Boy Scout Troop 40 Yorkville, Illinois
Three Fires Council, Maramech Hill District
To Parents/Guardians and Adult Leaders of Boy Scout Troop 40:
It is time once again for our annual Charter renewal. For Parents/Guardians/Leaders new to the troop, the Charter renewal (i.e. rechartering) is the time each year that we update our troop roster and collect annual dues from each registered Scout and Adult Leader. Our updated roster and fees are submitted to our BSA Council in early January.
The dues that we collect at Charter renewal time are applied to our basic Troop operating expenses, which include:
- Troop Charter fee with BSA (National) - $20 for the entire Troop
- Registration with BSA (National) - $15 per Scout/Leader
- Boy's Life (one issue per Scouting household sent to the youngest brother) - $12.00
- Accident Insurance (Three Fires Council) - $1 per Scout/Leader
- Reserve fund to cover program materials, awards, equipment maintenance, etc. - $26 per Scout
This year, we are asking for $54 per Scout, $42 for each additional brother, and $16 for Adult Leaders.
Please submit the bottom portion of this form with a check payable to "Boy Scout Troop 40" via the enclosed envelope to our Treasurer (Bill Lubecke) before 12/19/11. Envelopes will be collected at Troop Meetings or they can mailed to Mr. Lubecke. For boys who have worked our fundraisers, the funds in the boy’s Scout Account may be used to reduce the recharter fee. Contact Mr. Lubecke for details.
If you and/or your son will not be rechartering with our Troop for the 2011 Scouting year, please return the bottom portion of this form with the appropriate box checked in the enclosed envelope. Please write in your name(s).
If we do not hear from you by 12/19/11, a member from the Troop Committee will contact you to verify your intentions so that we can submit accurate Charter paperwork to the Council.
Financial assistance is available to Troop 40 members that may not be able afford necessary equipment or fees. Please contact the Scoutmaster, Treasurer, or our Troop Committee Chairman for details. All requests for assistance will remain confidential.
If you have any questions, please contact our Treasurer (Bill Lubecke - 630-385-2071) or myself.
Yours in Scouting,
Ken Gallagher
Advancement Committee Chairman & Webmaster
BSA Troop 40, Yorkville IL
630-779-8527 (c)
“A Top Notch Troop of Adventure and Learning”
Visit our Web site at
Troop 40 is chartered by the Yorkville American Legion Post 489
======Cut here and return bottom portion in envelope provided before 12/19/11 ======
- No - We will not be renewing our membership in Troop 40 for 2011. Please write the names of the youths and adults that will NOT be rechartering in the in the space below.
-Yes - We will be renewing our membership in Troop 40 for 2011. Enclosed is a check payable to "Boy Scout Troop 40" for $54 per Scout, $42 for each additional brother, and $16 for Adult Leaders. Please write your names in the space below.
Scout Name ($54)Additional Brothers Name(s) ($42) Adult Name(s) ($16)
Total Enclosed = $______