Advanced Honors Geometry
K. Dillon, D3
Oakland High School
Twitter: @dillon_kathy
I. Course Description:
The History of Math is more than just computations and patterns; it’s a story of people trying to make sense of the world around them. This story allows us to go beyond the how and answer the why. Throughout the year we will take a journey from the earliest signs of measurement to the frontiers of computers and modern Algebra.
Timeline by Topic
Quarter 1Tools of Geometry
Introduction to Proofs
Perimeter and Area of Geometric Figures
Find the Surface Area and Volume of Three Dimensional Figures / Quarter 2
Properties of Triangles
Similarity Through Transformations
Congruence Through Transformations
Congruence Theorems
Quarter 3
Properties of Quadrilaterals
Circles / Quarter 4
Arcs and Sectors of Circles
Write Equations of Circles
Classroom Norms
1. Value mistakes made by others and yourself. This is a sign that your brain is growing!!
2. Persevere in exploring and reasoning through tasks.
3. Justify and explain the mathematical basis of your thinking.
4. Reflect on which procedures seem to work best for specific types of problems.
5. Curiosity, “I wonder what would happen if…”
6. Accept and expect that classmates will use a variety of solution approaches and discuss and justify strategies to one another.
7. Listen carefully to and critique the reasoning of peers, using examples to support and counterexamples to refute arguments.
8. Seek to understand the approaches used by peers by asking clarifying questions, trying out others’ strategies, and describing the approaches used by others.
9. Ask questions that are related to the sources of others’ struggles and help them make progress in understanding and solving tasks.
10. Help one another without telling classmates what the answer is or how to solve the problem directly.
II. Grading Policy:
Advanced Honors Integrated Math II
70% Assessments (Includes ~ tests, benchmark tests, & projects)
20% Quizzes
10% Assignments (Includes ~ homework, tasks, & class work)
NO Redos on Benchmark Tests or Midterm Test
ONLY Redos on tests or quizzes with a grade of D or F.
In order to redo a test or quiz then students must do the following:
1)Retest should be scheduled within 1 week of receiving the graded test.
2)Remediation must be completed before retest is given.
3)Highest grade on retake is a 75.
***Parent/Guardian signature requested.
•This paper is worth 90 marks
III. Course Expectations:
You are expected to bring to class every day:
•Paper for note-taking (whether loose leaf in binder or in a notebook)
•Graph Paper
•Pencil with eraser, colored pen
•An open mind, ready to learn!
You will be expected to keep a 3-ring binder or folder for this class. Keep everything! You will need it when preparing for the TN Ready test.
You are also expected to participate in class every day! Participation is imperative for your success in this class, and includes active note-taking, active listening, asking questions, and actively contributing to class discussions or groupwork.
Activities and Homework will be assigned on a regular basis and are required. Homework will allow you to apply and test your hand at the abilities, skills, and lessons taught in class. It is expected that you will come to class prepared to go over the homework and activities with your peers.
Quizzes will be created to mirror the TN Ready Assessment and will be given frequently.They may be announced or unannounced. There will be approximately 3-5 quizzes per 9 weeks grading period. However, due to the depth and breadth of material covered in the Advanced HonorsGeometry, please note that not all material will be able to be assessed by quiz before it is assessed by test. It is the students’ responsibility to self-assess his or her understanding continually by completing homework assignments and checking answers to the problems. The successful Advanced Honors Integrated Math student will seek help both in and out of class from peers and Ms. Dillonon problems that were solved incorrectly.
Tests will be created to mirror the TN Ready Assessment. They will include both short answer and extended response questions. Typically, there will be both a calculator and a non-calculator portion of the test. Test dates will be announced at least one week in advance; there will typically be 2-3 tests per 9 weeks grading period.
Projects will be assigned occasionally in the place of tests or quizzes. You will receive the project guidelines and rubrics at least 1 week prior to the due date of each assignment. Late projects will only receive 50% credit.
IV. Absences:
PLEASE try not to be absent!! It is imperative that you are in class. Deadlines will be adhered to and scheduled assignments must be completed on time. Extensions will only be granted in the case of documented and extreme extenuating circumstances. However, whenever absent, it is expected that students will catch up on the missed notes.
In the case of excused absences, you have 5 calendar days to make up in-class and homework assignments assigned on the day(s) that you were absent. However, assignments that were already assigned prior the absence will still be due upon the day of your return. For example, if a homework assignment is assigned on Tuesday to be due Wednesday, and you are absent Wednesday, then you are expected to have it ready to turn in the day you return to school. This is also true of tests. If you miss a test day, then you are expected to be prepared to make up that test on the day of your return. If you miss the day prior to the test day, you are still expected to take the test on its scheduled date.
In the case of unexcused absences, the policies above apply, however work will only receive 70% credit.
VI. Rules and Policies:
The class rules are:
- Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Bring all materials to class.
- Be respectful of yourself and others.
- Adhere to the OHS student handbook.
There are a couple of policies in the OHS student handbook to highlight: Cell phones, mp3 players, and other electronics should not be seen or heard (and may not be plugged in to the classroom outlets to charge). Also, please use appropriate language at appropriate times.
In addition, I adhere to both the OHS honesty policy. It is important that you complete your work with integrity. Any work with only your name on it should represent only your work.Discussing the content of a test or quiz with a student who has not yet taken it is a violation of the honesty policy, and may result in a zero for you and the other student.
Finally, please come to class prepared to learn together! I am looking forward to a year full of fun, learning, and mathematical exploration with you!
Please come to me with any questions, concerns, worries, etc! I am here to help you achieve your greatest potential. Don’t hesitate to email me, stop by during my planning period, or schedule a meeting with me. I am excited to have you in my class, and I look forward to a great year of learning math with you!
Kathy Dillon (D3)
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Student Name:______Class & Period:______
I have fully read the Student Handbook and Syllabus for my math class. I fully understand and agree to abide by the policies and requirements of the course and to apply my dedication, time, and efforts to achieving my highest potential in the course.
X______Student, Date_____
X______Parent/Guardian Date_____
I have worked hard to write a syllabus that clearly explains my policies and procedures. While policies are subject to change if necessary, I agree to abide by the policies I have laid out in the student handbook and syllabus. I promise to give reasonable notice in the event that a policy or deadline needs to change, and to be available to discuss any concerns regarding these policies over the next year.
X______Teacher, Date_____
*Syllabus is subject to change