner everyone gets to go HOME!
TIP: Remember: Even though these procedures are important, they must not affect CUSTOMERSERVICE negatively in any way!
!Please read through the questions (not the answers) to the pause break, with the trainees before you let them watch the video.
Play the video to the PAUSE break.
TIP: Remember: A thorough CLOSINGProcedure will ensure that the next day’s OPENINGProcedure is a breeze!Complete:
/ When completing the Closing Procedure, always ensure thatCUSTOMERSERVICEis notCOMPROMISED.TIP: Remember: Your TENTHIRTY guest, late at night, is entitled to the same excellent service that your SEVENTHIRTY early evening guest received!
When does your Closing Procedure start?
/ After the dinner period / Once the store quietens down
/ Close your store by completing TODAY’S work TODAY! / Do not leave any TASKS for another manager to complete in the MORNING!
/ This will cause untold PROBLEMS as the opening manager cannot begin the new day’s procedures until all the ISSUES from the day before have been SORTEDOUT.
6.1Count The Stock
!Please read through the questions (not the answers) to the pause break, with the trainees before you let them watch the video.
Play the video to the PAUSE break.
Here’s how you complete a Closing Procedure:
/ Start by completing the STOCKCOUNT and DAILYPREPSHEETS / Count all the FRONTSTOCK, including the BAR
When are the bulk and back stocks counted?
/ These should have been counted during your 9 o’clock check!TIP: Remember: Record the closing stock on the PREPSHEETS!
Once the count is completed, enter the stock figures on PILOT.
6.2Turn Meat Products
What will you ensure happens to all meat products, while you count the stock?
/ Ensure that the staff turn all the meat products and transfer them into clean trays / Then ensure all meat is covered with cling wrap or foilene
6.3Product Returns & Pilot Discounts
What must you ensure is done with all the meal/beverage returns that occurred during lunch or dinner?
/ Make sure these items are discounted through the Point of Sale / Pilot System.Complete:
/ This includes stock that has beenDISCARDEDbyMANAGEMENT, as well as GUESTS’ returns.How are staff meals processed?
/ They should be rung up & then discounted through the Pilot systemNote: A product will only be VOIDED if it is returned to stock. (E.g. a closed tin of Appletizer is placed back in the fridge as the waiter misheard the guest when the order was taken)
6.4Balancing of Stock
What is the correct procedure to follow when balancing stock?
/ Check the prep sheet loss report to see if there are any variances / If stock does not balance (if there are variances), recount the stock to look for missing items
How is the rand value of “lost” stock calculated?
/ Your daily ‘prep sheet variance report’ will calculate it – as the closing stock is entered on pilot6.5Stocking and Counting the Bar Stocks
Why is the bar to be fully stocked during the closing procedure?
/ To ensure that the stock is cold for the following days tradeTIP: Remember: Issue all the relevant stock and record the FILLS on the LIQUORSHEET!
/ Once the total bar stock has beenCOUNTED, it must beRECORDED, ENTEREDand the VARIANCEScalculated.Complete:
/ Any SHORTAGESneed to beRECHECKEDby management.6.6Determining Estimates
/ Once all of the above procedures have been completed, you will need toclose the day’sPREPSHEETS / When opening the new prep sheet – for the next day, theCLOSINGstocks will have been transferred to theOPENINGSTOCKcolumn by the Pilot System
/ Print the next day’s prep sheets and write in the following day’s estimates, i.e. stock forPREP, SECTIONissues andDAILYorders
What must be done with the frozen products once the estimates have been determined?
/ Pack frozen foods like breasts, wings, calamari etc, into the walk-in fridge to defrost for the next day’s trade.TIP: Remember: This is especially important during WINTER! If you don’t remember to do this the night before, the products will never DEFROST by lunchtime!
6.7Placing Daily Orders
Complete: Once the order estimates have been determined…
/ Place the daily orders with yourSUPPLIER.Your storeownerwill tell you if this should occur atNIGHTor the nextMORNING.Where are daily orders recorded?
/ In the management diary, or / In the orders book
TIP: Don’t forget to confirm which orders have been placed and make a note of any special details!
Which other issues should be noted in the diary?
/ Any repairs or maintenance / Any gas leaks
/ Any urgent orders
/ Bookings
/ Complaints
/ Staff issues
/ Etc
Note: The diary should be completed as was discussed in the Opening Procedures on Tape 1
6.8Bay And Duties Checks
!Please read through the questions (not the answers) to the pause break, with the trainees before you let them watch the video.
Play the video to the PAUSE break.
When are waitrons’ bays and duties inspected? Complete: Before they…
/ Cash up / Eat their staff meal, or
/ Go off duty
Please Note:
These checks can only be done once all guests have vacated that bay and the waitron has completed their closing duties.
Complete: The following items need to be checked when inspecting bays:
/ Table sauce bottles: CLEANED and PACKED away / Salt and pepper shakers – CLEAN, CONTENT is clean and TOPS are clean and SECURE
/ Table talkers and stands: CLEAN
/ Tables: SURFACES and UNDERSIDE are clean. LEGS and EDGESare clean
/ Seating: Clean and clear of FOODand CUTLERY
/ Litter: No litter on the FLOOR or in the PLANTS
/ Candles: CLEAN and STORED (Candles must NOT be on the tables during the day)
When are the waitrons required to cash up?
/ As soon as their duties have been completed.Why is it important to cash them up ASAP?
/ It is rude and disrespectful to make them wait unnecessarily / They could quit if they are made to wait for no reason at all (e.g. managers chatting up girls, etc)
/ Waitrons ‘hanging around’ make your store look untidy
/ They could get mischievous and unruly
6.9Kitchen Section Inspection